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Level CL

Level CL Description

The Level CL curriculum supports students as they develop basic knowledge, understanding and skills in English. Through immersion in English, students build their capacity to participate in routine...

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Level CL Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

  1. Show understanding of some frequently occurring English words and phrases (VCEALC480)
  2. Negotiate meaning with supportive conversation partners (VCEALC481)
  3. Participate in familiar situations and learning activities (VCEALC482)
  4. Comprehend some familiar questions with support from the speaker (VCEALC483)
  5. Identify single pieces of information from a short, spoken text (VCEALC484)
  6. Interact simply with peers in group work activities (VCEALC485)
  7. Express personal meanings non-verbally or using simple language (VCEALC486)
  8. Present a simple prepared response on a familiar topic (VCEALC487)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Use language appropriate to the context and audience in routine interactions (VCEALA488)
  2. Employ non-verbal strategies in interactions (VCEALA489)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Distinguish spoken English from other languages and attempt to respond in English (VCEALA490)
  2. Use sentence patterns from home language to communicate ideas (VCEALA491)
  3. Transfer some simple language structures to other contexts (VCEALA492)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Repeat short modelled utterances with understanding (VCEALL493)
  2. Use basic time and sequence markers (VCEALL494)
  3. Use simple conjunctions to link ideas in short utterances (VCEALL495)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Produce short, simple non-standard utterances showing subject–verb relations (VCEALL496)
  2. Use basic verb forms in context (VCEALL497)
  3. Use basic descriptive language (VCEALL498)
Word knowledge
  1. Recognise and use common words relating to familiar class routines, people, experiences and interests (VCEALL499)
  2. Use a range of vocabulary from lexical sets related to immediate need, interest or learning (VCEALL500)
  1. Imitate and practise pronunciation, stress and intonation patterns (VCEALL501)
  2. Repeat or re-pronounce words or phrases, when prompted, if not understood (VCEALL502)

Reading and Viewing

  1. Read short, familiar texts (VCEALC503)
  2. Understand simple visual elements of texts, including basic charts, graphs and other images (VCEALC504)
  3. Identify some familiar words in different contexts (VCEALC505)
  4. Understand short, simple texts for a range of everyday purposes, relying on considerable contextual support (VCEALC506)
  5. Respond simply and show reaction to a text (VCEALC507)
  6. Develop basic digital technology skills that support reading of digital texts (VCEALC508)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Show awareness of how to read print texts in English (VCEALA509)
  2. Demonstrate interest in reading books (VCEALA510)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Recognise differences between texts in English and other languages (VCEALA511)
  2. Use a picture dictionary to find unfamiliar words, asking for support in home language (VCEALA512)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Show basic understanding of differences between fiction and non-fiction texts through their purpose, topic and layout (VCEALL513)
  2. Use features of the text to make predictions (VCEALL514)
  3. Recognise basic cohesive devices in a simple text (VCEALL515)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Sequence words to make simple, familiar sentences (VCEALL516)
  2. Recognise simple present and past tense verb forms (VCEALL517)
  3. Identify some high-frequency adjective–noun and verb–adverb combinations (VCEALL518)
Word knowledge
  1. Recognise some familiar words or phrases (VCEALL519)
  2. Group familiar words according to their meaning or subject matter (VCEALL520)
  1. Name letters of the alphabet and relate them to sounds (VCEALL521)
  2. Interpret basic punctuation and spacing (VCEALL522)
  3. Self-correct with guidance (VCEALL523)


  1. Label familiar images and simple maps (VCEALC524)
  2. Write short, simple texts for specific purposes related to personal experience (VCEALC525)
  3. Write familiar words and simple sentences independently, with enough accuracy to convey meaning (VCEALC526)
  4. Combine writing and drawing to create a short, simple text about a familiar topic (VCEALC527)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Show an awareness of purpose and audience when presenting work (VCEALA528)
  2. Take part in shared writing activities (VCEALA529)
  3. Begin to check accuracy (VCEALA530)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Use memory and/or home language knowledge to retrieve newly learnt words and structures (VCEALA531)
  2. Use home language and/or mime to seek assistance from teachers or peers with an English word or phrase (VCEALA532)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Draw on conventions for organising information (VCEALL533)
  2. Use repetitive or modelled sentences with information about self and experiences (VCEALL534)
  3. Use basic conjunctions to connect ideas (VCEALL535)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Write sentences that reflect oral language with some examples of correct word order (VCEALL536)
  2. Use basic conjunctions to connect ideas (VCEALL537)
  3. Use simple verbs (VCEALL538)
Word knowledge
  1. Write some common words that are already known orally (VCEALL539)
  2. Use simple topic-specific vocabulary encountered in classroom activities (VCEALL540)
  1. Spell familiar, simple words correctly, using knowledge of letter–sound relationships (VCEALL541)
  2. Use basic punctuation (VCEALL542)
  3. Demonstrate basic keyboard skills (VCEALL543)

Level CL Achievement Standard

Speaking and Listening

At Level CL students communicate simply but effectively in English in familiar social and classroom contexts. They communicate using formulaic language; short, simple and well-rehearsed grammatical features; and adaptations of their emerging English repertoire. They use stress and intonation appropriately in some familiar interactions and can imitate models with some accuracy. They understand common instructions and questions, and simple descriptions and explanations when strongly supported in familiar contexts. They understand and use basic subject–verb–object grammatical patterns, common regular and irregular verbs, and basic prepositions and connectives, such as time and sequence markers. They use their repertoire with varying accuracy to ask and respond to questions...

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Level C1

Level C1 Description

The curriculum for Level C1 supports students to develop their communication skills both verbally and non-verbally. It provides a range of opportunities for students to interact with their peers...

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Level C1 Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

  1. Respond appropriately to a range of commonly encountered questions using short, familiar formulas or expressions (VCEALC544)
  2. Negotiate transactions for different purposes (VCEALC545)
  3. Communicate needs in common social and school routines (VCEALC546)
  4. Comprehend a simple spoken text (VCEALC547)
  5. Extract essential information from short, simple texts relevant to personal experience (VCEALC548)
  6. Use basic collaborative language in cooperative group work (VCEALC549)
  7. Exchange information in oral interactions (VCEALC550)
  8. Contribute to a short dialogue or classroom interaction on a familiar topic (VCEALC551)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Respond appropriately in a range of commonly encountered situations using short, familiar formulas or expressions (VCEALA552)
  2. Employ non-verbal strategies to elicit support from the listener (VCEALA553)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Check understanding of classroom English by asking for clarification from other home language speakers (VCEALA554)
  2. Use home language to formulate speech in English and communicate ideas (VCEALA555)
  3. Transfer knowledge from home language to English learning (VCEALA556)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Comprehend and produce short spoken text types (VCEALL557)
  2. Sequence events chronologically using time markers (VCEALL558)
  3. Use simple cohesive devices to link spoken text (VCEALL559)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Choose correct syntactic forms for questions, statements and commands (VCEALL560)
  2. Attempt different verb forms, with some consistency (VCEALL561)
  3. Use a small range of common descriptive language (VCEALL562)
Word knowledge
  1. Identify key vocabulary and ideas from short, familiar spoken texts, supported by context (VCEALL563)
  2. Use words from lexical sets related to communicative need, interest, experience or learning (VCEALL564)
  1. Speak with greater confidence and fluency (VCEALL565)
  2. Repeat or re-pronounce words or phrases through self-correction, if not understood (VCEALL566)

Reading and Viewing

  1. Attempt to read familiar and unfamiliar texts with fluency (VCEALC567)
  2. Extract specific information from simple charts, tables or maps (VCEALC568)
  3. Demonstrate understanding by performing a task (VCEALC569)
  4. Read with understanding a range of simple texts based on predictable language structures and vocabulary (VCEALC570)
  5. Respond in a personal way to a short, familiar text (VCEALC571)
  6. Use basic features of a website with guidance (VCEALC572)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Identify the basic purposes and audiences of different print and digital news media texts (VCEALA573)
  2. Select suitable books to read (VCEALA574)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Compare or contrast texts in English to texts in other languages (VCEALA575)
  2. Refer to a simple bilingual dictionary or request help from peers or school staff who speak the same home language to find the meaning of unfamiliar words (VCEALA576)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Use organisational and visual elements to suggest the content of a text (VCEALL577)
  2. Locate directly stated information in a text or illustration (VCEALL578)
  3. Identify what is being referred to by simple cohesive devices in a simple informative text (VCEALL579)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Demonstrate awareness of basic sentence and question patterns (VCEALL580)
  2. Recognise and follow common imperatives (VCEALL581)
  3. Understand simple descriptive language within sentences (VCEALL582)
Word knowledge
  1. Recognise words for everyday items and actions, and topic-specific vocabulary that has been taught (VCEALL583)
  2. Use contextual cues to work out the literal meaning of unknown words in a simple text (VCEALL584)
  1. Pronounce a range of words comprehensibly based on knowledge of vocabulary and letter–sound relationships (VCEALL585)
  2. Understand simple punctuation when reading (VCEALL586)
  3. Attempt to self-correct (VCEALL587)


  1. Label images using vocabulary learnt or practised in class (VCEALC588)
  2. Write short, simple texts for varied social purposes (VCEALC589)
  3. Write short factual texts on familiar content, consisting of simple sentences or statements approximating sentences (VCEALC590)
  4. Write to communicate personal ideas (VCEALC591)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Use the features of simple text types appropriately (VCEALA592)
  2. Participate in shared or modelled writing activities (VCEALA593)
  3. Redraft text with support, incorporating corrections and suggestions (VCEALA594)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Refer to a bilingual dictionary, class lists or previous work to record and find or check words and their meanings (VCEALA595)
  2. Draw on experience of language patterns in controlled writing activities to express ideas (VCEALA596)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Show some organisation of subject matter and attempt the structure of a specified text (VCEALL597)
  2. Attempt paragraphs and topic sentences (VCEALL598)
  3. Use simple cohesive devices to structure writing (VCEALL599)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Use single-word subject–verb–object word order in simple sentences and noun–pronoun agreements with few errors (VCEALL600)
  2. Use single clauses, or use simple coordinating and subordinating conjunctions to combine clauses (VCEALL601)
  3. Experiment with different tenses and use some common irregular past tense verbs correctly (VCEALL602)
  4. Use basic qualifiers and quantifiers to express a range of meaning (VCEALL603)
Word knowledge
  1. Use emerging language to create desired effects (VCEALL604)
  2. Incorporate introduced subject-specific vocabulary into simple sentences (VCEALL605)
  1. Use grapho-phonic knowledge to attempt to spell unknown words (VCEALL606)
  2. Use common punctuation with some consistency (VCEALL607)
  3. Use basic digital technology functions (VCEALL608)

Level C1 Achievement Standard

Speaking and Listening

At Level C1 students communicate simply but effectively in English in social and classroom contexts across the curriculum. They negotiate meaning and interact with others using formulaic language; short, simple and well-rehearsed grammatical features; and creative adaptations of their English repertoire. They use some stress and intonation appropriately in familiar interactions. They use subject–verb–object utterances, basic prepositions and some common regular and irregular verbs. They understand and use introduced vocabulary, common basic grammatical patterns and connectives, such as time and sequence markers. They use these with varying grammatical accuracy to express ideas and preferences, and provide simple explanations and descriptions. They understand common...

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Level C2

Level C2 Description

The Level C2 curriculum supports students to enhance their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to spoken English. At this level, students learn to initiate and negotiate topics when...

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Level C2 Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

  1. Provide information or assistance when requested in classroom interactions (VCEALC609)
  2. Negotiate interactions with reliance on an attentive conversation partner (VCEALC610)
  3. Participate in common school routines (VCEALC611)
  4. Understand the gist of context-reduced spoken texts (VCEALC612)
  5. Extract specific information from spoken or visual texts, using guide questions from the teacher (VCEALC613)
  6. Interact with peers in routine pair or group work activities (VCEALC614)
  7. Express simple opinions and describe feelings (VCEALC615)
  8. Present a short, prepared formal talk on a researched topic, using notes and props (VCEALC616)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Interact effectively with some confidence with a range of interlocutors (VCEALA617)
  2. Employ a range of non-verbal strategies to manage interactions (VCEALA618)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Ask for the translation of specific words from other home language speakers (VCEALA619)
  2. Use home language resources to support use of English (VCEALA620)
  3. Transfer academic and communication skills from home language to English (VCEALA621)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Use a small variety of text types for curriculum areas (VCEALL622)
  2. Use simple time and sequence markers to connect ideas in speech (VCEALL623)
  3. Use a range of cohesive devices to link ideas (VCEALL624)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Use subject–verb–object pronoun pattern correctly (VCEALL625)
  2. Use a range of verb forms with increasing accuracy (VCEALL626)
  3. Use simple descriptive phrases (VCEALL627)
Word knowledge
  1. Use familiar vocabulary to convey shades of meaning (VCEALL628)
  2. Use topic-related compound words to extend vocabulary (VCEALL629)
  1. Use pronunciation and some non-verbal features to support communication (VCEALL630)
  2. Self-correct and improve aspects of pronunciation that impede communication (VCEALL631)

Reading and Viewing

  1. Employ a repertoire of strategies to read familiar and simple factual and fictional texts (VCEALC632)
  2. Locate specific information from subject-based diagrams, graphs and charts (VCEALC633)
  3. Locate specific information in fictional and factual texts using guide questions (VCEALC634)
  4. Read long, complex texts with support from the teacher (VCEALC635)
  5. Respond to creative texts, showing a developing understanding of key events, characters and issues (VCEALC636)
  6. Use basic features of a website appropriately (VCEALC637)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Identify and discuss the purpose, audience and context of particular texts (VCEALA638)
  2. Choose accessible yet challenging texts to read and enjoy (VCEALA639)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Show awareness of differences in text formats in English compared to home language (VCEALA640)
  2. Check and/or confirm the meaning of unfamiliar words using a bilingual dictionary (VCEALA641)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Identify different forms of texts (VCEALL642)
  2. Interpret the way information is organised in texts (VCEALL643)
  3. Show awareness of how cohesive devices organise ideas (VCEALL644)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Read texts that contain compound and complex sentences of two or three clauses (VCEALL645)
  2. Identify some basic language features of texts (VCEALL646)
  3. Read and understand sentences containing a small range of descriptive language (VCEALL647)
Word knowledge
  1. Recognise common vocabulary and learnt topic-specific vocabulary from different curriculum areas (VCEALL648)
  2. Use syntactic, logical and cultural cues to work out the meaning of unknown words in a text (VCEALL649)
  1. Understand the function of punctuation marks (VCEALL650)
  2. Self-correct pronunciation when reading aloud (VCEALL651)


  1. Present information in a variety of forms (VCEALC652)
  2. Write texts for social purposes (VCEALC653)
  3. Write information texts for general school use, based on modelled language (VCEALC654)
  4. Write some creative or personal texts, experimenting with known English (VCEALC655)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Use appropriate forms of text for purpose and audience, with guidance (VCEALA656)
  2. Reflect on own writing through class discussion (VCEALA657)
  3. Revise text at the word, sentence or whole-text level, based on teacher or peer feedback (VCEALA658)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Access new words from bilingual dictionaries or word lists (VCEALA659)
  2. Attempt to communicate more complex ideas by drawing on a bilingual dictionary or other home language resources (VCEALA660)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Organise information and write according to the structure of a specified text (VCEALL661)
  2. Organise the content of a topic at paragraph level, with teacher guidance, to reflect given or new information (VCEALL662)
  3. Link ideas using a range of basic cohesive devices (VCEALL663)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Use mostly standard word order (VCEALL664)
  2. Develop writing through the use of compound and complex sentences (VCEALL665)
  3. Write using a range of tenses with varied accuracy (VCEALL666)
  4. Use adverbials to provide simple detail (VCEALL667)
Word knowledge
  1. Use a varied and appropriate vocabulary (VCEALL668)
  2. Use modelled subject-specific vocabulary appropriately (VCEALL669)
  1. Spell most commonly encountered words correctly (VCEALL670)
  2. Use a range of punctuation marks consistently and correctly (VCEALL671)
  3. Develop a small range of skills to create and navigate simple digital texts (VCEALL672)

Level C2 Achievement Standard

Speaking and Listening

At Level C2 students use simple but effective strategies for initiating communication and negotiating meaning. They communicate effectively in a range of familiar social and some basic academic contexts, experimenting with and adapting their developing English and cultural understanding. With support in academic contexts, they extract some specific information from texts and understand teacher explanations involving familiar specific curriculum area vocabulary. With support, they use some increasingly complex grammatical features and a basic range of connectives, such as time and sequence markers, to show relationships between ideas. They use some standard expressions to express views and attitudes. They demonstrate some understanding of the structures and features...

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Level C3

Level C3 Description

The Level C3 curriculum supports students to expand their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English. At this level, students learn to listen, question and respond in...

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Level C3 Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

  1. Participate in conversations with a small range of speakers (VCEALC673)
  2. Negotiate with peers and teachers in familiar informal and formal classroom situations (VCEALC674)
  3. Participate in a range of school routines in mainstream classrooms (VCEALC675)
  4. Interpret the main idea in texts, with some support (VCEALC676)
  5. Listen for specific information, using question, preview and prediction strategies (VCEALC677)
  6. Contribute to effective group work (VCEALC678)
  7. Use available English repertoire to discuss and justify a point of view on a familiar topic (VCEALC679)
  8. Prepare and deliver an oral presentation, after modelling and support (VCEALC680)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Adapt speech in common classroom interactions so it is appropriate to the particular context and audience (VCEALA681)
  2. Develop non-verbal communication skills (VCEALA682)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Explain the home language meaning of unfamiliar English words and phrases to home language peers (VCEALA683)
  2. Clarify in home language to check understanding (VCEALA684)
  3. Talk about cultural differences related to communication (VCEALA685)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Produce a range of coherent texts appropriate for audience and purpose (VCEALL686)
  2. Use time signals to link extended speech (VCEALL687)
  3. Use a range of cohesive devices to extend speech (VCEALL688)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Construct a range of sentence types (VCEALL689)
  2. Use basic and some complex verb forms accurately (VCEALL690)
  3. Use longer descriptive phrase (VCEALL691)
Word knowledge
  1. Comprehend familiar and specific curriculum area vocabulary in a spoken or digital text (VCEALL692)
  2. Use specific curriculum area language, including technical terms (VCEALL693)
  1. Use pronunciation and non-verbal features to support communication (VCEALL694)
  2. Identify specific pronunciation problems that need attention (VCEALL695)

Reading and Viewing

  1. Interpret and respond to accessible texts from across the curriculum (VCEALC696)
  2. Extract information from a range of visual representations, including tables, graphs and diagrams (VCEALC697)
  3. Skim a text for general meaning and scan to find detailed information (VCEALC698)
  4. Read with understanding texts on familiar topics, with some visual support (VCEALC699)
  5. Respond to imaginative texts, showing an understanding of key events, characters and issues (VCEALC700)
  6. Interpret the various icons, menu items and links on an accessible website (VCEALC701)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Understand the relationship between text structures and social purposes of text types studied in class (VCEALA702)
  2. Experiment with reading long, complex texts with support from the teacher (VCEALA703)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Respond to different cultural attitudes that are exemplified in stories (VCEALA704)
  2. Refer to a bilingual dictionary to check and extend vocabulary (VCEALA705)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Compare the structures of different texts (VCEALL706)
  2. Outline the role of specific features of a text (VCEALL707)
  3. Identify the role of cohesive markers in a text (VCEALL708)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Read texts with a range of sentence types (VCEALL709)
  2. Identify agent, action and consequence in sentences using passive voice (VCEALL710)
  3. Read and understand sentences containing a broad range of descriptive language (VCEALL711)
Word knowledge
  1. Identify thematic groupings of words in a text (VCEALL712)
  2. Use contextual cues to infer the meaning of unknown words (VCEALL713)


  1. Use visual stimuli to convey information (VCEALC714)
  2. Write an argument or discussion (VCEALC715)
  3. Write factual texts showing an awareness of appropriate text structure, purpose and organisation of ideas (VCEALC716)
  4. Write personal and imaginative texts showing an awareness of elements such as text structure or storyline and character (VCEALC717)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Understand how the purpose and audience of a text can influence content and form (VCEALA718)
  2. Plan and draft text with support from peers and teacher (VCEALA719)
  3. Revise text and proofread for accuracy of expression (VCEALA720)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Use home language resources such as bilingual dictionaries to improve range and clarity of expression (VCEALA721)
  2. Demonstrate the development of metalanguage appropriate to the content and task (VCEALA722)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Plan and sequence information for a specified text (VCEALL723)
  2. Write cohesive texts for a range of purposes (VCEALL724)
  3. Use a range of cohesive devices to connect ideas in text (VCEALL725)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Use basic knowledge of grammatical features at the sentence level to argue, persuade, describe, classify, explain or instruct (VCEALL726)
  2. Construct extended sentences using simple relative clauses and a range of common conjunctions (VCEALL727)
  3. Use verb forms appropriate to text type (VCEALL728)
  4. Use a range of expressions to qualify opinions (VCEALL729)
Word knowledge
  1. Use vocabulary to create nuance, mood and feeling (VCEALL730)
  2. Use a growing range of simple vocabulary (VCEALL731)
  1. Employ a range of strategies to spell words with increasing accuracy (VCEALL732)
  2. Use punctuation marks to create effects in writing, such as pauses and emphasis (VCEALL733)
  3. Create, edit and navigate simple digital texts (VCEALL734)

Level C3 Achievement Standard

Speaking and Listening

At Level C3 students listen, question and respond successfully in a wide range of social and academic contexts. They demonstrate sufficient control of stress, rhythm and intonation to be understood in most contexts. They use appropriate non-verbal language, take account of purpose and audience, and stage extended texts appropriately when participating in group debates and discussions. They discuss texts from across the curriculum using modelled examples in supportive classroom situations and structured group work. With varying accuracy, they use a range of question types, time signals, conjunctions and modal verbs to express a variety of academic functions, and to give and justify opinions and points of view. Students interpret accessible spoken and print texts...

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Level C4

Level C4 Description

The Level C4 curriculum supports students to expand their knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their spoken English in order to make them more autonomous users of language. At this...

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Level C4 Content Descriptions

Speaking and Listening

  1. Participate in conversations with fluent speakers that involve changes of topic and register (VCEALC735)
  2. Negotiate with peers and teachers in the full range of classroom situations (VCEALC736)
  3. Use available repertoire of spoken English to participate effectively in a mainstream classroom (VCEALC737)
  4. Understand the point of view and message of an unfamiliar speaker, with minimal support (VCEALC738)
  5. Extract key information or ideas from a variety of texts across the curriculum areas, with reduced support (VCEALC739)
  6. Contribute to and manage effective group work (VCEALC740)
  7. Justify a point of view to peers with increasing confidence (VCEALC741)
  8. Prepare and deliver an extended talk that reflects a clear progression of ideas relevant to the audience and purpose (VCEALC742)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Shift between using formal and informal registers in response to purpose and context (VCEALA743)
  2. Apply non-verbal communication skills purposefully (VCEALA744)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Discuss a point of language (VCEALA745)
  2. Use home language resources to develop English (VCEALA746)
  3. Compare and contrast different ways of communicating meanings in home language and English (VCEALA747)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Sustain complex ideas and information in coherent spoken texts, taking account of audience and purpose (VCEALL748)
  2. Produce extended speech, using connectives and signal words (VCEALL749)
  3. Use a range of cohesive devices to extend and connect speech (VCEALL750)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Formulate extended statements with increasing control over grammatical features (VCEALL751)
  2. Use extended topic-related verb groups (VCEALL752)
  3. Use a range of extended descriptive phrases (VCEALL753)
Word knowledge
  1. Use existing vocabulary knowledge to determine the meaning of new words (VCEALL754)
  2. Use words with multiple meanings across curriculum areas (VCEALL755)
  1. Use pronunciation, intonation, volume and stress to support meaning (VCEALL756)
  2. Self-correct and improve aspects of pronunciation that impede communication (VCEALL757)

Reading and Viewing

  1. Read independently a wide range of accessible texts (VCEALC758)
  2. Extract and manipulate relevant information from a range of texts (VCEALC759)
  3. Summarise the nature and content of a text, including making evaluative comments (VCEALC760)
  4. Adjust reading style to match the purpose for reading a text (VCEALC761)
  5. Interpret a text at literal and inferential levels (VCEALC762)
  6. Understand most symbols and changes of font style and how they contribute to or change the meanings in a text (VCEALC763)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Analyse and interpret language choices and organisation of particular text types in relation to their purpose, audience and context (VCEALA764)
  2. Read a range of sustained, complex texts (VCEALA765)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Discuss specific characteristics and features of texts in relation to another known language (VCEALA766)
  2. Compare connotations of synonyms and antonyms in English and home language, referring to a dictionary or thesaurus in each language (VCEALA767)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Examine the role of the structures and features of mainstream texts in different curriculum areas (VCEALL768)
  2. Demonstrate awareness of the role of the structures and features in a range of texts (VCEALL769)
  3. Recognise and follow complex text connections used to link ideas across sentences and paragraphs (VCEALL770)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Demonstrate understanding of complex language (VCEALL771)
  2. Understand a range of verb forms in particular text types (VCEALL772)
  3. Read and understand complex descriptive language (VCEALL773)
Word knowledge
  1. Demonstrate a broad technical vocabulary across the curriculum areas (VCEALL774)
  2. Use contextual cues to interpret difficult words (VCEALL775)


  1. Incorporating visual features into texts (VCEALC776)
  2. Write an extended argument or discussion on a familiar issue (VCEALC777)
  3. Write extended factual texts conveying a variety of aspects of topics from across the curriculum (VCEALC778)
  4. Write extended personal and imaginative texts showing an awareness of audience and purpose, with teacher prompts (VCEALC779)
Cultural and Plurilingual Awareness
Cultural understandings
  1. Understand how writing contexts, audience and purpose influence function and form (VCEALA780)
  2. Plan and draft text independently and through group activities (VCEALA781)
  3. Revise and refine writing in response to feedback from a teacher or peer (VCEALA782)
Plurilingual strategies
  1. Draw on home language resources to communicate more complex ideas (VCEALA783)
  2. Plan writing, cooperate, and edit texts with a group, using home language (VCEALA784)
Linguistic Structures and Features
Text structure and organisation
  1. Write a range of extended texts using the structures appropriate to the text types (VCEALL785)
  2. Write a range of cohesive texts with accuracy (VCEALL786)
  3. Use an extended range of cohesive devices to improve fluency (VCEALL787)
Grammatical patterns
  1. Demonstrate control of appropriate grammatical structures that develop the ways to analyse, argue, persuade, describe, classify or explain (VCEALL788)
  2. Combine simple sentences into complex sentences using embedding structures (VCEALL789)
  3. Demonstrate control of a wide range of verb forms (VCEALL790)
  4. Use relative clauses and adjectival expressions for descriptive purposes (VCEALL791)
Word knowledge
  1. Use imagery to create nuance, mood and feeling


  2. Use an expanded vocabulary appropriate for the curriculum area (VCEALL793)
  1. Spell words accurately using a range of strategies (VCEALL794)
  2. Use a wide range of punctuation marks to add impact to writing (VCEALL795)
  3. Use a range of digital formats and images to enhance meaning and impact (VCEALL796)

Level C4 Achievement Standard

Speaking and Listening

At Level C4 students demonstrate greater autonomy and control over their use of English, combining their expanding vocabulary with the appropriate use of a wide range of complex grammatical features including modal verbs, passive voice and tenses. They demonstrate understanding of the ways that pauses, stress, rhythm and intonation help to clarify meaning. They speak clearly and pronounce most sounds correctly. They take part in extended discourse on factual and interpersonal topics using an appropriate modelled structure, and respond appropriately to listeners’ reactions. They identify the intention of supportive speakers, using their knowledge of how intonation, volume, stress and lexical choices support and convey meaning and emphasise opinions and emotions....

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