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Personal and Social Capability

  1. 7-8
  2. 9-10

Levels 7 and 8

Levels 7 and 8 Description

In Levels 7 and 8, the curriculum focuses on emotional self-management and the ability to recognise the characteristics of respectful relationships in a range of contexts. Students learn about personal values and how they may differ. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to demonstrate performance in a variety of team roles. They explore forms of conflict and reflect on the appropriateness of strategies to avoid or resolve conflict.

Levels 7 and 8 Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Describe how and why emotional responses may change in different contexts (VCPSCSE034)
    1. identifying the range of possible emotions in different scenarios and explore how these may be managed
    2. identifying triggers that evoke different emotions
    3. using ‘what if’ questions to explore a scenario to identify changing emotional responses
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Assess personal strengths using feedback from peers, teachers and others and prioritise areas for improvement (VCPSCSE035)
    1. developing a simple survey to gain feedback from family and friends about what they see as your strengths
    2. identifying a goal for improvement based on the feedback from others
    3. describing how you would like to receive feedback from peers about your personal strengths and share this with the class
  2. Discuss the range of strategies that could be used to cope with difficult tasks or changing situations (VCPSCSE036)
    1. defining resilience and adaptability and give examples of how they are displayed
    2. understanding that people experience situations uniquely, that people may react differently to the same situation
    3. compiling a list of strategies to guide responses to challenging moments in life
  3. Reflect on their effectiveness in working independently by identifying enablers and barriers to achieving goals (VCPSCSE037)
    1. identifying positive and negative factors that influence independent learning to achieve goals
    2. responding to scenarios and identifying a range of responses and analyse their effectiveness
    3. writing a journal entry identifying enablers and barriers after the completion of an independent task

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Explore their personal values and beliefs and analyse how these values and beliefs might be different or similar to those of others (VCPSCSO038)
    1. brainstorming a list of values and beliefs and rank them in order of importance and compare with classmates
    2. interviewing a parent or grandparent to determine what they value most and why
    3. asking students to respond to a scenario individually, such as queue jumping, and comparing responses with classmates to explore differences in values and beliefs
  2. Investigate human rights and discuss how these contribute to a cohesive community (VCPSCSO039)
    1. discussing the quote ‘no man is an island’, focusing on rights and responsibilities
    2. investigating what human rights are, looking at both the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, exploring similarities and differences between the two
    3. using examples to explore what happens when human rights are challenged
  3. Recognise the impact of personal boundaries, intimacy, distribution of power and social and cultural norms and mores on the ways relationships are expressed (VCPSCSO040)
    1. defining what personal space and boundaries might be for individuals and recognising both the positive and negative impacts of crossing these boundaries
    2. discussing whether successful relationships have agreed criteria for intimacy and other behaviours and exploring the implications if these are not adhered to
    3. looking at what society deems to be socially acceptable/unacceptable in the way relationships are expressed and how this changes over time, across cultures and across different settings
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Perform in a variety of team roles and accept responsibility as a team member and team leader, assessing how well they support other members of the team (VCPSCSO041)
    1. exploring similarities and differences between being a team leader and a team member
    2. reflecting on the success and possible improvements for various team roles undertaken
    3. developing strategies to support others to be successful in pursuit of team goals
  2. Identify ways to be proactive in initiating strategies to prevent and/or accomplish positive resolutions to conflict (VCPSCSO042)
    1. exploring the different types of potential conflicts and points of intervention
    2. discussing the merits of pre-emptive action versus conflict resolution
    3. developing a toolkit of strategies to use in different conflict situations to achieve successful outcomes

Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students reflect on the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships. They use feedback to identify their achievements and prioritise areas for improvement. They initiate and undertake some tasks independently, within negotiated time frames and use criteria to review their work. They reflect on strategies to cope with difficult situations and are able to justify their choice of strategy demonstrating knowledge of resilience and adaptability.

Students explain the impact of valuing diversity and promoting human rights in the community. They explore the values and beliefs of different groups in society. They identify indicators of respectful relationships in a range of social and work-related situations. They explain the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives. They assess the appropriateness of various strategies to avoid or resolve conflict in a range of situations.

Levels 9 and 10

Levels 9 and 10 Description

In Levels 9 and 10, the curriculum focuses on analysing factors that influence respectful relationships in a range of diverse settings and the importance of empathy and respect for diversity in creating a cohesive society. Students are provided with opportunities to engage in activities that promote initiative, independence, interdependence and leadership. They evaluate their contribution to group tasks and suggest improvements to enable achievement of a team goal. Students explore the nature of conflict in a range of personal, local, national and global contexts. They evaluate a variety of strategies to prevent or resolve conflict.

Levels 9 and 10 Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Evaluate emotional responses and the management of emotions in a range of contexts (VCPSCSE043)
    1. comparing emotions felt and expressed in a range of different scenarios and make recommendations about the preferred response, indicating the reasons for the recommendations
    2. developing a guide for managing a range of emotions in different situations
    3. rewriting a scenario to demonstrate alternative ways to express or manage emotions
    4. discussing strategies that may be used to control emotional responses in different situations
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Develop criteria to appraise personal qualities and use these to design strategies to plan for the future or address a challenge (VCPSCSE044)
    1. imagining you are developing a role description for a position, such as a school captain, what personal qualities would be required and what criteria would be used to select the most appropriate person
    2. examining personal qualities, and identifying strengths and areas of improvement and designing a plan for an upcoming challenge such as beginning senior secondary studies
    3. identifying a personal goal or challenge, such as getting a part-time job, and developing a list of personal qualities that would assist in meeting this goal or challenge
  2. Analyse the significance of independence and individual responsibility in the completion of challenging tasks (VCPSCSE045)
    1. creating a mind map drawing connections between independence, individual responsibility and successful completion of a challenging task
    2. drawing links between the degree of responsibility and their motivation to complete tasks
    3. responding to the following statement ‘There is no one to blame when you work on your own’
  3. Evaluate behaviours and protective factors that contribute to the development of confidence, adaptability and self-reflection (VCPSCSE046)
    1. defining the concept of protective behaviours and give examples
    2. identifying factors that lead to improved confidence, adaptability and self-reflection
    3. assessing a range of behaviours and the effect these have on their ability to adapt to challenges
    4. identifying a challenging situation or task and analyse the factors that contribute to managing the situation or completing the task
    5. developing questions to support self-reflection in relation to confidence and adaptability

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Analyse how divergent values and beliefs contribute to different perspectives on social issues (VCPSCSO047)
    1. reading letters to the editor on a particular issue and summarising the different perspectives presented
    2. exploring links between personal values and perspectives on social issues such as homelessness in major cities, asylum seekers or the celebration of Indigenous Australian heritage
    3. exploring a social issue, such as homelessness, and articulating a range of views and possible reasons for differences
  2. Acknowledge the importance of empathy and the acceptance of diversity for a cohesive community and reflect on the effectiveness of strategies for being respectful of diversity and human rights (VCPSCSO048)
    1. exploring definitions of empathy and using examples to demonstrate understanding of this concept
    2. discussing how human rights are expressed across a range of contexts, for example at home, school or workplace, in local or global scenarios
    3. analysing the effects of actions that promote human rights and build a respectful cohesive community
  3. Investigate personal, social and cultural factors that influence the ability to experience positive and respectful relationships and explore the rights and responsibilities of individuals in relationships (VCPSCSO049)
    1. imagining the effect that saying ‘no’ to a request would have on a relationship and how personal, social and cultural factors could influence the outcome
    2. using a range of scenarios students develop a list of rights and responsibilities to support respectful relationships
    3. outlining how questions such as ‘How does that make you feel?’ or statements such as ‘that must be hard’ can foster respectful relationships
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Evaluate own and others contribution to group tasks, critiquing roles including leadership and provide useful feedback to peers, evaluate task achievement and make recommendations for improvements in relation to team goals (VCPSCSO050)
    1. assessing the overall success of completion of a task by a group
    2. describing and reflecting on the relative contribution of individual group members to the overall completion of a task and provide feedback to peers
    3. relating group success to the clarity of roles each member has and develop strategies to ensure future role division aligns with the demands of tasks and skill sets of group members
    4. suggesting improvements to the process of working in teams, by reflecting on a specific experience
  2. Develop specific skills and a variety of strategies to prevent or resolve conflict, and explore the nature of conflict resolution in a range of contexts (VCPSCSO051)
    1. identifying stages of conflict and the key skills required in managing conflict across a range of situations
    2. researching strategies that can be used to manage conflict across home, school, community and workplace contexts
    3. examining the impact of language, listening skills and power dynamics on conflict, and how this contributes to resolution or continuation of conflict

Levels 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students reflect critically on their emotional responses to challenging situations in a wide range of contexts. They demonstrate persistence, motivation, initiative and decision-making through completion of challenging tasks. They evaluate personal characteristics, strategies and sources of support used to cope with stressful situations/life challenges.

Students analyse the effects of actions that repress human rights and limit the expression of diverse views. They analyse factors that influence different types of relationships. They critique their ability to devise and enact strategies for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks. They develop and apply criteria to evaluate the outcomes of group tasks and make recommendations for improvements. They generate, apply and evaluate strategies to prevent and resolve conflicts in a range of contexts.

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