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  1. A

Level A (Towards Foundation)

Level A Description

In Level A, students experience and respond to personally relevant and familiar situations and events that regularly and routinely involve activities and actions such as comparing, adding and removing, distributing, placing and moving.

Level A Content Descriptions

Number and Algebra

Number and place value
  1. Respond to objects being counted and distributed (VCMNA001)
  2. Respond to situations where counting is involved (VCMNA002)
  3. Respond to groups of personally relevant objects (VCMNA003)
  4. Respond to situations where the comparison of two collections or objects is involved (VCMNA004)
  5. Respond to the removal and addition of familiar items and objects in practical situations (VCMNA005)
  6. React to practical situations of sharing (VCMNA006)
Money and financial mathematics
  1. React to everyday financial situations involving money (VCMNA007)
Patterns and algebra
  1. Respond to the identification of objects (VCMNA008)
  2. Respond to repeated routines in everyday events (VCMNA009)

Level A Achievement Standard

Number and Algebra

Students observe the use of number within their daily life. They begin to respond to numbers in everyday experiences. Students demonstrate awareness of counting by responding to number rhymes, songs, stories and finger games. They experience and respond to ‘one for you, one for me’, ‘gone’, ‘no more left’ and ‘give me more’. Students participate in making piles, groups or bundles of familiar everyday objects and respond to objects being put together and taken apart.

Measurement and Geometry

Students observe and explore objects within daily life. They react and respond to objects and experience measurement attributes in practical situations. Students explore objects of varying weights, lengths, capacities and materials. They show an awareness of time and daily routine by responding to a signal from the teacher, and items being brought out or removed. Students respond to a signal from a timer, used to indicate the end of an activity. Students explore and respond to objects of varying textures, colours, sizes and shapes. Students explore space by moving and changing position and location, and respond to changes in position.

Statistics and Probability

Students observe objects and events within their daily life. Students begin to display a similar and predictable reaction to regular events. They respond to major changes to regular games and activities associated with chance, surprise and predictability, such as moving a switch to activate a toy.

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