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Victorian Aboriginal Languages

  1. F-2
  2. 3-6
  3. 7-10

Foundation to Level 2

Foundation to Level 2 Description

Students learn about Country/Place and community by interacting with respected community members, by exploring Country/Place, and by engaging with stories, songs and other texts such as videos,...

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Foundation to Level 2 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact with each other, the teaching team and visiting respected community members, using language and gestures to greet and talk about self and family (VCLVC130)
  2. Participate in guided group activities, such as games, songs and simple tasks, using movement and gestures to support understanding and to convey meaning (VCLVC131)
  3. Interact in classroom routines and respond to teacher instructions (VCLVC132)
  1. Discover key information about Country/Place by exploring Country/Place and listening to stories from respected community members (VCLVC133)
  2. Give factual information using simple statements, gestures and captions (VCLVC134)
  1. Participate in shared listening to, viewing and reading of texts and respond through singing, miming, play-acting, drawing, action and movement (VCLVC135)
  2. Create and present shared stories, songs and performances, using familiar words and patterns and support materials (VCLVC136)
  1. Translate frequently used words and phrases, using visual cues and resources such as word lists (VCLVC137)
  2. Create simple oral, print or multimodal bilingual texts for the classroom environment, such as captions, signs, labels and wall charts (VCLVC138)
  1. Describe aspects of self, such as family, school/class and language/s spoken, considering how these contribute to their sense of identity (VCLVC139)
  1. Notice how using different languages involves some different ways of communicating and behaving (VCLVC140)


Systems of language
  1. Learn the different sounds of the language and link these to written symbols and conventions (VCLVU141)
  2. Recognise the function of different word types and understand basic elements of language structures (VCLVU142)
  3. Recognise there are many ways of communicating messages in Aboriginal languages (VCLVU143)
  4. Identify elements of the kinship system and its links to place and natural species (VCLVU144)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise that different words and language forms are used to address and communicate with people according to relationship and context (VCLVU145)
  2. Notice that languages borrow words from each other (VCLVU146)
Language awareness
  1. Recognise that the language is part of the broader regional and national language diversity (VCLVU147)
  2. Understand that language belongs to communities, and that language learning requires the application of respectful and appropriate behaviour (VCLVU148)
Role of language and culture
  1. Notice that people use language in ways that reflect their culture, such as where and how they live and what is important to them (VCLVU149)
Role of language building
  1. Recognise that learning Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages can provide language revival benefits to communities (VCLVU150)
  2. Build the resources of the language by creating, performing and recording new texts, and by creating new contexts for its use (VCLVU151)

Foundation to Level 2 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 2, students interact with the teaching team and respected community members to talk about themselves and family, using familiar modelled language and gestures. They use appropriate protocols when interacting with respected community members and community speakers, such as appropriate forms of address, terms of respect and behaviour. They use movement, gestures and modelled questions and responses to participate in guided group activities, for example, collaborating to adapt and perform action songs. They interact in familiar classroom exchanges, using routine classroom language, movement, gesture and action, for example when requesting objects, responding to simple questions, following instructions. They identify key information about Country/Place, under the guidance...

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Levels 3 to 6

Levels 3 to 6 Description

Students focus on aspects of their personal and social worlds, and are introduced to content related to the Country/Place and language community. They develop an awareness of their membership of...

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Levels 3 to 6 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact with peers, the teaching team and visiting respected community members about aspects of personal worlds, such as experiences at school, home, everyday routines, interests and activities (VCLVC152)
  2. Participate in guided tasks that involve following instructions, making things, cooperating with peers, planning for and conducting shared events, activities or school performances (VCLVC153)
  3. Participate in everyday classroom activities and routines, such as responding to questions and requests, asking permission, requesting help (VCLVC154)
  1. Gather, record and classify information from a range of sources from Country/Place, historical documents and contemporary resources (VCLVC155)
  2. Convey information on specific topics using formats such as oral or digital presentations, displays, diagrams (VCLVC156)
  1. Listen to, read and view different real and imaginative texts, identifying and making simple statements about key elements, characters and events, and interpreting cultural expressions and behaviours (VCLVC157)
  2. Create and present real and imaginative texts suitable for a particular audience, using familiar expressions and modelled language (VCLVC158)
  1. Translate simple texts from the language to English and vice versa, identifying elements which require interpretation rather than translation and involve cultural references (VCLVC159)
  2. Create bilingual texts for the classroom and the school community, such as songs, picture dictionaries, captions for images and displays, photo stories (VCLVC160)
  1. Explore their own sense of identity, including elements such as family, friends, interests, membership of groups, and consider markers of identity that may be important across all cultures (VCLVC161)
  1. Notice and describe ways in which the language and associated communicative behaviours are similar or different to other known languages and cultures (VCLVC162)


Systems of language
  1. Distinguish and produce the speech sounds of the language, understanding how these are represented in writing (VCLVU163)
  2. Expand vocabulary in the language through word-formation processes and recognise and use simple language structures (VCLVU164)
  3. Understand that texts such as stories, paintings, songs and dances have distinct purposes and particular language features (VCLVU165)
  4. Recognise how kin relationships link people, Place and story (VCLVU166)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that speakers vary language forms according to kin relationship and context of situation (VCLVU167)
  2. Recognise that languages change over time (VCLVU168)
Language awareness
  1. Explore the language situation of language communities and the diversity of language contexts in Australia (VCLVU169)
  2. Understand that the use of stories and names in Aboriginal languages are culturally determined (VCLVU170)
Role of language and culture
  1. Explore connections between identity and cultural values and beliefs and the expression of these connections in Aboriginal languages (VCLVU171)
Role of language building
  1. Identify available resources and protocols to be followed when building language (VCLVU172)
  2. Understand how the language has been recorded in the past, and how this affects language building processes (VCLVU173)

Levels 3 to 6 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students use familiar language and modelled sentence patterns to share information about aspects of their personal worlds, such as their family and friends, interests, everyday routines and activities. They interact appropriately with respected community members and community speakers, and apply principles and protocols of cultural safety when interacting with Country/Place and engaging with cultural material such as artefacts, works of art, texts and performances. Students ask and respond to simple questions, request help, repetition or clarification, and respond to questions and requests using rehearsed phrases and sentences. Whenever possible they use the language to interact and collaborate in games and other activities, including the use of hand signs as appropriate...

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Levels 7 to 10

Levels 7 to 10 Description

Students continue to engage with Country/Place to explore the environment and learn about Country/Place with respected community members.

Students bring to their learning a range of language learning...

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Levels 7 to 10 Content Descriptions


  1. Engage with peers, the teaching team and visiting respected community members to exchange information about interests, experiences, plans and aspirations (VCLVC174)
  2. Engage in activities that involve collaboration, planning, organising, promoting and taking action (VCLVC175)
  3. Interact in class activities that involve making suggestions, seeking clarification, praising or complimenting one another (VCLVC176)
  1. Investigate and summarise factual information obtained from a range of sources on a variety of topics and issues related to the Country/Place (VCLVC177)
  2. Convey information about Country/Place events, experiences or topics of shared interest, using different modes of presentation (VCLVC178)
  1. Interpret and respond to texts by sharing personal reactions, comparing themes, describing and explaining aspects of artistic expression and how these relate to land, sky, sea, water, people, plants, animals and social and ecological relationships (VCLVC179)
  2. Create a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts to entertain others, involving real or imagined contexts and characters (VCLVC180)
  1. Translate and interpret texts from the language to English and vice versa, comparing their versions and considering how to explain elements that involve cultural knowledge or understanding (VCLVC181)
  2. Create bilingual texts for the wider community collaboration with others (VCLVC182)
  1. Consider and discuss their own and each other’s ways of communicating and expressing identity, reflecting on how the language links the local, regional and national identity of its speakers with the land (VCLVC183)
  1. Participate in intercultural interactions and consider own reactions when engaging with respected community members and resources (VCLVC184)


Systems of language
  1. Understand and explain the sound patterns in spoken language and use developing phonemic awareness to represent these patterns in written form (VCLVU185)
  2. Expand vocabulary and understand and use a range of vocabulary sets and grammatical structures that are available in the language (VCLVU186)
  3. Discuss the purpose and roles of various spoken, written and visual texts in the language (VCLVU187)
  4. Investigate how the kinship system functions to integrate personal and community histories and relationships (VCLVU188)
Language variation and change
  1. Discuss variations in language use that reflect different social and cultural contexts, purposes and relationships (VCLVU189)
  2. Describe and reflect on how languages change over time and influence one another (VCLVU190)
Language awareness
  1. Investigate and compare the ecology of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander languages to Indigenous languages in other countries, and consider issues such as language policy, language rights, language loss, advocacy, reform and multilingualism (VCLVU191)
  2. Understand and apply cultural norms, skills and protocols associated with learning, using and researching Aboriginal languages (VCLVU192)
Role of language and culture
  1. Reflect on how ways of using language are shaped by communities’ ways of thinking, behaving and viewing the world, and the role of language in passing on knowledge (VCLVU193)
Role of language building
  1. Explore language building processes and protocols in communities (VCLVU194)
  2. Investigate and explain techniques used to build language, considering challenges involved and understanding their role as contemporary documenters of language (VCLVU195)

Levels 7 to 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students use the language to initiate, sustain and extend interactions, and to exchange information about interests, experiences and aspirations. They use spontaneous language wherever possible to participate in activities that involve taking action, collaborating, planning, organising and negotiating. They use culturally appropriate norms and skills, and respect protocols when engaging with and learning from visiting respected community members. When interacting in the classroom, they make suggestions, seek clarification, praise or compliment each another. Students use language where possible to locate, analyse and summarise factual information from a range of sources such as historical documents, and respected community members. They demonstrate their understanding...

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