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Level 7

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Critical and Creative Thinking

Critical and Creative Thinking Level Description

In Levels 7 and 8, the curriculum focuses on developing the knowledge, skills and understanding to analyse thinking and the selection and application of a range of techniques to support effective...

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Critical and Creative Thinking Content Descriptions

Questions and Possibilities

  1. Consider how to approach and use questions that have different elements, including factual, temporal and conceptual elements (VCCCTQ032)
  2. Suspend judgements temporarily and consider how preconceptions may limit ideas and alternatives (VCCCTQ033)
  3. Synthesise information from multiple sources and use lateral thinking techniques to draw parallels between known and new solutions and ideas when creating original proposals and artefacts (VCCCTQ034)


  1. Examine common reasoning errors including circular arguments and cause and effect fallacies (VCCCTR035)
  2. Investigate the difference between a description, an explanation and a correlation and scepticism about cause and effect (VCCCTR036)
  3. Investigate when counter examples might be used in expressing a point of view (VCCCTR037)
  4. Consider how to settle matters of fact and matters of value and the degree of confidence in the conclusions (VCCCTR038)
  5. Examine how to select appropriate criteria and how criteria are used in clarifying and challenging arguments and ideas (VCCCTR039)


  1. Consider a range of strategies to represent ideas and explain and justify thinking processes to others (VCCCTM040)
  2. Examine a range of learning strategies and how to select strategies that best meet the requirements of a task (VCCCTM041)
  3. Consider how problems can be segmented into discrete stages, new knowledge synthesised during problem-solving and criteria used to assess emerging ideas and proposals (VCCCTM042)

Critical and Creative Thinking Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students prioritise the elements of a question and justify their selection. Students demonstrate flexibility in thinking by using a range of techniques in order to repurpose existing ideas or solutions to meet needs in new contexts.

Students explain different ways to settle matters of fact and matters of value and issues concerned with these. They explain and apply a range of techniques to test the strength of arguments.

Students use a range of strategies to represent ideas and explain and justify thinking processes to others. They evaluate the effectiveness of a range of learning strategies and select strategies that best meet the requirements of a task. Students independently segment problems into discrete stages, synthesise new knowledge at intermediate stages during problem-solving and develop and apply criteria to assess ideas, proposals and emerging thinking.

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