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Economics and Business

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  1. 5-6
  2. 7-8
  3. 9-10

Levels 5 and 6

Levels 5 and 6 Description

In Levels 5 and 6, students explore the importance of economic and financial decision-making in everyday life. They consider the concept of opportunity cost and examine why decisions about the ways...

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Levels 5 and 6 Content Descriptions

Resource Allocation and Making Choices

  1. Describe the difference between needs and wants and explain why choices need to be made (VCEBR001)
  2. Explore the concept of opportunity cost and explain how it involves choices about the alternative use of limited resources and the need to consider trade-offs (VCEBR002)
  3. Identify types of resources (natural, human, capital) and explore the ways societies use them in order to satisfy the needs and wants of present and future generations (VCEBR003)

Consumer and Financial Literacy

  1. Identify influences on consumer choices and explore strategies that can be used to help make informed personal consumer and financial choices (VCEBC004)
  2. Consider the effect that the consumer and financial decisions of individuals may have on themselves, their family, the broader community and the natural, economic and business environment (VCEBC005)

The Business Environment

  1. Identify the reasons businesses exist and investigate the different ways they produce and distribute goods and services (VCEBB006)

Work and Work Futures

  1. Explore the nature and meaning of work and why individuals choose to participate in work (VCEBW007)
  2. Investigate the influences on the ways people work and explore factors affecting work now and into the future (VCEBW008)

Enterprising Behaviours and Capabilities

  1. Investigate the nature and explain the importance of enterprising behaviours and capabilities (VCEBN009)

Economic and Business Reasoning and Interpretation

  1. Make decisions, identify appropriate actions by considering the advantages and disadvantages, and form conclusions concerning an economics or business issue or event (VCEBE010)

Levels 5 and 6 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students distinguish between needs and wants and recognise that choices need to be made when allocating resources. They recognise that consumer choices and financial decisions are influenced by a range of factors and describe the effects of these choices and decisions on themselves, their family, others, the economy and the natural, economic and business environments. Students identify strategies that will assist in making informed consumer and financial decisions. They explain the purpose of business and recognise the different ways that businesses choose to provide goods and services. Students outline the many reasons why people work and describe the changing nature of work. They describe the nature of enterprising behaviours and capabilities and explain why these behaviours are important for individuals and businesses. Students outline the advantages and disadvantages of proposed actions in response to an economics and/or business issue or event and identify the possible effects of their decisions on themselves and others.

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