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Personal and Social Capability

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D  
  5. F
  6. 1-2
  7. 3-4
  8. 5-6
  9. 7-8
  10. 9-10

Level A (Towards Foundation)

Level A Description

In Level A, the curriculum focuses on enabling students to react and engage with and to be socially receptive to others. Students show emotions when reacting to people and events they experience. Students begin to develop an understanding of themselves and their needs. The curriculum provides opportunity for students to interact with others and develop emotional bonds.

Level A Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. React to people and express emotions (VCPSCSE052)
    1. reacting positively or negatively to an element in their environment, for example person, object, activity or event
    2. communicating basic needs through emotional displays such as crying, sounds, physical movement, facial expression
    3. having emotional displays ‘labelled’ by an adult, for example you look sad/ happy/ upset
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Identify significant objects and people and make a choice between alternatives to show what they like (VCPSCSE053)
    1. reacting to the sound of their name
    2. accepting and rejecting objects or activities by an emotional response
    3. focusing on familiar people and objects
  2. Experience problems within everyday situations and assist to implement routine and accept assistance from familiar adults to manage problems (VCPSCSE054)
    1. reacting to major changes in the environment
    2. experiencing their reactions being labelled and responded to, for example being comforted if sad or distressed
    3. experiencing adult comfort or support to cope with emotional events and adults providing solutions to their everyday problems

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Identify significant people by gesturing, vocalising or orienting towards them (VCPSCSO055)
    1. focusing on familiar people
    2. accepting assistance from a familiar person
    3. beginning to attend to and respond to people
  2. Supported to interact with others (VCPSCSO056)
    1. reacting to the attention from others
    2. forming emotional bonds with familiar adults
    3. watching and responding to others
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Develop ability to focus attention on others and acknowledge their presence (VCPSCSO057)
    1. attending to activities and people for short periods of time
    2. learning to follow teacher direction
    3. orientating their attention to an activity or person
  2. Interact with another showing cooperation (VCPSCSO058)
    1. experiencing the sensory elements of an interaction
    2. learning to react and give attention to others

Level A Achievement Standard

By the end of Level A students express emotions in relation to a current situation. They indicate a preference between two alternatives. They recognise and react to significant people. They accept assistance from a familiar adult when faced with a problem and undertake simple routine tasks coactively.

Students react to the attention of others and focus on significant people and watch and respond to others showing cooperation.

Level B (Towards Foundation)

Level B Description

In Level B, the curriculum focuses on students learning how to be socially responsive. Students are developing an awareness of the emotions in themselves and others. Students are developing a sense of self and exploring their personal characteristics and abilities. The curriculum provides opportunity for students to participate in a variety of social situations. At this level student involvement in social exchanges is directed and regulated by the teacher.

Level B Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Respond to people or events and demonstrate a range of emotions (VCPSCSE059)
    1. beginning to notice peers and their significant emotional expression
    2. indicating the immediate and present cause of emotions
    3. exploring emotions, people’s physical characteristics, labels and visual representations
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Indicate the personal characteristics and the abilities they possess (VCPSCSE060)
    1. starting to recognise themselves in a mirror and photographs
    2. exploring the personal characteristics and capabilities they possess through structured learning activities
    3. reflecting on their own learning and personal characteristics by answering ‘yes’ and ‘no’ questions
  2. Follow teacher direction and orientate their attention to an activity or person and persist in a task when supported by teacher (VCPSCSE061)
    1. demonstrating a readiness to explore and participate in new experiences
    2. initiating a task once prompted by a teacher and following prompts to persist
    3. exploring and using a variety of different resources and tools in structured learning activities

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Identify members of their family and some members of their class (VCPSCSO062)
    1. responding to and cooperating with familiar adults
    2. developing an awareness of others
    3. selecting a family member in a photograph
  2. Participate in routine activities and interact with others in a range of familiar contexts instigated by the teacher (VCPSCSO063)
    1. undertaking everyday routines under supervision
    2. demonstrating simple social skills such as attending to others and turn taking during structured activities
    3. following adult prompts to regulate their emotional expressions and control impulses
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Demonstrate some simple social skills including attending to others, greeting, and following adult directions (VCPSCSO064)
    1. participating as part of a school group under teacher direction
    2. interacting with peers in a structured activity
    3. following basic social rules to support playing alongside others
  2. Demonstrate awareness of basic social rules by responding to assistance provided by an adult (VCPSCSO065)
    1. accepting adult support to manage emotional expression
    2. following adult prompts on what to do and expected behaviour in classroom situations
    3. accepting help during an interaction

Level B Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students express a range of basic emotions that indicate their feelings. They explore personal characteristics and abilities. Students focus on a task demonstrating persistence.

Students recognise familiar people and demonstrate ways to interact with others. They respond to teacher prompts to follow basic social rules when working alongside others.

Level C (Towards Foundation)

Level C Description

In Level C, this curriculum focuses on enabling students to be socially active. Students are becoming peer focused and learning how to actively interact with peers. Students are learning to name and respond to emotions.

Students are learning about their personal preferences. They are learning to try a variety of learning activities and, with support and encouragement, participate in an unfamiliar activity.

The curriculum provides opportunity for students to learn skills required to work in a group.

Level C Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Name emotions shown by self and match these emotions to familiar events or experiences (VCPSCSE066)
    1. using words, signs or symbols to name emotions of self or others
    2. responding to the emotions of others and indicating the immediate and present causes of other’s emotional reactions
    3. matching emotion to a recent familiar event or experience
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Change, accept and reject things based on their personal preference (VCPSCSE067)
    1. producing responses to specific people and objects based on experience and preference
    2. trying a variety of learning activities and developing personal preferences
    3. expressing feelings about learning activities
  2. Try a variety of activities and completing some steps in a set routine independently (VCPSCSE068)
    1. independently carry out simple, familiar activities and using cues from others to work out next movement in a familiar routine
    2. learning to follow adult prompts to stop external and internal distractions
    3. making choices about learning activities

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Identify familiar adults and explore groups they belong to (VCPSCSO069)
    1. greeting people they know
    2. initiating interactions with preferred fellow students
  2. Follow adult directions to intentionally participate in class activities and follow rules and routines (VCPSCSO070)
    1. controlling impulses during structured activities
    2. using property safely and playing fairly with peers during structured activities
    3. developing greeting skills
    4. responding to a teacher’s instructions and completing a set task
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Follow basic social rules regarding the sharing and care of property and social expectations regarding behaviour (VCPSCSO071)
    1. greeting and interacting with others during play and class activities
    2. using property safely, demonstrating and identifying some acceptable ways of behaving
    3. working cooperatively, taking turns and sharing some items
  2. Identify reactions and solutions to familiar social problems in supported situations (VCPSCSO072)
    1. developing skills to contribute, give compliments, and listen to the opinions of others during supported collaborative activities
    2. following simple rules during collaborative activities
    3. working with various peers when requested by a teacher

Level C Achievement Standard

By the end of Level C, students can recognise some key emotions and identify events or people that impact on these feelings. They can complete some familiar tasks unaided and try some new activities.

Students identify and name some class members and familiar adults. They follow simple rules, participate in group activities cooperatively, take turns and share some items. When prompted they can identify acceptable and unacceptable ways to behave in familiar situations.

Level D (Towards Foundation)

Level D Description

In Level D, the curriculum focuses on enabling students to learn how to be socially perceptive. Students learn to guide their behaviour across a range of familiar situations. They learn to adhere to class practice, offer assistance, share, initiate activities and regulate emotional expression.

Students are learning to name emotional responses and becoming aware of how their reactions impact on others. Students are learning about their characteristics, strengths and preferences. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to build their independence to establish and maintain friendships and skills required to work in a small group.

Level D Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Name a range of emotions and describe how these are expressed or shown (VCPSCSE073)
    1. using a range of emotions that are shown in a person’s facial expression
    2. explaining generalised causes of own emotions
    3. regulating facial, bodily and vocal expression of emotion for own benefit or the benefit of others
    4. differentiating emotional responses and demonstrating an awareness of the causes and effects of emotional reactions
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Identify characteristics of self and share their likes and dislikes (VCPSCSE074)
    1. naming and responding to questions about self, for example age, gender
    2. naming or labelling familiar people, objects and places
    3. recalling personal experiences and facts about a topic of interest when supported through guided questioning
  2. Identify situations that could be a problem or challenge and discuss relevant self-help skills (VCPSCSE075)
    1. expressing and communicating their feelings, needs and choices in increasingly appropriate ways
    2. showing a readiness and willingness to be taught how to do some things not yet learned or tried
    3. seeking help when they cannot solve a problem or challenge, or when a peer needs help

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Categorise familiar people and members of their family and class (VCPSCSO076)
    1. naming self, family members and classmates from a photograph
    2. seeking a consistent friendship group or person during recreation and class group work and identifying own ‘friends’ when asked
    3. identifying people associated with particular events and routines
  2. Work with various peers, including participating in an activity they didn’t like (VCPSCSO077)
    1. cooperating with others when working or playing in groups
    2. implementing some self-help skills when attempting to complete a task they didn’t like
    3. developing some simple strategies to work with new team members
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Respond to others in group situations, playing or working in a small group cooperatively (VCPSCSO078)
    1. demonstrating some basic rules of cooperation, for example, sharing and taking turns appropriately
    2. cooperating with others when working or playing in groups
    3. showing an understanding of sharing with regard to personal belongings, class items and resources
  2. Demonstrate some understanding that negative words and actions are hurtful and that their behaviour can impact on others (VCPSCSO079)
    1. using peer behaviour as a cue for own behaviour showing both positive and negative reactions
    2. demonstrating an understanding that their behaviour can impact on others
    3. regulate own behaviour and emotional expression in familiar contexts
    4. sharing how it feels when other people use negative words or actions

Level D Achievement Standard

By the end of Level D, students can name emotional responses and identify the cause of emotions. They can identify some characteristics of self. They use cues and prompts to solve simple problems.

Students can identify people associated with particular events and routines. They attend to and implement some basic social rules. They cooperate with others when working or playing in groups, showing an understanding of the impact of their behaviour on others.

Foundation Level

Foundation Level Description

In Foundation, this curriculum focuses on enabling students to interact and play constructively with others and to establish friendships with peers. Students develop a vocabulary to describe the emotions they experience when interacting with others. Students begin to develop an understanding that individuals are unique but also have characteristics in common. The curriculum provides opportunity for students to begin establishing and naming the skills required to work in groups.

Foundation Level Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Develop a vocabulary and practise the expression of emotions to describe how they feel in different familiar situations (VCPSCSE001)
    1. developing a list of alternative words to describe an emotion such as happy, sad or angry
    2. responding to stimulus showing familiar situations and describe the emotions displayed
    3. identifying how characters feel in stories/movies and the range of words that could be used to describe their emotions
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Identify their likes and dislikes, needs and wants, abilities and strengths (VCPSCSE002)
    1. discussing and listing individual likes, interests and dislikes
    2. comparing needs and wants in daily life by asking the question ‘could you live without this?’
    3. exploring abilities, strengths and achievements and share with others
  2. Recognise that problems or challenges are a normal part of life and that there are actions that can be undertaken to manage problems (VCPSCSE003)
    1. developing a list of responses to the prompt ‘It is important to keep trying because...’
    2. describing a challenge you may have faced in the last week, such as making a new friend, and create a list of actions that could assist
    3. developing a list of challenges that a student in Prep may face this year, such as learning to swim or looking after their possessions, and discuss why it is important to keep trying

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Identify a range of groups to which they, their family and members of their class belong (VCPSCSO004)
    1. discussing the features/characteristics of the groups that they and their families belong to by sharing stories, artefacts and images
    2. sharing descriptions of groups that they belong to
    3. surveying class members to show that there are many ways to group people, such as students who own a pet, walk to school or who like ice-cream
  2. Practise the skills required to include others and make friends with peers, teachers and other adults (VCPSCSO005)
    1. discussing what it means to be friendly and make a list of the qualities of a friend
    2. role playing a range of scenarios such as saying hello to a new student in your class or thanking an adult for helping you
    3. describing how it feels when talking with teachers and other adults
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Name and practise basic skills required to work collaboratively with peers (VCPSCSO006)
    1. demonstrating how to listen to others, showing interest and support
    2. sharing equipment or practicing taking turns in a game
    3. demonstrating attentiveness to others by asking further questions in discussion
  2. Use appropriate language to describe what happens and how they feel when experiencing positive interactions or conflict (VCPSCSO007)
    1. describing a range of interactions such as who, what, why and how did it make them feel
    2. reflecting on how it feels when someone does not share equipment or play spaces
    3. practising the language used to describe positive emotions experienced
    4. recognising negative emotions resulting from conflict

Foundation Level Achievement Standard

By the end of Foundation Level, students identify and express a range of emotions in their interactions with others. They recognise personal qualities and achievements by describing activities they enjoy at school and home, noting their strengths. They recognise that attempting new and challenging tasks are an important part of their development.

Students identify different types of relationships. They begin to identify and practise basic skills for including and working with others in groups.

Levels 1 and 2

Levels 1 and 2 Description

In Levels 1 and 2, the curriculum focuses on enabling students to learn about making and keeping friends and understanding the effects that their actions have on others. Students extend their vocabulary to describe the emotions they experience when interacting with others. Students develop an understanding that others can have different opinions and they learn to identify appropriate ways to respond to these differences. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to use skills required for participation in group tasks. Students practise the skills to solve simple problems and suggest actions that could be taken to resolve conflict.

Levels 1 and 2 Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Extend their vocabulary through which to recognise and describe emotions and when, how and with whom it is appropriate to share emotions (VCPSCSE008)
    1. developing and displaying in the classroom a list of alternative words for emotions such as excited or fearful
    2. discussing whether it is easy to talk to someone when you are happy, excited, angry, sad or scared
    3. imagining you are afraid of the dark, describe how you would tell a friend, parent or teacher
    4. identifying situations when it might not be appropriate to openly share feelings
    5. exploring when it might be appropriate to use the strategy of ‘counting to ten’ before responding
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Identify personal strengths and describe how these strengths are useful in school or family life (VCPSCSE009)
    1. describing a personal strength you have and how this can have a positive impact at home with your family
    2. discussing personal strengths, such as listening carefully, and list possible ways this can be used in class activities and the effect it has on others
    3. explaining the consequences of their strengths at school and in their family life
    4. responding to the following prompt ‘It does not matter if I cannot run fast because I can ...’
  2. Explain how being prepared to try new things can help identify strategies when faced with unfamiliar or challenging situations (VCPSCSE010)
    1. introducing the topics, such as fear, unfamiliar situations, change and challenge, and discussing how these situations make them feel and respond
    2. interviewing family members, peers and others about ‘their first day of school,’ or other unfamiliar situations and acknowledging that everyone has fears
    3. understanding that giving it a go and trying new things is important and can result in positive experiences and growth, and establishing when this has happened in the past

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Identify how families can have a range of relationships (VCPSCSO011)
    1. exploring the features of their family including who lives at home and name their relationships to each of these people
    2. brainstorming what is a family’s role, such as providing love, support and food, and identify the family members who undertake these tasks
    3. graphing class results showing the number of students who have brothers, sisters and pets
  2. Listen to others’ ideas, and recognise that others may see things differently (VCPSCSO012)
    1. sharing with a partner things that they like to do and partner then retells the whole class comparing what is similar and what is different
    2. providing students with a series of statements, such as cats are better than dogs or chocolate ice-cream is better than vanilla, ask students to share their opinion and provide a reason
    3. discussing how opinions and thoughts may change after hearing others’ ideas, and that different views are not better or worse, just different
  3. Describe ways of making and keeping friends, including how actions and words can help or hurt others, and the effects of modifying their behaviour (VCPSCSO013)
    1. creating a list of strategies, including words and actions, which students have used to make friends in their life
    2. discussing what friendships require to be maintained such as kindness, support, acceptance, respect
    3. providing examples of respect to one another showing both words and actions and discussing how negative words and actions can hurt and making suggestions about how to modify behaviours
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Use basic skills required for participation in group tasks and respond to simple questions about their contribution to group tasks (VCPSCSO014)
    1. establishing what makes a good group member, such as sharing ideas, listening to others, questions, discussions and feedback
    2. listing the ways that group members asked and responded to questions in a group task
    3. asking students to reflect on their contribution to group task
  2. Recognise that conflict occurs and distinguish between appropriate and inappropriate ways to deal with conflict (VCPSCSO015)
    1. discussing where and when conflict has occurred and reflecting on the cause
    2. role-playing familiar situations of conflict and comparing various reactions to the conflict
    3. in relation to a scenario, such as a disagreement over who can play on or with equipment, asking students to discuss possible strategies to respond to this conflict in a respectful way

Levels 1 and 2 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 2, students show an awareness of the feelings and needs of others. They identify and describe personal interests, skills and achievements and reflect on how these might contribute to school or family life. They recognise the importance of persisting when faced with new and challenging tasks.

Students recognise the diversity of families and communities. They describe similarities and differences in points of view between themselves and others. They demonstrate ways to interact with and care for others. They describe their contribution to group tasks. They practise solving simple problems, recognising there are many ways to resolve conflict.

Levels 3 and 4

Levels 3 and 4 Description

In Levels 3 and 4, the curriculum focuses on developing students’ understandings of positive relationships and connections. Students extend their emotional literacy via an enhanced vocabulary of understanding and describing emotions. They learn about the importance of valuing difference in individuals and groups and how appreciating diversity contributes to positive relationships. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to learn to work both independently and in teams. Students discuss the causes of conflicts commonly experienced and discuss options to reduce the possibility of or to resolve conflict.

Levels 3 and 4 Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Identify and explore the expression of emotions in social situations and the impact on self and others (VCPSCSE016)
    1. exploring how you might feel when meeting new people
    2. identifying behaviours which may influence the emotions of self and others, such as smiling
    3. interpreting the possible emotions of others, by observing their body language
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Identify personal strengths and select personal qualities that could be further developed (VCPSCSE017)
    1. listing personal strengths and giving examples of how these strengths contribute to wellbeing
    2. identifying personal qualities to be developed and giving reasons for their choices
    3. setting and monitoring goals to develop new personal qualities, such as the ability to share
  2. Identify how persistence and adaptability can be used when faced with challenging situations and change (VCPSCSE018)
    1. identifying ways to manage potentially difficult or harmful situations by considering possible actions or choices
    2. listing a range of help-seeking strategies to assist them to cope with challenge and change
    3. discussing the saying ‘If at first you do not succeed try try again’
  3. Name and describe the skills required to work independently (VCPSCSE019)
    1. brainstorming strategies to work independently
    2. describing why seeking help could be considered an important skill when working alone
    3. explaining why time management would be important when working independently

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Examine the similarities and differences between individuals and groups based on factors such as sex, age, ability, language, culture and religion (VCPSCSO020)
    1. surveying the class and use data to present a diagram to explore similarities and differences, such as the cultural background of students
    2. describing the person beside you and identifying one thing which is the same and one thing that is different
    3. describing the similarities and differences between people of different ages, such as babies, teenagers, parents and grandparents
  2. Describe the ways in which similarities and differences can affect relationships (VCPSCSO021)
    1. thinking about someone you admire and explore whether there are similarities or differences between yourself and that person
    2. reading a story to enable students to discuss similarities and differences and the affect on relationships
    3. discussing the statement ‘Differences can contribute to good relationships’
  3. Identify the importance of including others in activities, groups and games (VCPSCSO022)
    1. identifying the emotions that are experienced if others are excluded from activities, groups or games
    2. developing inclusive practices which impact on others’ emotions, such as ‘invitation to join a group’
    3. recognising the effects of inclusive behaviour, for example ‘feeling valued’ or ‘belonging to a group’
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Demonstrate skills for effective participation in group tasks and use criteria provided to reflect on the effectiveness of the teams in which they participate (VCPSCSO023)
    1. brainstorming the characteristics of an effective team
    2. listing cooperative skills required for effective teamwork, for example turn-taking, respecting different points of view, decision-making skills
    3. reflecting on the effectiveness of group tasks by using criteria
  2. Identify conflicts that may occur in peer groups and suggest possible causes and resolutions (VCPSCSO024)
    1. brainstorming the conflicts experienced with peers and list the emotions which are associated with these conflicts
    2. describing the characteristics of cooperative behaviour and give examples of how to use these in peer groups
    3. exploring the causes of conflict and initiate strategies which help to resolve these conflicts, for example ‘Stop it. I don’t like it’ and help-seeking behaviours

Levels 3 and 4 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 4, students explain the consequences of emotional responses in a range of social situations. They recognise personal strengths and challenges and identify skills they would like to develop. They suggest strategies for coping with difficult situations. They persist with tasks when faced with challenges and adapt their approach when first attempts are not successful.

Students discuss the value of diverse perspectives and through their interactions they demonstrate respect for a diverse range of people and groups. They describe factors that contribute to positive relationships with peers, other people at school and in the community. They explain characteristics of cooperative behaviours and they use criteria to identify evidence of this in group activities. They identify a range of conflict resolution strategies to negotiate positive outcomes to problems.

Levels 5 and 6

Levels 5 and 6 Description

In Levels 5 and 6, the curriculum focuses on exploring the expression of emotions and how the expression of emotions can impact on relationships with others. Students consider the characteristics of respectful relationships and the behaviours that demonstrate sensitivity to diversity. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to experience various team roles including leadership, and to reflect on their performance in group tasks. They identify the reasons for and the impact of conflict and suggest strategies to reduce or resolve conflict.

Levels 5 and 6 Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Explore the links between their emotions and their behaviour (VCPSCSE025)
    1. creating a video or play to show the links between emotions and behaviour
    2. analysing stories/movies to demonstrate the links between emotions and behaviour
    3. exploring how individuals experience changing emotions and changing intensity of emotions, depending on the situation and day
    4. predicting probable emotions and subsequent behaviours by interpreting body language
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Reflect on how personal strengths have assisted in achieving success at home, at school or in the community (VCPSCSE026)
    1. identifying personal strengths in others, such as courage, sense of humour and determination and explaining how these could contribute to achieving success
    2. describing what being successful at school looks and feels like and what personal strengths would assist
    3. listing personal strengths that would make you successful at home, school and in the community and discussing the strengths that are common in all three settings
  2. Describe what it means to be confident, adaptable and persistent and why these attributes are important in dealing with new or challenging situations (VCPSCSE027)
    1. responding to the statement that ‘playing sport develops confidence, adaptability and persistence’
    2. sharing and discussing ideas about how people respond to new or challenging situations, such as changing school, and describing what it means to be resilient
    3. in relation to a fairy tale, identifying when the characters were being confident, adaptable and/or persistent and explaining your reasons
  3. Identify the skills for working independently and describe their performance when undertaking independent tasks (VCPSCSE028)
    1. responding to a case study showing an independent task, highlighting the successes and areas for improvement
    2. defining what it means to be an independent learner
    3. preparing a work plan outlining the steps to be undertaken in order to complete an independent task
    4. developing a list of success criteria in order to monitor and cross-check their progress

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Explore and discuss behaviours that demonstrate sensitivity to individual, social and cultural differences (VCPSCSO029)
    1. presenting students with a range of scenarios and discussing how they might react in that situation and explaining why
    2. explaining why people are asked to stand up for elderly passengers on public transport
  2. Define and recognise examples of stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice and discuss how they impact on the individual (VCPSCSO030)
    1. identifying the terms ‘stereotype’, ‘discrimination’ and ‘prejudice’ and giving examples of these
    2. discussing how lack of understanding and respect for diversity can impact on people’s lives
    3. presenting students with a range of newspaper articles and asking them to identify examples of stereotypes, discrimination and prejudice and reflect on how these could impact on the individual
  3. Describe the characteristics of respectful relationships and suggest ways that respectful relationships can be achieved (VCPSCSO031)
    1. brainstorming the characteristics of respectful relationships and displaying them on a concept map
    2. working in groups to develop a tip sheet for achieving respectful relationships
    3. using a story to stimulate discussion about the characteristics and achievement of respectful relationships
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Identify the characteristics of an effective team and develop descriptions for particular roles including leadership, and describe both their own and their team’s performance when undertaking various roles (VCPSCSO032)
    1. describing team roles referring to leader, recorder and reporter
    2. developing role descriptors which describe the skills and behaviours of collaborative teams
    3. assessing the effectiveness of roles within a collaborative group from an individual perspective
    4. articulating what successful teams look like, feel like and do
  2. Describe the various causes of conflict and evaluate possible strategies to address conflict (VCPSCSO033)
    1. identifying the causes of conflict in a range of scenarios, by recognising the ‘needs’ and ‘wants’ of the individuals
    2. exploring the causes of conflict and suggesting possible consequences on families, friends and bystanders
    3. using conflict resolution strategies in social situations and describing their effectiveness

Levels 5 and 6 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students describe different ways to express emotions and the relationship between emotions and behaviour. They describe the influence that personal qualities and strengths have on achieving success. They undertake some extended tasks independently and describe task progress. They identify and describe personal attributes important in developing resilience.

Students recognise and appreciate the uniqueness of all people. They are able to explain how individual, social and cultural differences may increase vulnerability to stereotypes. They identify characteristics of respectful relationships. They contribute to groups and teams suggesting improvements for methods used in group projects and investigations. They identify causes and effects of conflict and explain different strategies to defuse or resolve conflict situations.

Levels 7 and 8

Levels 7 and 8 Description

In Levels 7 and 8, the curriculum focuses on emotional self-management and the ability to recognise the characteristics of respectful relationships in a range of contexts. Students learn about personal values and how they may differ. The curriculum provides opportunities for students to demonstrate performance in a variety of team roles. They explore forms of conflict and reflect on the appropriateness of strategies to avoid or resolve conflict.

Levels 7 and 8 Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Describe how and why emotional responses may change in different contexts (VCPSCSE034)
    1. identifying the range of possible emotions in different scenarios and explore how these may be managed
    2. identifying triggers that evoke different emotions
    3. using ‘what if’ questions to explore a scenario to identify changing emotional responses
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Assess personal strengths using feedback from peers, teachers and others and prioritise areas for improvement (VCPSCSE035)
    1. developing a simple survey to gain feedback from family and friends about what they see as your strengths
    2. identifying a goal for improvement based on the feedback from others
    3. describing how you would like to receive feedback from peers about your personal strengths and share this with the class
  2. Discuss the range of strategies that could be used to cope with difficult tasks or changing situations (VCPSCSE036)
    1. defining resilience and adaptability and give examples of how they are displayed
    2. understanding that people experience situations uniquely, that people may react differently to the same situation
    3. compiling a list of strategies to guide responses to challenging moments in life
  3. Reflect on their effectiveness in working independently by identifying enablers and barriers to achieving goals (VCPSCSE037)
    1. identifying positive and negative factors that influence independent learning to achieve goals
    2. responding to scenarios and identifying a range of responses and analyse their effectiveness
    3. writing a journal entry identifying enablers and barriers after the completion of an independent task

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Explore their personal values and beliefs and analyse how these values and beliefs might be different or similar to those of others (VCPSCSO038)
    1. brainstorming a list of values and beliefs and rank them in order of importance and compare with classmates
    2. interviewing a parent or grandparent to determine what they value most and why
    3. asking students to respond to a scenario individually, such as queue jumping, and comparing responses with classmates to explore differences in values and beliefs
  2. Investigate human rights and discuss how these contribute to a cohesive community (VCPSCSO039)
    1. discussing the quote ‘no man is an island’, focusing on rights and responsibilities
    2. investigating what human rights are, looking at both the United Nations Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the Convention on the Rights of the Child, exploring similarities and differences between the two
    3. using examples to explore what happens when human rights are challenged
  3. Recognise the impact of personal boundaries, intimacy, distribution of power and social and cultural norms and mores on the ways relationships are expressed (VCPSCSO040)
    1. defining what personal space and boundaries might be for individuals and recognising both the positive and negative impacts of crossing these boundaries
    2. discussing whether successful relationships have agreed criteria for intimacy and other behaviours and exploring the implications if these are not adhered to
    3. looking at what society deems to be socially acceptable/unacceptable in the way relationships are expressed and how this changes over time, across cultures and across different settings
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Perform in a variety of team roles and accept responsibility as a team member and team leader, assessing how well they support other members of the team (VCPSCSO041)
    1. exploring similarities and differences between being a team leader and a team member
    2. reflecting on the success and possible improvements for various team roles undertaken
    3. developing strategies to support others to be successful in pursuit of team goals
  2. Identify ways to be proactive in initiating strategies to prevent and/or accomplish positive resolutions to conflict (VCPSCSO042)
    1. exploring the different types of potential conflicts and points of intervention
    2. discussing the merits of pre-emptive action versus conflict resolution
    3. developing a toolkit of strategies to use in different conflict situations to achieve successful outcomes

Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students reflect on the influence of emotions on behaviour, learning and relationships. They use feedback to identify their achievements and prioritise areas for improvement. They initiate and undertake some tasks independently, within negotiated time frames and use criteria to review their work. They reflect on strategies to cope with difficult situations and are able to justify their choice of strategy demonstrating knowledge of resilience and adaptability.

Students explain the impact of valuing diversity and promoting human rights in the community. They explore the values and beliefs of different groups in society. They identify indicators of respectful relationships in a range of social and work-related situations. They explain the extent to which individual roles and responsibilities enhance group cohesion and the achievement of personal and group objectives. They assess the appropriateness of various strategies to avoid or resolve conflict in a range of situations.

Levels 9 and 10

Levels 9 and 10 Description

In Levels 9 and 10, the curriculum focuses on analysing factors that influence respectful relationships in a range of diverse settings and the importance of empathy and respect for diversity in creating a cohesive society. Students are provided with opportunities to engage in activities that promote initiative, independence, interdependence and leadership. They evaluate their contribution to group tasks and suggest improvements to enable achievement of a team goal. Students explore the nature of conflict in a range of personal, local, national and global contexts. They evaluate a variety of strategies to prevent or resolve conflict.

Levels 9 and 10 Content Descriptions

Self-Awareness and Management

Recognition and expression of emotions Elaborations
  1. Evaluate emotional responses and the management of emotions in a range of contexts (VCPSCSE043)
    1. comparing emotions felt and expressed in a range of different scenarios and make recommendations about the preferred response, indicating the reasons for the recommendations
    2. developing a guide for managing a range of emotions in different situations
    3. rewriting a scenario to demonstrate alternative ways to express or manage emotions
    4. discussing strategies that may be used to control emotional responses in different situations
Development of resilience Elaborations
  1. Develop criteria to appraise personal qualities and use these to design strategies to plan for the future or address a challenge (VCPSCSE044)
    1. imagining you are developing a role description for a position, such as a school captain, what personal qualities would be required and what criteria would be used to select the most appropriate person
    2. examining personal qualities, and identifying strengths and areas of improvement and designing a plan for an upcoming challenge such as beginning senior secondary studies
    3. identifying a personal goal or challenge, such as getting a part-time job, and developing a list of personal qualities that would assist in meeting this goal or challenge
  2. Analyse the significance of independence and individual responsibility in the completion of challenging tasks (VCPSCSE045)
    1. creating a mind map drawing connections between independence, individual responsibility and successful completion of a challenging task
    2. drawing links between the degree of responsibility and their motivation to complete tasks
    3. responding to the following statement ‘There is no one to blame when you work on your own’
  3. Evaluate behaviours and protective factors that contribute to the development of confidence, adaptability and self-reflection (VCPSCSE046)
    1. defining the concept of protective behaviours and give examples
    2. identifying factors that lead to improved confidence, adaptability and self-reflection
    3. assessing a range of behaviours and the effect these have on their ability to adapt to challenges
    4. identifying a challenging situation or task and analyse the factors that contribute to managing the situation or completing the task
    5. developing questions to support self-reflection in relation to confidence and adaptability

Social Awareness and Management

Relationships and diversity Elaborations
  1. Analyse how divergent values and beliefs contribute to different perspectives on social issues (VCPSCSO047)
    1. reading letters to the editor on a particular issue and summarising the different perspectives presented
    2. exploring links between personal values and perspectives on social issues such as homelessness in major cities, asylum seekers or the celebration of Indigenous Australian heritage
    3. exploring a social issue, such as homelessness, and articulating a range of views and possible reasons for differences
  2. Acknowledge the importance of empathy and the acceptance of diversity for a cohesive community and reflect on the effectiveness of strategies for being respectful of diversity and human rights (VCPSCSO048)
    1. exploring definitions of empathy and using examples to demonstrate understanding of this concept
    2. discussing how human rights are expressed across a range of contexts, for example at home, school or workplace, in local or global scenarios
    3. analysing the effects of actions that promote human rights and build a respectful cohesive community
  3. Investigate personal, social and cultural factors that influence the ability to experience positive and respectful relationships and explore the rights and responsibilities of individuals in relationships (VCPSCSO049)
    1. imagining the effect that saying ‘no’ to a request would have on a relationship and how personal, social and cultural factors could influence the outcome
    2. using a range of scenarios students develop a list of rights and responsibilities to support respectful relationships
    3. outlining how questions such as ‘How does that make you feel?’ or statements such as ‘that must be hard’ can foster respectful relationships
Collaboration Elaborations
  1. Evaluate own and others contribution to group tasks, critiquing roles including leadership and provide useful feedback to peers, evaluate task achievement and make recommendations for improvements in relation to team goals (VCPSCSO050)
    1. assessing the overall success of completion of a task by a group
    2. describing and reflecting on the relative contribution of individual group members to the overall completion of a task and provide feedback to peers
    3. relating group success to the clarity of roles each member has and develop strategies to ensure future role division aligns with the demands of tasks and skill sets of group members
    4. suggesting improvements to the process of working in teams, by reflecting on a specific experience
  2. Develop specific skills and a variety of strategies to prevent or resolve conflict, and explore the nature of conflict resolution in a range of contexts (VCPSCSO051)
    1. identifying stages of conflict and the key skills required in managing conflict across a range of situations
    2. researching strategies that can be used to manage conflict across home, school, community and workplace contexts
    3. examining the impact of language, listening skills and power dynamics on conflict, and how this contributes to resolution or continuation of conflict

Levels 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students reflect critically on their emotional responses to challenging situations in a wide range of contexts. They demonstrate persistence, motivation, initiative and decision-making through completion of challenging tasks. They evaluate personal characteristics, strategies and sources of support used to cope with stressful situations/life challenges.

Students analyse the effects of actions that repress human rights and limit the expression of diverse views. They analyse factors that influence different types of relationships. They critique their ability to devise and enact strategies for working in diverse teams, drawing on the skills and contributions of team members to complete complex tasks. They develop and apply criteria to evaluate the outcomes of group tasks and make recommendations for improvements. They generate, apply and evaluate strategies to prevent and resolve conflicts in a range of contexts.

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