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Level BL

Level BL Description

The Level BL curriculum supports students as they develop basic knowledge, understanding and skills in English. Through immersion in English, students build their capacity to initiate and sustain simple conversations with their peers. The curriculum covers grammatical rules that students begin to apply to their spoken English, and students begin to recognise the ways that pronunciation, stress...

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Level BL Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

  1. Demonstrate listening behaviour, attending to tone and intonation (VCEALC162)
  2. Respond appropriately verbally or non-verbally when spoken to (VCEALC163)
  3. Ask for repetition or ask questions to check meaning or elicit help (VCEALC164)
  4. Rely on other speakers to scaffold, interpret, clarify or elaborate short, simple conversations (VCEALC165)
  5. Negotiate familiar social situations and learning activities with the teacher or with friends (VCEALC166)
  6. Identify basic items of information in short spoken texts (VCEALC167)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Participate in predictable social interactions appropriately (VCEALA168)
  2. Take turns to speak or listen during class interactions (VCEALA169)
  3. Use appropriate gestures and intonation for social interaction (VCEALA170)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Distinguish spoken English from other languages and attempt to respond using basic English (VCEALA171)
  2. Check understanding of classroom English by asking for clarification from other home language speakers (VCEALA172)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Construct two- or three-word utterances, with the support of actions, gestures or visuals (VCEALL173)
  2. Create original expressions, substituting new words in learnt patterns or formulas (VCEALL174)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Use a small range of learnt word patterns for appropriate purposes (VCEALL175)
  2. Use basic verb forms in context (VCEALL176)
  3. Use common descriptive language (VCEALL177)
  4. Attempt basic self-correction (VCEALL178)
Word knowledge
  1. Respond to key words in a range of familiar and common spoken instructions (VCEALL179)
  2. Use words from sets related to immediate communicative need, interest or experience (VCEALL180)
  1. Understand pronunciation and some non-verbal features (VCEALL181)
  2. Use comprehensible pronunciation for familiar words (VCEALL182)
  3. Repeat or re-pronounce words or phrases, when prompted, if not understood (VCEALL183)

Reading and Viewing

  1. Read simple, familiar texts with assistance (VCEALC184)
  2. Understand some familiar words in different contexts (VCEALC185)
  3. Acquire information from simple images, with teacher direction and support (VCEALC186)
  4. Answer simple written questions with support (VCEALC187)
  5. Give a personal response to a text (VCEALC188)
  6. Make simple predictions or inferences about a text, with support (VCEALC189)
  7. Participate in activities around class texts (VCEALC190)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Show awareness that texts convey meaning (VCEALA191)
  2. Show awareness of the purpose of some everyday signs and labels, such as classroom charts and stop signs (VCEALA192)
  3. Respond to and engage with an increasing range of texts about familiar and new content (VCEALA193)
  4. Show an interest in reading books (VCEALA194)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Distinguish English script from non-English script (VCEALA195)
  2. Use simple dictionaries and word charts (VCEALA196)
  3. Engage with a small range of picture books in the classroom (VCEALA197)
  4. Make simple connections between personal experience and familiar stories (VCEALA198)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Recognise and explore texts in different media and modes (VCEALL199)
  2. Understand and explore the basic layout and conventions of simple texts (VCEALL200)
  3. Understand the sequence of events in a familiar text (VCEALL201)
  4. Use basic terminology of reading (VCEALL202)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Sequence words to make simple sentences (VCEALL203)
  2. Use simple present and past tense verb forms to talk about ongoing, current and past actions (VCEALL204)
  3. Use some high-frequency adjective–noun and verb–adverb combinations (VCEALL205)
Word knowledge
  1. Recognise some common words or phrases (VCEALL206)
  2. Build a vocabulary that draws on words of interest, learnt words and sight words (VCEALL207)
  1. Recognise the letters of the alphabet (VCEALL208)
  2. Understand the function of spaces, capital letters and full stops (VCEALL209)
  3. Demonstrate reading-like behaviour (VCEALL210)
  4. Attempt to self-correct (VCEALL211)
  5. Locate letters on a keyboard (VCEALL212)
  6. Revisit familiar texts to develop accurate and fluent reading (VCEALL213)


  1. Use drawings, symbols, strings of letters and some words in own written work (VCEALC214)
  2. Draw pictures to communicate activities or events and orally dictate sentences for the teacher to record (VCEALC215)
  3. Copy words, phrases or sentences accurately and carefully (VCEALC216)
  4. Write some familiar words and complete simple, repetitive modelled sentences in writing (VCEALC217)
  5. Express imaginative or personal ideas in simple forms of writing (VCEALC218)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Understand the difference between writing and drawing, and that writing changes according to context and purpose (VCEALA219)
  2. Create basic texts, with support and modelling (VCEALA220)
  3. Contribute ideas to shared writing activities (VCEALA221)
  4. Rewrite following explicit correction (VCEALA222)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Use home language and/or mime to seek assistance from teachers or peers with writing English words or phrases (VCEALA223)
  2. Rely on memorisation and/or home language to retrieve new words and structures (VCEALA224)
  3. Use home language to express ideas (VCEALA225)
  4. Initiate and practise writing tasks (VCEALA226)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Write or dictate in sentences or phrases that match oral sentence structures (VCEALL227)
  2. Write very short, simple texts (VCEALL228)
  3. Sequence a small number of ideas simply (VCEALL229)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Write sentences that may not follow standard word order (VCEALL230)
  2. Use basic verbs (VCEALL231)
  3. Use basic descriptive words (VCEALL232)
  4. Use basic conjunctions to connect ideas (VCEALL233)
Word knowledge
  1. Use high-frequency words accurately, although sometimes repetitively (VCEALL234)
  2. Use topic-specific vocabulary encountered in classroom activities (VCEALL235)
  1. Apply common conventions when copying or writing texts (VCEALL236)
  2. Spell a number of high-frequency words accurately (VCEALL237)
  3. Copy basic punctuation as part of writing work (VCEALL238)
  4. Demonstrate basic keyboard skills (VCEALL239)

Level BL Achievement Standard

Speaking and Listening

At Level BL students communicate simply but effectively in familiar, social and classroom contexts, using simple formulaic and some creative structures. They learn through English that is well supported by context. They contribute relatively complex ideas through simple English, and use simple English to respond to the ideas of others.

Students’ oral expression in English is characterised by short utterances, varying grammatical accuracy, simple subject–verb–object construction and over-generalisation of rules. They use common adjectives and adverbs to describe or add emphasis. They use repetitive grammar patterns copied from stories, songs, rhymes or other short texts. Students’ pronunciation, stress and intonation are comprehensible but carry elements of home language pronunciation. They use some basic communication strategies, asking for repetition, and questioning to check, clarify or confirm understanding. They use some basic strategies to initiate and sustain simple conversations in English, restating, repeating or re-pronouncing as appropriate.

Reading and Viewing

At Level BL students read a wide range of familiar, short, simple, repetitive fictional...

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Level B1

Level B1 Description

The curriculum for Level B1 supports students to develop their communication skills both verbally and non-verbally. Students follow simple instructions, answer predictable questions, make basic requests and express needs simply. Through active participation in conversations, students learn about the ways that English changes according to context and audience.

Students explore a wide range...

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Level B1 Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

  1. Demonstrate active listening skills, attending to tone, intonation and body language (VCEALC240)
  2. Interact and respond appropriately verbally and non-verbally in simple conversations with teacher or peers (VCEALC241)
  3. Ask for repetition or clarification to confirm understanding or elicit help (VCEALC242)
  4. Participate in extended conversations with reliance on other speakers to scaffold, interpret, clarify or elaborate (VCEALC243)
  5. Understand the language of classroom routines (VCEALC244)
  6. Identify some key points of information in short spoken texts, with guidance (VCEALC245)
  7. Rehearse or role-play short scenarios or exchanges (VCEALC246)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Use appropriate social formulas (VCEALA247)
  2. Speak or listen appropriately during class interactions (VCEALA248)
  3. Use appropriate non-verbal communication to sustain interaction with others (VCEALA249)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Distinguish spoken English from other languages and respond in English (VCEALA250)
  2. Check understanding of classroom English with other home language speakers (VCEALA251)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Construct short utterances that use common adjectives to describe or add emphasis (VCEALL252)
  2. Use simple conjunctions (VCEALL253)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Use a range of learnt word patterns for appropriate purposes (VCEALL254)
  2. Use a small range of basic verb forms accurately (VCEALL255)
  3. Use a small range of descriptive language (VCEALL256)
  4. Use the most basic forms of modality (VCEALL257)
  5. Attempt to self-correct (VCEALL258)
Word knowledge
  1. Respond to key words in many common instructions (VCEALL259)
  2. Use learnt words in speech (VCEALL260)
  1. Use pronunciation and some non-verbal features to support communication (VCEALL261)
  2. Use comprehensible pronunciation for a range of high-frequency words learnt in class (VCEALL262)
  3. Repeat or re-pronounce words or phrases after recognising they have not been understood (VCEALL263)

Reading and Viewing

  1. Understand a range of simple texts based on predictable language structures and vocabulary (VCEALC264)
  2. Use key words to understand the main idea in short texts (VCEALC265)
  3. Acquire some information from a small range of images (VCEALC266)
  4. Follow simple written instructions and questions with support (VCEALC267)
  5. Provide responses to texts (VCEALC268)
  6. Make simple predictions or inferences about a text (VCEALC269)
  7. Participate in simple group activities on shared texts, with some support (VCEALC270)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Understand that people read texts for a variety of purposes (VCEALA271)
  2. Identify basic purposes and likely audiences of different text types (VCEALA272)
  3. Respond to familiar and new content in texts (VCEALA273)
  4. Select suitable books to read (VCEALA274)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Recognise the difference between texts in English and texts in other languages (VCEALA275)
  2. Experiment with using a picture or simple English dictionary and/or a home language–English bilingual dictionary to find words (VCEALA276)
  3. Engage with a diverse range of picture books that reflect a variety of cultural beliefs, practices and views (VCEALA277)
  4. Relate aspects of a narrative to own experience (VCEALA278)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Identify and compare differences between text types (VCEALL279)
  2. Understand the purpose and basic organisational features of simple text types (VCEALL280)
  3. Understand the sequence of key words, phrases or ideas in a familiar text (VCEALL281)
  4. Use some of the terminology of reading (VCEALL282)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Read sentences that use basic subject, verb and object patterns, where content and vocabulary are familiar (VCEALL283)
  2. Identify simple present and past tense verbs (VCEALL284)
  3. Use knowledge of base words to read new forms (VCEALL285)
Word knowledge
  1. Read some familiar words and phrases (VCEALL286)
  2. Build a vocabulary that draws on words of interest, topic words and sight words (VCEALL287)
  1. Identify common syllables and patterns within words (VCEALL288)
  2. Recognise the function of capital letters and full stops, and use them (VCEALL289)
  3. Use a range of cues to support reading and viewing (VCEALL290)
  4. Self-correct with guidance (VCEALL291)
  5. Use basic digital technology functions (VCEALL292)
  6. Reread familiar texts to increase accuracy and fluency and to enhance understanding (VCEALL293)


  1. Write known phrases around familiar language (VCEALC294)
  2. Use additional information to support simple narrative or recount sentences (VCEALC295)
  3. Write simple factual texts using print and computers or other digital devices for a variety of classroom purposes (VCEALC296)
  4. Write ‘real world’ texts (VCEALC297)
  5. Write simple imaginative or personal texts modelled on familiar forms and repetitive patterns (VCEALC298)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Write using language that largely reflects features of spoken language (VCEALA299)
  2. Create short, simple texts for particular purposes, with some support and modelling (VCEALA300)
  3. Contribute to shared simple brainstorming of ideas and identify relevant vocabulary to be incorporated into the written work (VCEALA301)
  4. Rewrite after correction, discussion or prompting (VCEALA302)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Ask how to write certain home language words in English (VCEALA303)
  2. Employ a range of strategies to understand new or unknown words (VCEALA304)
  3. Translate literally from home language to English (VCEALA305)
  4. Engage with a range of writing tasks (VCEALA306)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Organise some subject matter and write according to the structure of the text type, using modelled forms and repetitive patterns (VCEALL307)
  2. Attempt to write paragraphs and topic sentences (VCEALL308)
  3. Sequence ideas simply, using short sentences or statements (VCEALL309)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Use simple sentences and phrases with correct subject–verb–object pattern (VCEALL310)
  2. Use common verb forms correctly (VCEALL311)
  3. Use a small range of simple descriptive phrases (VCEALL312)
  4. Use some conjunctions to connect ideas within a sentence (VCEALL313)
Word knowledge
  1. Use formulaic structures (VCEALL314)
  2. Incorporate learnt vocabulary into writing (VCEALL315)
  3. Use repetition for effect (VCEALL316)
  1. Use simple layouts to present texts logically (VCEALL317)
  2. Spell accurately common words encountered in the classroom (VCEALL318)
  3. Use basic punctuation, such as full stops and capital letters, appropriately (VCEALL319)
  4. Use basic software functions to present text (VCEALL320)

Level B1 Achievement Standard

Speaking and Listening

At Level B1 students communicate verbally and non-verbally in routine social and classroom situations, understanding controlled English that is supported by its immediate context. They use formulas, well-rehearsed and common sentence patterns, and short, simple utterances to contribute relatively complex ideas, usually concerning concrete subject matter.

Students follow simple instructions, answer predictable questions, make basic requests and express needs simply. Students show initial understanding that English changes according to context and audience, and modify their use of English in response to a range of familiar classroom and social purposes. They use appropriate social formulas and non-verbal language. Students’ utterances are characterised by varying grammatical accuracy. They use common adjectives and adverbs to describe or add emphasis. Students use basic communication strategies, asking for repetition, and questioning to clarify and confirm understanding. They restate simply, repeat or re-pronounce when necessary.

Reading and Viewing

Students working at Level B1 read short familiar texts, based on simple language structures and features,...

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Level B2

Level B2 Description

The Level B2 curriculum develops students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English. Students learn to negotiate simple exchanges in English, combining their understanding of both verbal and non-verbal language. They refine and further develop a wide range of fundamental communication skills in increasingly complex and de-contextualised situations and settings....

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Level B2 Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

  1. Demonstrate independence in extended conversations (VCEALC321)
  2. Initiate and maintain short, structured social interactions with increasing fluency (VCEALC322)
  3. Ask speaker to repeat or speak slowly, or ask what a word means (VCEALC323)
  4. Comprehend social English in most familiar contexts, and use conversation partners to support understanding (VCEALC324)
  5. Use a repertoire of common classroom and schoolyard language (VCEALC325)
  6. Identify key points of information in short spoken texts (VCEALC326)
  7. Recall and retell a simple story such as a recount, legend or fairytale (VCEALC327)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Respond appropriately in some contexts (VCEALA328)
  2. Participate appropriately in social and learning situations (VCEALA329)
  3. Enhance own spoken texts with appropriate non-verbal strategies (VCEALA330)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Ask for the translation of specific words from other home language speakers (VCEALA331)
  2. Use home language resources to support understanding of classroom English (VCEALA332)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Describe and identify people, places and things using simple vocabulary for colour, size, place, location, time (VCEALL333)
  2. Use specific time and sequence markers in speech (VCEALL334)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Use some grammatical rules consistently (VCEALL335)
  2. Use a range of verb forms with increasing accuracy (VCEALL336)
  3. Use simple descriptive phrases (VCEALL337)
  4. Use simple forms of modality (VCEALL338)
  5. Self-correct pronunciation and grammar (VCEALL339)
Word knowledge
  1. Respond to a short sequence of instructions in a familiar context (VCEALL340)
  2. Use, in speech, vocabulary and structures learnt from spoken and written texts (VCEALL341)
  1. Use pronunciation and non-verbal features to support communication (VCEALL342)
  2. Use clear pronunciation for common words and learnt key topic words (VCEALL343)
  3. Self-correct and improve aspects of pronunciation that impede communication (VCEALL344)

Reading and Viewing

  1. Read simple, unfamiliar informative, imaginative and persuasive texts, with support (VCEALC345)
  2. Identify the main idea in short texts using guide questions (VCEALC346)
  3. Acquire information from different types of visual representations in text (VCEALC347)
  4. Follow simple instructions and questions in print or digital texts (VCEALC348)
  5. Express a personal response to an imaginative text or elements of the text (VCEALC349)
  6. Make and substantiate inferences and predictions when reading or listening to a text read aloud (VCEALC350)
  7. Contribute to group activities on shared texts (VCEALC351)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Identify the purpose and structure of a small range of texts (VCEALA352)
  2. Identify different types of books (VCEALA353)
  3. Respond to cultural ideas in texts (VCEALA354)
  4. Select a range of books to read (VCEALA355)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Compare own experiences to those represented in texts (VCEALA356)
  2. Use a simple English dictionary or class word list to find words, and/or check home language–English bilingual dictionary for meanings (VCEALA357)
  3. Engage with a diverse range of texts that reflect a variety of cultural beliefs, practices and views (VCEALA358)
  4. Express personal point of view about a character’s actions (VCEALA359)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Identify informative, imaginative and persuasive texts when reading texts or listening to texts read aloud (VCEALL360)
  2. Understand the purpose and organisational features of common text types (VCEALL361)
  3. Understand the relationships between events or ideas in a text (VCEALL362)
  4. Understand and use a range of learnt metalanguage to talk about text (VCEALL363)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Read texts that contain compound and complex sentences (VCEALL364)
  2. Use knowledge of simple tense and negation to interpret the meaning of written text (VCEALL365)
  3. Use knowledge of sentence structure to predict words or self-correct (VCEALL366)
Word knowledge
  1. Read some common words or familiar phrases (VCEALL367)
  1. Apply knowledge of letter–sound relationships to read new words with some support (VCEALL368)
  2. Understand simple punctuation when reading (VCEALL369)
  3. Adapt speed when reading an unfamiliar text (VCEALL370)
  4. Self-correct pronunciation (VCEALL371)
  5. Develop a small range of skills to create and navigate a simple digital text, including multimodal and interactive texts (VCEALL372)
  6. Modify intonation when reading aloud, to differentiate questions, exclamations or dialogue (VCEALL373)


  1. Write simple personal texts (VCEALC374)
  2. Add visual information to written texts (VCEALC375)
  3. Write simple factual texts (VCEALC376)
  4. Write simple texts that present a point of view (VCEALC377)
  5. Write creative texts based on models provided or studied in class (VCEALC378)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Write using language that is beginning to reflect the features of written language more than the features of spoken language (VCEALA379)
  2. Create a small range of texts based on modelling (VCEALA380)
  3. Plan, with support, the format of a text according to its communicative purpose (VCEALA381)
  4. Draft a piece of writing focusing on meaning, and revise after rereading or discussion (VCEALA382)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Share ideas and feedback in home language (VCEALA383)
  2. Employ a range of strategies to understand and learn unknown words (VCEALA384)
  3. Use knowledge of written or spoken home language texts to form new English texts (VCEALA385)
  4. Plan before writing (VCEALA386)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Use heading and text formats appropriate to the task (VCEALL387)
  2. Write simple paragraphs with a logical sequence of sentences (VCEALL388)
  3. Use simple time sequence markers and pronoun references to connect ideas in a text (VCEALL389)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Write sentences with some common errors (VCEALL390)
  2. Use a range of verb forms correctly (VCEALL391)
  3. Use simple extended descriptive phrases (VCEALL392)
  4. Use a number of common conjunctions to link ideas to create compound and complex sentences (VCEALL393)
Word knowledge
  1. Use a varied and appropriate vocabulary (VCEALL394)
  2. Use modelled vocabulary appropriately (VCEALL395)
  3. Select some descriptive vocabulary appropriate to context (VCEALL396)
  1. Use appropriate layouts to separate ideas and incorporate visual features in texts (VCEALL397)
  2. Spell frequently used words with common patterns with increased accuracy (VCEALL398)
  3. Experiment with complex punctuation (VCEALL399)
  4. Use a small range of software functions to create simple digital texts (VCEALL400)

Level B2 Achievement Standard

Speaking and Listening

At Level B2 students communicate and learn English in predictable social and learning situations, understanding some de-contextualised English and expressing simple messages in basic English. They negotiate simple transactions and ask and answer basic questions on familiar topics, using familiar structures.

They identify and describe people, places and things using simple vocabulary. They describe a series of events or actions using some detail. They initiate and manage interactions appropriately in a range of familiar contexts. They understand instructions, recounts and explanations when supported by clear contexts. They use simplified English, with varying grammatical accuracy, combining known formulas, learnt grammatical features and new vocabulary to construct new utterances. They use basic time and sequence markers and simple negative forms. They use verb endings with some consistency. They use some of the terminology of new topics. They pronounce familiar words comprehensibly. They employ basic strategies to sustain and enhance communication in English.

Reading and Viewing

At Level B2 students read familiar and unfamiliar texts containing predictable...

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Level B3

Level B3 Description

The Level B3 curriculum provides opportunities to enhance students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English. Students learn to respond to and use English appropriately in a wide range of contexts. The curriculum focuses on pronunciation, stress and intonation in order to extend students’ oral skills. In addition, students learn about ways to self-correct and adapt...

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Level B3 Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

  1. Contribute information, express ideas and give reasons for opinions in group tasks or classroom discussions (VCEALC401)
  2. Participate in most social situations using English (VCEALC402)
  3. Self-correct or reformulate language to convey meaning more clearly (VCEALC403)
  4. Initiate and participate in casual exchanges and in learning contexts (VCEALC404)
  5. Understand increasingly de-contextualised and more complex spoken language (VCEALC405)
  6. Understand a new topic delivered with extensive contextual and teacher support (VCEALC406)
  7. Rehearse or role-play a spoken text, such as negotiating a problem or giving a short talk (VCEALC407)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Respond appropriately during different classroom activities (VCEALA408)
  2. Initiate and manage interaction appropriately in social and learning situations (VCEALA409)
  3. Identify and use features of formal and informal spoken texts (VCEALA410)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Make own translation of specific words and help other home language speakers to check context or match concepts (VCEALA411)
  2. Use home language resources to develop English (VCEALA412)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Adapt speech to suit a variety of registers (VCEALL413)
  2. Use appropriate sequence markers (VCEALL414)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Respond appropriately to structures through word order and vocabulary rather than through intonation (VCEALL415)
  2. Use basic and some complex verb forms accurately (VCEALL416)
  3. Use longer descriptive phrases (VCEALL417)
  4. Understand how modal verbs express probability and possibility (VCEALL418)
  5. Assess the grammatical correctness of own utterances and attempt some self-correction (VCEALL419)
Word knowledge
  1. Respond to a sequence of instructions (VCEALL420)
  2. Employ a range of vocabulary to convey shades of meaning (VCEALL421)
  1. Use pronunciation and a range of non-verbal features to convey meaning and enhance communication (VCEALL422)
  2. Self-correct and improve aspects of pronunciation that impede communication, and focus on correction (VCEALL423)

Reading and Viewing

  1. Access, interpret and evaluate information from a range of print and digital texts, including visual, multimodal and interactive (VCEALC424)
  2. Understand main ideas in a text and extract specific details (VCEALC425)
  3. Interpret and explain information from a range of images in text (VCEALC426)
  4. Follow a series of task instructions with some detail in print or digital texts (VCEALC427)
  5. Express a personal response to a small range of imaginative texts (VCEALC428)
  6. Discuss texts with some understanding of meaning beyond the literal level, moving towards the inferential level (VCEALC429)
  7. Contribute actively to group activities on shared texts (VCEALC430)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Understand the connection between text purpose and structure (VCEALA431)
  2. Identify a range of text types (VCEALA432)
  3. Identify unfamiliar cultural references (VCEALA433)
  4. Read for information or recreation in or out of the classroom (VCEALA434)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Compare and contrast aspects of a text in English with a comparable home language text (VCEALA435)
  2. Use an accessible English dictionary to check the meaning of new words, and/or check meanings in a home language–English bilingual dictionary (VCEALA436)
  3. Engage with a diverse range of texts reflecting a variety of cultures and perspectives (VCEALA437)
  4. Discuss a text by relating ideas in the text to personal experiences or previous learning (VCEALA438)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Identify and compare a range of different text types (VCEALL439)
  2. Interpret the purpose and organisational features of different text types (VCEALL440)
  3. Understand the cohesion of ideas between and within paragraphs (VCEALL441)
  4. Understand and use the appropriate metalanguage to talk about the structures and features of a text (VCEALL442)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Follow the meaning of complex sentence patterns (VCEALL443)
  2. Interpret the meaning of written text that uses a range of tenses and negation (VCEALL444)
  3. Use knowledge of sentence structure to predict words and self-correct (VCEALL445)
Word knowledge
  1. Use knowledge of sentence structure and content to deduce the meaning of unfamiliar words (VCEALL446)
  1. Apply knowledge of letter–sound relationships to deduce the pronunciation of new words (VCEALL447)
  2. Follow direct and indirect speech (VCEALL448)
  3. Read on when encountering unfamiliar words (VCEALL449)
  4. Self-correct a range of aspects of speech (VCEALL450)
  5. Create, edit and navigate a simple digital text, including visual, multimodal and interactive texts (VCEALL451)
  6. Vary speech to add meaning to texts when reading aloud (VCEALL452)


  1. Write narrative texts that maintain a cohesive storyline and characterisation (VCEALC453)
  2. Use a range of visual material or other cues to support factual texts (VCEALC454)
  3. Write a range of texts covering topics across the curriculum areas, incorporating information from different sources (VCEALC455)
  4. Write texts that present a point of view on topics discussed in class (VCEALC456)
  5. Write creative texts incorporating personal experiences and ideas from other texts (VCEALC457)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Present work appropriately for purpose and audience (VCEALA458)
  2. Use own experience and perspectives to elaborate and support a viewpoint (VCEALA459)
  3. Plan individually and review own writing (VCEALA460)
  4. Follow a simple planning, drafting and revision process when writing (VCEALA461)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Confer and cooperate in groups or pairs when planning, writing or reviewing (VCEALA462)
  2. Employ a range of strategies to expand vocabulary (VCEALA463)
  3. Draw on home language resources to communicate more complex ideas (VCEALA464)
  4. Follow a simple writing process, including planning, drafting and revision (VCEALA465)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Use the text type appropriate to the task (VCEALL466)
  2. Organise texts in simple, logically ordered paragraphs with topic sentences (VCEALL467)
  3. Use a range of devices to maintain cohesion (VCEALL468)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Use a range of sentence structures appropriate to the text, with some errors (VCEALL469)
  2. Maintain appropriate tense throughout a text (VCEALL470)
  3. Write using extended descriptive phrases (VCEALL471)
  4. Combine simple sentences using common conjunctions (VCEALL472)
Word knowledge
  1. Use some antonyms and synonyms (VCEALL473)
  2. Use a range of key vocabulary appropriately (VCEALL474)
  3. Create mood and feeling through the selection of appropriate vocabulary and idiom (VCEALL475)
  1. Format texts appropriately for the purpose (VCEALL476)
  2. Spell most words accurately, drawing on a range of strategies but with some invented spelling still evident (VCEALL477)
  3. Use a range of punctuation marks consistently and correctly (VCEALL478)
  4. Gather and present information both in text and visually using an appropriate software application (VCEALL479)

Level B3 Achievement Standard

Speaking and Listening

At Level B3 students generally respond to and use the structures and features of English appropriately in an increasing variety of familiar formal and informal contexts. They demonstrate awareness of the register requirements of spoken English necessary for a variety of purposes. They understand the essential meaning of unfamiliar topics expressed in familiar spoken English, and extract specific information. They use appropriate sequence markers and consistently use most common irregular past tenses. They provide greater detail through the use of longer noun groups and adverbial phrases. They use comprehensible pronunciation, stress and intonation. They access English from a range of oral and written sources, and extend their oral skills by incorporating new vocabulary from these sources into their own repertoire. They are able to self-correct some errors, reformulate language to convey meaning more clearly, and add essential details.

Reading and Viewing

At Level B3 students read for a range of purposes and identify main ideas and specific information in classroom texts. These texts may be print or digital, including visual, multimodal and interactive.


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