follow a short sequence of instructions; recognise, copy, continue and create repeating patterns represented in different ways
carrying out a specified sequence of actions to move an object from one location to another
playing a simple rule-based game, moving a specified number of places according to the result on a dice in a chance-based game
recognising, copying and describing different repeating patterns using materials, shapes, sounds and movements during activities and play; for example, making a bead necklace and describing the pattern they have created, such as ‘red, blue, green, red, blue, green, red, blue, green’, or copying repeating patterns of drumbeats or dance moves during music activities
recognising repeating patterns used at home and in daily activities to help make tasks easier or to solve problems; for example, setting the table to eat
recognising and describing repeating patterns that can be observed on Country/Place and in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander artwork, cultural performances and material cultures, for example, shell and seed necklaces, dances and songs
VC2MFA01 | Mathematics | Mathematics Version 2.0 | Foundation Level | Algebra