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Intercultural Capability

  1. 5-6

Levels 5 and 6

Levels 5 and 6 Description

In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focus is on developing the knowledge, skills and understandings to enable students to learn about diverse cultural practices and beliefs and how they compare with their own. This includes religious beliefs, traditional celebrations, family relationships, gender roles, daily routines, leisure activities and language.

The curriculum provides the opportunity for students to explore aspects of their life that are culturally determined. Students further develop their awareness of cultural diversity and reflect on intercultural experiences and how this influences their own personal attitudes and beliefs.

Levels 5 and 6 Content Descriptions

Cultural Diversity

  1. Identify barriers to and means of reaching understandings within and between culturally diverse groups (VCICCD011)
    1. exploring language variation within Australia, such as the different terms for a swimming costume (togs, cozzies or swimmers), or the practice of using diminutives, such as Aussie (Australian), sanga (sandwich) and footy (football)
    2. exploring potential barriers to intercultural understanding, language for example, and discussing possible ways to address or reduce barriers, such as Government agencies using translation services including Auslan and closed captioning
    3. brainstorming a list of questions students might ask a student in another country, and then identifying whether any of the questions may be uncomfortable for the person asking or responding
    4. using a current global issue to investigate a range of positive and negative cultural stereotypes and generalisations and identifying how they can be challenged
    5. exploring the view of Australia as a successful multicultural country and discussing potential impacts of the strengthening or weakening of this view, for example, events that help to foster inclusiveness or that may trigger an increase in racial intolerance
  2. Examine and discuss the variety of ways in which people understand and appreciate differing cultural values and perspectives, and the things which promote or inhibit effective engagement with diverse cultural groups (VCICCD012)
    1. examining laws that help to ensure that cultural difference is not a barrier to inclusion in society, for example, the Racial Discrimination Act 1975
    2. discussing ways in which the school incorporates multicultural, anti-racism, and human rights perspectives into school practices, for example through inclusive classroom practices
    3. exploring ways that people can gain a deeper knowledge and understanding of other cultural customs, for example, through historical sources, language learning, travelling abroad, art works or music
    4. using a peer-to-peer interview to explore student understandings about how cultural institutions, such as museums or galleries, present different cultural perspectives
    5. providing opportunities for students to explore and reflect on their learning about different cultural groups through journal prompts, such as ‘One interesting thing I now know is that…’ and ‘I am still curious about…’ and ‘One way I could satisfy my curiosity would be to…’

Levels 5 and 6 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students demonstrate an understanding of how beliefs and practices can be influenced by culture and explain how intercultural experiences can influence beliefs and behaviours.

Students identify the barriers to and means of reaching understandings within and between culturally diverse groups and the ways in which effective engagement with those groups is promoted or inhibited.




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