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Level D (Towards Foundation)

Level D Description

In the Level D, students communicate with known adults, teachers and peers. Students are provided with experiences that engage, support and extend their learning, including the use of pictorial...

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Level D Content Descriptions

Reading and Viewing

Text structure and organisation
  1. Investigate different forms of texts and the relationship between symbols, images and objects (VCELA106)
  2. Identify some of the features of text such as digital/screen layout or the features of a book cover (VCELA107)
Expressing and developing ideas
  1. Understand how to make a statement or ask a question (VCELA108)
  2. Recognise how a group of words can represent an object or image (VCELA109)
  3. Explore connection between words, objects and images in stories and informative texts (VCELA110)
Phonics and word knowledge
  1. Know that a letter can be the same but look different, including capital and lower-case letters, and match some letters with their sound and name (VCELA111)
  2. Identify and make sounds associated with the beginning letter of words or images (VCELA112)
Literature and context
  1. Identify topic and key events in texts that reflect personal and familiar experiences (VCELT113)
Examining literature
  1. Know some characteristics and features of literary texts, such as characters, beginning and ending in stories and rhyme in poetry (VCELT114)
  2. Identify the characters, events and setting in a literary text (VCELT115)
Texts in context
  1. Identify some familiar texts and their use in the community (VCELY116)
Interpreting, analysing, evaluating
  1. Read a simple sentence or pictorial representation of a sentence (VCELY117)
  2. Use images to retell or comment on a familiar text listened to and viewed (VCELY118)
  3. Identify some familiar informative and imaginary texts (VCELY119)


Text structure and organisation
  1. Understand that language can be represented as written text (VCELA120)
  2. Copy own name and recognise some of the letters within it, and understand that pausing is presented as a full stop in written text (VCELA121)
Phonics and word knowledge
  1. Use, communicate or articulate high-frequency words and reproduce familiar sounds and their letters (VCELA122)
  2. Identify the onset of familiar words and some words that have the same rime (VCELA123)
Creating literature
  1. Retell familiar text or event by sequencing images and simple statements (VCELT124)
Creating texts
  1. Use symbols, letters and words to create a simple statement about an idea or event (VCELY125)
  2. Review own text and make changes during shared editing (VCELY126)
  3. Copy and write letters, symbols and numbers (VCELY127)
  4. Use software or application by selecting images and suggesting simple sentences to accompany the image (VCELY128)

Speaking and Listening

Language variation and change
  1. Understand that people communicate in different ways (VCELA129)
Language for interaction
  1. Know how to greet and maintain a short interaction with others (VCELA130)
  2. Use different ways to express needs, likes and dislikes (VCELA131)
Expressing and developing ideas
  1. Use vocabulary in the form of short phrases for a variety of purposes such as to request an object, communicate a need, recount information, or express a feeling (VCELA132)
Phonics and word knowledge
  1. Identify the sounds within familiar words (VCELA133)
  2. Blend sounds to produce familiar single syllable words and identify words that have the same rime (VCELA134)
Responding to literature
  1. Identify favourite texts topic and character (VCELT136)
  2. Express likes or dislikes about characters and events in a text (VCELT137)
Examining literature
  1. Identify and copy the rhythms and sound patterns in stories, rhymes and songs from a range of cultures (VCELT138)
Creating literature
  1. Add to a familiar text (VCELT135)
Interacting with others
  1. Listen and respond to communication of others in classroom situations and routines (VCELY139)
  2. Deliver short oral presentation about an object or event of interest that identifies some of its key characteristics (VCELY140)

Level D Achievement Standard

Reading and Viewing

By the end of Level D, students listen to and view a range of spoken, written and multimodal texts from familiar contexts. They identify the main character and event in an imaginative text. They use visual images to identify the key topic or theme within an informative text. They understand familiar text by using images and communicate a short statement about the text. They can follow a simple pictorial timetable. They select their own reading material by looking at the picture on the cover. They model reading by tracking text page by page, from left to right and top to bottom, and follow or point to a line of text as it is being read. They use illustrations to retell a story and answer simple questions about a story. They recognise the connection between print and...

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