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  1. F–10 Sequence
  2. F-2
  3. 3-4
  4. 5-6
  5. 7-8
  6. 9-10
  7. 7–10 Sequence
  8. 7-8
  9. 9-10

F–10 Sequence Foundation to Level 2

Foundation to Level 2 Description

Students become familiar with all handshapes, movements and locations of single signs. They are learning to produce simple positive and negative statements with some time marking, and to use plain...

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Foundation to Level 2 Content Descriptions


  1. Participate in simple interactions with their peers and teachers using high-frequency signs, non-manual features and gestures to talk about self, family and class activities (VCASFC127)
  2. Participate in guided group activities such as signing games and simple tasks using repeated language structures, facial expressions and gestures (VCASFC128)
  3. Develop interaction and communication skills for participation in regular class routines and activities (VCASFC129)
  1. Identify specific points of information in simple Auslan texts relating to people, places and things and use the information to complete guided tasks (VCASFC130)
  2. Present information about self, family, school and significant objects, using modelled signs and formulaic phrases (VCASFC131)
  1. Participate in the shared viewing of recorded or live imaginative signed texts, responding through drawing, miming, gesture or familiar signs (VCASFC132)
  2. Express imaginative ideas and visual thinking through the use of familiar signs, mime and gestures, with a focus on emotions, appearance and actions (VCASFC133)
  1. Translate words used in everyday contexts from Auslan into English and vice versa (VCASFC134)
  2. Create simple print or digital texts such as labels, posters, wall charts or cards that use Auslan images and English words (VCASFC135)
  1. Describe aspects of themselves, such as membership of family and their school/class and languages they use, considering how these different elements contribute to their sense of identity (VCASFC136)
  1. Notice what is similar to or different from their own language and culture when interacting with stories, games and different forms of artistic expression in Auslan and from Deaf culture (VCASFC137)


Systems of language
  1. Recognise that meaning can be expressed through English words or Auslan signs and that signs have set handshapes, movements and locations, and identify and reproduce them independently (VCASFU138)
  2. Recognise and restrict signing to the standard signing space, and understand that pronouns, depicting signs and verbs can be located meaningfully in that space (VCASFU139)
  3. Recognise that groups of words are combined to make a clause and that Auslan has word classes such as nouns, adjectives or verbs, and distinguish between statements and questions (VCASFU140)
  4. Understand that texts are made up of units of meaning such as groups of words or sentences and that different types of texts have different features that help serve their purpose (VCASFU141)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that all languages including signed languages vary and borrow words and signs from each other (VCASFU142)
Language awareness
  1. Recognise that Auslan is a legitimate language, one of many languages used in Australia and around the world (VCASFU143)
Role of language and culture
  1. Notice that people use language in ways that reflect their culture, such as where and how they live, who they live with and what is important to them (VCASFU144)

Foundation to Level 2 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 2, students interact with teachers and each other to talk about themselves, their families, friends and immediate environment. They follow instructions to complete action-based activities such as signing games or transactional activities, using repeated constructions, gestures and affective non-manual features (NMFs). They interact in familiar classroom routines by responding to requests, such as DS:line-up PLEASE, LOOK-AT-me PRO1. Students ask and respond to simple questions and distinguish between statements and questions. They express likes, dislikes and feelings using lexical signs and affective NMFs. They recognise and produce fingerspelled names for roll call and games and produce modelled signs, phrases and sentence patterns in familiar contexts. They use culturally...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 3 and 4

Levels 3 and 4 Description

Students are increasingly aware of differences between Auslan and English. They are developing a wide range of vocabulary and can use simple clause structures to generate their own ideas in structured...

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Levels 3 and 4 Content Descriptions


  1. Communicate with each other and with teachers about aspects of their personal worlds, daily routines, preferences and pastimes (VCASFC145)
  2. Participate in shared learning activities that involve planning, transacting and problem-solving, using simple signed statements, questions and directions (VCASFC146)
  3. Respond to questions, directions and requests, using non-manual features and simple questions and statements to ask for help, to indicate understanding or agreement and to negotiate turn-taking (VCASFC147)
  1. Organise and summarise key points of information obtained from different types of Auslan texts (VCASFC148)
  2. Present information associated with their home, school and community activities and routines, using signed descriptions and visual prompts (VCASFC149)
  1. Engage with different types of imaginative texts, identifying favourite elements, characters and events and responding through modelled signing, actions and drawing (VCASFC150)
  2. Create simple texts that demonstrate imagination and playfulness, using familiar signs, gestures, modelled language and visual supports (VCASFC151)
  1. Translate high-frequency signs/words and expressions in simple texts such as repeated lines in a story, noticing which ones are difficult to interpret (VCASFC152)
  2. Create bilingual versions of texts such as English captioned recordings of Auslan phrases (VCASFC153)
  1. Consider how their ways of communicating and responding to each other shape and reflect their sense of identity (VCASFC154)
  1. Describe ways in which communicating and behaving when using Auslan are similar to or different from their use of their own language(s) and forms of cultural expression (VCASFC155)


Systems of language
  1. Identify the movement and location of different signs and notice how they combine with handshape to form signs, and understand that Auslan can be videoed and transcribed to assist learning (VCASFU156)
  2. Understand how space is used in Auslan to show who is involved in an event through the meaningful location of nouns and verbs, the use of depicting signs and enacting (VCASFU157)
  3. Understand that clauses can be enriched through the use of adjectives and adverbs (when, where, how), often produced with non-manual features (VCASFU158)
  4. Understand how signers make different language choices in different types of texts and compare this with English versions of text types, and notice how texts build cohesion (VCASFU159)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise that there is variation in Auslan use, for example in different locations or physical environments (VCASFU160)
Language awareness
  1. Develop awareness of the social and cultural nature and context of Auslan and other sign languages, of their different modes of expression and of the related issue of language vitality (VCASFU161)
Role of language and culture
  1. Explore connections between identity and cultural values and beliefs and the expression of these connections in Auslan (VCASFU162)

Levels 3 and 4 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 4, students participate in classroom routines and structured interactions with teachers and peers. They communicate about daily routines, interests and pastimes; recount personal experiences and classroom events; and describe people, experiences or activities using simple depicting signs, such as DS:run-around-oval THEN DS:sit-in-circle. They express preferences, follow directions and ask for clarification or help. They play games that involve making choices, exchanging information and negotiating turn-taking. They use non-manual features to indicate understanding, interest or lack of interest. They use culturally appropriate protocols, such as gaining attention by waving, tapping or pointing to alert third parties and maintain eye contact when communicating, for example

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F–10 Sequence Levels 5 and 6

Levels 5 and 6 Description

Students are expanding their knowledge of vocabulary and sentence construction. With support, they use constructed action to show participants in a narrative, modify indicating verbs for non-present...

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Levels 5 and 6 Content Descriptions


  1. Share ideas and feelings about people they know, their daily lives, social activities and the school community (VCASFC163)
  2. Collaborate with peers to plan and conduct shared events or activities such as performances, presentations, demonstrations or transactions (VCASFC164)
  3. Communicate appropriately while involved in shared learning activities by asking and responding to questions, managing interactions, indicating understanding and monitoring learning (VCASFC165)
  1. Collect, classify and paraphrase information from a variety of Auslan texts used in school and community contexts (VCASFC166)
  2. Convey information in different formats to suit different audiences and contexts (VCASFC167)
  1. Engage with a range of creative and imaginative texts, identifying and discussing ideas and characters and making connections with their own experiences (VCASFC168)
  2. Create or reinterpret simple imaginative texts that involve favourite characters or humorous situations, using a range of signs, gestures and supporting props to convey events, characters or settings (VCASFC169)
  1. Translate familiar texts from Auslan to English and vice versa, noticing which words or phrases require interpretation or explanation (VCASFC170)
  2. Create their own bilingual texts and learning resources such as electronic displays, websites or digital newsletters (VCASFC171)
  1. Demonstrate understanding of the nature of identity in relation to themselves and to members of the Deaf community (VCASFC172)
  1. Reflect on how language and cultural background influence perceptions of other languages and communities, and on their experience of learning and communicating in Auslan (VCASFC173)


Systems of language
  1. Identify and describe elements of sign production, including handshape and its orientation, movement, location and non-manual features, and explore the processes of annotating Auslan videos or reading and transcribing glossed texts (VCASFU174)
  2. Understand that signs can include different information, including a gestural overlay, identify types of depicting signs and how signers establish spatial locations and show constructed action (VCASFU175)
  3. Develop understanding of the important role of non-manual features in adverbs and joining clauses, and know that spatial relationships in Auslan are typically expressed with depicting signs (VCASFU176)
  4. Identify and use language features of different types of Auslan texts and understand that texts are made cohesive through language choices (VCASFU177)
Language variation and change
  1. Explore variation in terms of the impact of other languages on Auslan across contexts and over time (VCASFU178)
Language awareness
  1. Explore the current status and profile of Auslan and of the Deaf community in contemporary Australian society, considering issues such as language transmission, usage and documentation (VCASFU179)
Role of language and culture
  1. Reflect on how communities’ ways of using languages are shaped by, reflect and strengthen cultural values and beliefs and how these may be differently interpreted by users of other languages (VCASFU180)

Levels 5 and 6 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students discuss aspects of their daily lives, social activities and school experience and respond to each other’s comments. They describe relationships and characteristics of people and objects and express feelings and preferences, for example, POSS1 FRIEND CHANGE OTHER SCHOOL PRO1 SAD. They negotiate with each other to plan, organise and complete learning tasks and activities, using statements such as PRO1 DON’T-WANT DRAW, PRO1 WANT TAKE-PHOTO, THANKYOU PRO2 EXPLAIN CLEAR, or THAT FIRST IMPORTANT THAT SECOND. They follow more complex instructions and directions involving several steps. They compare experiences, routines, interests and activities, using signs associated with time, sequence and location. They follow protocols when interacting with each other or...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 7 and 8

Levels 7 and 8 Description

Students are extending their grammatical knowledge, such as how language structures and features are used in texts. They are using more elaborate sentence structures, including conjoining clauses...

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Levels 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact appropriately with people in different contexts, sharing experiences, interests and opinions about current events or school and community experience (VCASFC181)
  2. Engage in different processes of collaborative learning, including planning, problem-solving, task completion and evaluation (VCASFC182)
  3. Participate in extended interactions by explaining and clarifying answers, responding to others’ contributions, asking follow-up questions and observing protocols in and beyond the classroom (VCASFC183)
  1. Collate and analyse information accessed through a variety of signed texts to present an overview or develop a position on issues or interests (VCASFC184)
  2. Present information on different events or experiences to inform, report, promote, instruct or invite action (VCASFC185)
  1. Interpret different types of texts that involve the expression of feelings or experiences and the representation of imagined people, places and scenarios, sharing and comparing their responses to different elements (VCASFC186)
  2. Create and present entertaining individual or collaborative texts that reflect real or imagined people, places or experiences (VCASFC187)
  1. Translate and interpret less familiar short texts and compare their translations to those of their classmates, considering why there might be differences in interpretation and how language reflects elements of culture and experience (VCASFC188)
  2. Create bilingual texts to use in the wider school community, identifying words/signs or expressions that carry specific cultural meaning in either language (VCASFC189)
  1. Consider their own and each other’s cultural experiences and ways of expressing identity and reflect on the role of Auslan in building and expressing identity for Deaf people (VCASFC190)
  1. Reflect on their intercultural interactions and experiences, for example by considering their responses when engaging with Auslan users or digital resources, and on how these responses reflect their own languages and cultures (VCASFC191)


Systems of language
  1. Identify different types of non-manual features and characteristics of signs, including iconicity, and explore the use of software to transcribe and annotate signed texts (VCASFU192)
  2. Develop knowledge of additional elements of the Auslan grammatical system, analysing indicating verbs, depicting signs and constructed action (VCASFU193)
  3. Understand and control additional elements of Auslan grammar, such as the use of non-manual features for negation or conditional forms, and understand how signers use constructed action and depicting signs in composite utterances (VCASFU194)
  4. Expand understanding of grammatical features and cohesive devices used in a range of personal, informative and imaginative texts designed to suit different audiences, contexts and purposes (VCASFU195)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that Auslan has evolved and developed through different periods of influence and cultural and societal change (VCASFU196)
Language awareness
  1. Understand historical and contemporary factors that impact on awareness, support and use of Auslan and its vitality in contemporary Australia, comparing it with that of other signed languages around the world (VCASFU197)
Role of language and culture
  1. Reflect on how language use is influenced by communities’ world views and sense of identity and on how language and culture influence each other (VCASFU198)

Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students use Auslan to interact and to exchange information, experiences, interests and opinions with teachers, peers and others. They initiate and maintain conversations and use strategies such as fingerspelling to replace unknown signs to support continued interaction, such as PRO2 MEAN [FINGERSPELL]? They engage in different processes of collaborative learning, including planning, negotiating, and problem-solving, using familiar and some spontaneous language, for example PRO1 AGREE-NOT, PRO1 THINK DIFFERENT.

Students participate in class discussions, explaining and clarifying positions, asking follow-up questions, using non-manual features (NMFs) for topicalisation or negation. They use appropriate protocols to join or leave conversations, for example, waiting...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 9 and 10

Levels 9 and 10 Description

Students extend their grammatical knowledge and metalanguage while beginning to explore more nuanced features of Auslan. They use strategies to initiate and sustain conversations, using more elaborate...

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Levels 9 and 10 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact with peers at school and contacts in the wider community to build relationships, engage in debate and to discuss aspirations or social issues (VCASFC199)
  2. Engage in activities that involve interactions, transactions, negotiations and management of different opinions and social/cultural behaviours (VCASFC200)
  3. Interact with peers and others in and out of the classroom through reflection, discussion and participation in shared experiences (VCASFC201)
  1. Investigate, synthesise and evaluate information from a range of perspectives and signed sources, identifying how culture and context affect how information is presented (VCASFC202)
  2. Contribute to presentations, reports, reviews, discussions and debates that focus on selected social and cultural issues (VCASFC203)
  1. Respond to different types of imaginative and creative texts that invite consideration of values, themes and ideas and involve different modes of expression (VCASFC204)
  2. Creating a variety of imaginative and expressive texts that draw from elements of their own life experience or of their experience as Auslan learners (VCASFC205)
  1. Consider the dynamic nature of translating and interpreting and the role of culture when transferring meaning from one language to another (VCASFC206)
  2. Create glossaries and classifications in English to interpret cultural aspects of Auslan texts (VCASFC207)
  1. Recognise the complex and multifaceted nature of identity and how exploration of cultural identity in relation to a different language can provide insights and different perspectives to a first culture and language (VCASFC208)
  1. Reflect on the experience of learning and using Auslan, considering how intercultural communication involves shared responsibility for making meaning (VCASFC209)


Systems of language
  1. Understand the perceptual and articulatory reasons for the structure of signs, consider limitations of glossing and explore how video annotation software can improve transcription (VCASFU210)
  2. Understand and use signing space, including making distinctions between character and observer space for constructing different types of texts (VCASFU211)
  3. Understand and describe complex grammatical structures combining depicting signs, constructed action and various clauses for a range of language functions, such as interaction, narration or description (VCASFU212)
  4. Explore the relationship between particular text types, audience, purpose and context and analyse language features used by signers to create cohesion and achieve the purpose of the text (VCASFU213)
Language variation and change
  1. Investigate and analyse the nature of and community attitudes to variation in the use of Auslan (VCASFU214)
Language awareness
  1. Investigate and compare the nature and status of Auslan and other signed languages, considering issues such as language and education policies, language rights, representation and processes of language preservation and language building (VCASFU215)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that Auslan and Deaf culture are interrelated, that they shape and are shaped by each other and that their relationship changes over time and across contexts (VCASFU216)

Levels 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students use Auslan to build relationships and to initiate, sustain and extend interactions with teachers, peers and contacts in the wider community. They engage in debate and discuss aspirations and social issues, explaining and justifying positions and elaborating opinions using expressions such as NEVER THOUGHT YEAH-RIGHT. Students use strategies to support discussion, such as self-correction, rephrasing or elaborating if not understood. They use smooth and fluent fingerspelling. They use spontaneous language to participate in activities and learning experiences that involve collaborating, planning, organising, negotiating and taking action. They use modal verbs and non-manual features (NMFs) to express possibility, obligation and ability, such as PRO1 MAYBE...

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7–10 Sequence Levels 7 and 8

Levels 7 and 8 Description

Students are able to produce all handshapes, movements and locations of single signs. They can independently produce simple positive and negative statements with some time marking, and use plain...

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Levels 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact with peers and teachers to exchange information about self, family, friends and interests and to express feelings and preferences (VCASFC217)
  2. Collaborate with peers to plan and conduct shared events or activities such as presentations, demonstrations or transactions (VCASFC218)
  3. Communicate appropriately and clearly with the teaching team and peers using appropriate Auslan protocols for classroom interaction (VCASFC219)
  1. Identify gist and some points of factual information from a range of signed texts about familiar topics and use the information in new ways (VCASFC220)
  2. Present and explain factual information about a range of topics of interest (VCASFC221)
  1. Engage with different types of creative texts, identifying and discussing ideas, characters, events and personal responses (VCASFC222)
  2. Express imaginative ideas and visual thinking through the use of familiar modelled signs, mime, gestures, drawing and visual supports, with a focus on emotions, appearance and actions (VCASFC223)
  1. Translate and interpret short texts from Auslan to English and vice versa, noticing which concepts translate easily and which do not (VCASFC224)
  2. Create bilingual texts and learning resources to use in the classroom (VCASFC225)
  1. Demonstrate understanding of the nature of identity in relation to themselves, the Deaf community and the wider hearing community (VCASFC226)
  1. Reflect on ways in which Auslan and associated communicative and cultural behaviours are similar to or different from their own language(s) and forms of cultural expression (VCASFC227)


Systems of language
  1. Identify and describe all elements of sign production, including handshape and its orientation, movement, location and non-manual features, and look at the link between signs and their referents in terms of iconicity (VCASFU228)
  2. Recognise and restrict signing to the standard signing space, and understand that pronouns, depicting signs and verbs can be located meaningfully in that space to show participants in a process (VCASFU229)
  3. Recognise and use elements of clause structure, such as noun groups/phrases or verb groups/phrases and using conjunctions to join clauses (VCASFU230)
  4. Recognise similarities and differences in language features of different types of texts and in Auslan and English texts of a similar type, and notice how texts build cohesion (VCASFU231)
Language variation and change
  1. Explore different dimensions of variation in the structure, development and use of Auslan, including how it has been influenced by English and other signed languages (VCASFU232)
Language awareness
  1. Develop awareness of the sociocultural context, nature and status of Auslan and of the Deaf community in multilingual Australia (VCASFU233)
Role of language and culture
  1. Explore connections between language, identity and cultural practices, values and beliefs and the expression of these connections in Auslan (VCASFU234)

Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students use Auslan to share information, experiences, interests, thoughts and feelings about their personal and immediate worlds. They use modelled constructions, ask for repetition or clarification, such as please slow sign, and use strategies such as fingerspelling to replace unknown signs to support continued interaction. They use lexical signs, gestures and affective non-manual features (NMFs) to indicate understanding, interest or lack of interest, for example, AGREE YES or PRO1 AGREE or PRO1 KNOW WHAT MEAN, BUT…. They ask and respond to familiar questions and directions and distinguish between statements and questions using grammatical NMFs.

Students use familiar language to collaboratively plan and conduct shared events or activities, such as presentations...

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7–10 Sequence Levels 9 and 10

Levels 9 and 10 Description

Students are increasingly aware of differences between Auslan and English. They are expanding their knowledge of vocabulary and sentence construction. With support, they use constructed action to...

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Levels 9 and 10 Content Descriptions


  1. Socialise and exchange views on selected issues using different communication strategies, language structures and techniques (VCASFC235)
  2. Engage in various collaborative tasks that involve making decisions, solving problems and evaluating progress (VCASFC236)
  3. Interact appropriately with the teaching team, peers and members of the Deaf community, adjusting language when necessary and demonstrating understanding of appropriate protocols in and out of the classroom (VCASFC237)
  1. Engage with a range of signed texts to locate and evaluate information, infer or interpret meaning and to present key points in new forms (VCASFC238)
  2. Preparing and presenting information on different issues, events, people, procedures or experiences, using signed descriptions and visual prompts to inform, report, promote, explain or invite action (VCASFC239)
  1. Respond to different types of creative texts that involve the expression of feelings or experiences, comparing their responses to different elements and making connections with their own experience (VCASFC240)
  2. Create and present entertaining individual or collaborative texts that reflect imagined people, places or experiences and draw from elements of their own life experience (VCASFC241)
  1. Translate and interpret different types of familiar texts and consider the effectiveness of examples of different translations, considering the role of culture when transferring meaning from one language to another (VCASFC242)
  2. Create, develop and resource bilingual texts for use in the wider school community (VCASFC243)
  1. Recognise that the concept of identity is complex, dynamic and diverse, and consider how students learn more about their own identity through the exploration of other languages and cultures (VCASFC244)
  1. Reflect on the experience of learning and using Auslan and how the experience is influenced by their own languages and cultures, and consider how intercultural communication involves shared responsibility for making meaning (VCASFC245)


Systems of language
  1. Explore various types of non-manual features and the types of iconicity in signs, and gain confidence in using software to transcribe signs (VCASFU246)
  2. Understand that signs can include different information including a gestural overlay, and identify how signers establish spatial locations, types of depicting signs and ways of showing constructed action (VCASFU247)
  3. Understand and control additional elements of Auslan grammar, such as the use of non-manual features for topicalisation, negation or conditional forms, and develop awareness of how signers use constructed action and depicting signs in composite utterances (VCASFU248)
  4. Explore the relationship between particular text types, audience, purpose and context and analyse language features used by signers to create cohesion and achieve the purpose of the text (VCASFU249)
Language variation and change
  1. Understand that Auslan has evolved and developed through different periods of influence and cultural and societal change (VCASFU250)
Language awareness
  1. Understand the range of factors that influence the profile, diversity and distribution of Auslan use in the wider Australian society, and consider the concept of Auslan vitality in comparison with other spoken and signed languages used around the world (VCASFU251)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that Auslan and Deaf culture are interrelated, that they shape and are shaped by each other, that their relationship changes over time and across contexts, and that they may be differently interpreted by users of other languages (VCASFU252)

Levels 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students interact with peers, teachers and others using Auslan to communicate about personal interests and broader issues relating to the Deaf community. They participate in class discussions, explaining and clarifying positions, asking follow-up questions, using non-manual features for topicalisation or negation and responding to each other’s comments, for example IF DS:place-person DEAF TEACHER MEANS DEAF HEARING STUDENT EQUAL-all. They initiate and sustain interactions; ask for repetition, clarification or confirmation; use more elaborate sentence structures, such as embedding clauses; and use discourse markers such as SURPRISE, INCREDIBLE, WOW or UM. They engage in different processes of collaborative learning, including planning, negotiating and problem-solving...

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