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Personal and Social Capability

Showing all levels Showing all strands
  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D  
  5. F
  6. 1-2
  7. 3-4
  8. 5-6
  9. 7-8
  10. 9-10

Level A (Towards Foundation)

Level A Description

In Level A, the curriculum focuses on enabling students to react and engage with and to be socially receptive to others. Students show emotions when reacting to people and events they experience. Students begin to develop an understanding of themselves and their needs. The curriculum provides opportunity for students to interact with others and develop emotional bonds.

Level A Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions
  1. React to people and express emotions (VCPSCSE052)
Development of resilience
  1. Identify significant objects and people and make a choice between alternatives to show what they like (VCPSCSE053)
  2. Experience problems within everyday situations and assist to implement routine and accept assistance from familiar adults to manage problems (VCPSCSE054)

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity
  1. Identify significant people by gesturing, vocalising or orienting towards them (VCPSCSO055)
  2. Supported to interact with others (VCPSCSO056)
  1. Develop ability to focus attention on others and acknowledge their presence (VCPSCSO057)
  2. Interact with another showing cooperation (VCPSCSO058)

Level A Achievement Standard

By the end of Level A students express emotions in relation to a current situation. They indicate a preference between two alternatives. They recognise and react to significant people. They accept assistance from a familiar adult when faced with a problem and undertake simple routine tasks coactively.

Students react to the attention of others and focus on significant people and watch and respond to others showing cooperation.

Level D (Towards Foundation)

Level D Description

In Level D, the curriculum focuses on enabling students to learn how to be socially perceptive. Students learn to guide their behaviour across a range of familiar situations. They learn to adhere...

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Level D Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions
  1. Name a range of emotions and describe how these are expressed or shown (VCPSCSE073)
Development of resilience
  1. Identify characteristics of self and share their likes and dislikes (VCPSCSE074)
  2. Identify situations that could be a problem or challenge and discuss relevant self-help skills (VCPSCSE075)

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity
  1. Categorise familiar people and members of their family and class (VCPSCSO076)
  2. Work with various peers, including participating in an activity they didn’t like (VCPSCSO077)
  1. Respond to others in group situations, playing or working in a small group cooperatively (VCPSCSO078)
  2. Demonstrate some understanding that negative words and actions are hurtful and that their behaviour can impact on others (VCPSCSO079)

Level D Achievement Standard

By the end of Level D, students can name emotional responses and identify the cause of emotions. They can identify some characteristics of self. They use cues and prompts to solve simple problems.

Students can identify people associated with particular events and routines. They attend to and implement some basic social rules. They cooperate with others when working or playing in groups, showing an understanding of the impact of their behaviour on others.

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