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  1. 3-4

Levels 3 and 4

Levels 3 and 4 Description

Students notice features of German communication such as the use of gestures, facial expressions and intonation patterns. They become familiar with the idea of grammatical gender and become familiar...

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Levels 3 and 4 Content Descriptions


  1. Share information with peers and teacher about aspects of their personal worlds such as friends, home, favourite objects and activities (VCDEC120)
  2. Participate collaboratively in shared class experiences and transactions (VCDEC121)
  3. Participate in everyday classroom activities, responding to questions, instructions and requests, asking for clarification or assistance and making simple statements about own and others’ learning (VCDEC122)
  1. Obtain and process information from peers and texts related to personal, social and natural worlds (VCDEC123)
  2. Present information in modelled spoken and written texts relating to personal, social and natural worlds (VCDEC124)
  1. Respond to imaginative print and digital texts in a variety of ways such as by acting out events, identifying favourite elements and making simple statements about characters (VCDEC125)
  2. Create imaginative texts such as simple plays, poems and stories, using formulaic expressions and modelled language as well as simple visual supports (VCDEC126)
  1. Compare aspects of German and English language, such as vocabulary, sounds and rhymes, and cultural information, and share with peers and family (VCDEC127)
  2. Produce texts such as signs, class word lists and picture dictionaries in both German and English for the classroom and school community (VCDEC128)
  1. Notice and describe what looks or feels similar or different to own language and culture when interacting in German (VCDEC129)
  2. Describe their own experiences of learning and using German and explore their sense of identity, including elements such as family, cultural heritage and friends (VCDEC130)

Levels 3 and 4 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 4, students interact with teachers and peers in classroom routines, action-related talk and play. They respond to instructions and use formulaic expressions to interact, ask questions, seek assistance, and make statements related to their personal worlds, for example, bitte schön; Ich bin dran; Welche Farbe? Wie viele Geschwister hast du? Mein Lieblingsspiel ist Lotto. They reproduce German short and long single vowel and diphthong sounds, including Umlaute, and Eszett, and initial consonants and blends, for example, Post/los, mein, die, Bruder/Brüder, heißen, ja, rot, singen, Sport, Winter, zwei. They answer questions related to their personal worlds with factual information, and respond to imaginative texts by identifying favourite elements, sequencing main events...

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