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Health and Physical Education

  1. A
  2. B
  3. C
  4. D  
  5. F
  6. 1-2
  7. 3-4
  8. 5-6
  9. 7-8
  10. 9-10

Level A (Towards Foundation)

Level A Description

The Level A curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about themselves and experience simple actions and activities to keep themselves healthy and safe.

Students develop their awareness of others and explore the importance of familiar people.

Students learn through movement in a range of...

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Level A Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Identify self (self-awareness) (VCHPEP001)
    1. exploring objects using their senses and through their reactions having their preferences identified (AP, FN, MH)
    2. participating in activities which explore physical (facial and body) characteristics and abilities, e.g. exploring and viewing images of their body, identifying photo image of self (AP, FMS, RE, GS)
    3. practising and using their abilities to help themselves, including indicating when thirsty or hungry (FN)
  2. React as body parts are moved and named (VCHPEP002)
    1. experiencing the functions of body parts during sensory activities (AP, FMS, RE)
    2. experiencing body parts being named, moved and manipulated during a variety of physical activities (AP, FMS, RE)
    3. showing awareness of body movements and assisting to move body parts during routine activities (AP, FMS, RE, S)
  3. React to significant people (VCHPEP003)
    1. indicating awareness of and reacting to familiar people (MH, RS)
    2. react to multimodal texts that identify significant people, their relationship and indicate which of these relationships make them feel loved, safe and supported (MH, RS, S)
    3. react to multimodal texts that identify protective behaviours that can help keep them safe and significant people in their community who can help them stay safe (S)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. React to people and sensory experiences (VCHPEP004)
    1. learning how to be socially responsive with the support of familiar adults when interacting with others in structured environments (RS)
    2. reacting to and recognising significant adults and class mates (RS)
    3. participate in various interactions, sensory feedback and feeling of inclusion through structured activities and multimedia texts (RS)
  2. Use facial expressions to indicate an emotion and demonstrate preference (VCHPEP005)
    1. show a reaction to multimodal texts that identify what emotions what they look like, and identify the actions that make them feel that way (MH, RS)
    2. using facial expressions, gestures, sounds to indicate an emotion, want or need (MH)
    3. reacting to being comforted when distressed (RS)
    4. relying on adults for support or comfort to cope with emotional events (RS)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Experience health and safety actions (VCHPEP006)
    1. experiencing activities related to eating, drinking and life skills and exploring their sensory impact and indicating an awareness of these activities (FN, S)
    2. experiencing a variety of activities related to healthy and active community and learning to anticipate some familiar events (AP, CA, GS, HBPA, LLPA, RE)
    3. participating in simple activities associated with their basic personal hygiene, needs and care, and beginning to assist in the process (FN, S)
  2. Experience play activities (VCHPEP007)
    1. participate in structured play with significant people and classmates (AP, RS)
    2. experiencing objects and environments and learning to react to elements (AP, FMS, S)
    3. experiencing a range of ways to play and reacting to and demonstrating a readiness to engage in play (AP, S, GS)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Experience their body being moved through a variety of positions and locations (VCHPEM008)
    1. developing and performing basic motor skills including head control, hand-to-mouth movements and a squeeze grasp (AP, FMS, RE)
    2. experiencing their body being led through a variety of movements in a range of locations (AP, FMS, RE)
    3. participating in basic routine movement activities and showing a readiness to participate, initiating some of their own body movements and demonstrating controlled head movements (AP, FMS, RE)
    4. developing competence and confidence in their movement abilities (MH, AP, FMS, RE)
  2. Experience a variety of physical and structured leisure activities (VCHPEM009)
    1. developing their grasp and demonstrating a squeeze grasp (FMS)
    2. experiencing various games and reacting to sensory stimuli during a game (AP, FMS, GS)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Experience regular physical activities and begin to develop an awareness of how different parts of the body move (VCHPEM010)
    1. participating in physical activities which increase their mobility, flexibility and endurance including in an aquatic environment (FMS, HBPA, LLPA)
    2. reacting to participation in different physical activities (MH, AP, FMS, GS, LLPA, CA, RE)
    3. experiencing the benefits of regular physical activities including strength, balance, flexibility and endurance (HBPA, GS, LLPA)
  2. Experience their body moving in relation to effort, space, objects and people (VCHPEM011)
    1. exploring the space around them and learning to move in space and complete basic movement patterns (AP, FMS, S)
    2. experiencing and demonstrate awareness of own body moving in aquatic environment (FMS, S)
    3. assisting to position body to perform routine movements involved in stretching routines, hydrotherapy or sitting or bearing weight (FMS)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Cooperate when experiencing physical activities and movement (VCHPEM012)
    1. demonstrate an awareness of the teacher when participating in physical activity (AP, S)
    2. assisting with the movement of body parts during physical activities (AP)
  2. Experience body movement and demonstrate some basic movements (VCHPEM013)
    1. experiencing their body being moved and changed in space (AP, RE, FMS)
    2. attempting different ways to move their body (AP, RE, FMS)
    3. moving their body to explore space and manipulate objects (AP, RE, FMS, GS)
  3. Engage in physical activities (VCHPEM014)
    1. reacting to teacher direction during physical movement (RS, S)
    2. experiencing the safe use of equipment (S)
    3. experiencing using and tolerating safety equipment (S)

Level A Achievement Standard

By the end of Level A, students recognise themselves. They demonstrate different emotions people experience. They participate in actions that help them to be healthy, safe and physically active. They experience different settings where they can be active. Students show general awareness of body position and own body when moved by others.

Students develop personal and social skills in a range of activities. Students begin to demonstrate an awareness and recognition of familiar people and routine activities. They demonstrate attachments and trust with familiar adults. They demonstrate, with assistance, safe and healthy behaviour in routine personal care activities. They coactively perform fundamental movement skills and explore basic movement challenges.

Level B (Towards Foundation)

Level B Description

The Level B curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about their ability and simple actions they can take to keep themselves healthy and safe. Students are supported to participate in activities associated with their personal health and hygiene. They cooperate and learn to complete some...

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Level B Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Identify what they like and dislike (VCHPEP015)
    1. developing a sense of self, including recognising themselves in a mirror and photographs (MH)
    2. developing personal preferences and attempting tasks related to their personal preferences (AP)
    3. identifying from a small selection of foods things they like (FN)
    4. identifying from images people that are significant to them (RS)
  2. Identify some major body parts (VCHPEP016)
    1. actively participate in songs, action games and games associated with the identification of major body parts (AP, RE)
    2. exploring topics related to their body parts relevant to their age and physical growth and development (RS)
    3. identifying major body parts when communicated (RS)
  3. Identify significant people and communicate when they feel safe/unsafe (VCHPEP017)
    1. learning to adhere to single-word safety instructions from a familiar adult, including ‘stop’, ‘wait’, ‘come’, and ‘start’ (S, AP)
    2. learning to follow class rules and routines, participate in group activities, greet others, use property and play fairly with peers with teacher support (RS)
    3. identifying significant people and identifying different people that make them feel loved, safe and supported (RS)
    4. experiencing protective behaviours that can help keep them safe, including public and private activities (RS, S)
    5. exploring, practising and refining ways of communicating a need for ‘help’ in a range of different everyday situations and scenarios (S)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Practise basic skills of personal care and communicate basic needs, likes and dislikes and experience the social skills of turn taking and sharing (VCHPEP018)
    1. practising basic personal care and hygiene skills including hand washing, face washing, nose blowing and toilet routines (S)
    2. learning to follow class rules and routines (RS)
    3. practising expressing needs, wants and feelings, active listening and showing self-discipline to be an effective group member (RS)
    4. practising social skills in structured sessions (RS)
  2. Express their feelings, needs, likes and dislikes (VCHPEP019)
    1. learning to indicate their basic needs, including being hungry, tired, or needing the toilet (S)
    2. learning appropriate language and actions to communicate their feelings in different situations (RS)
    3. matching basic feelings of 'happiness' and 'sadness' to an event or facial expression (MH, RS)
    4. learning and using strategies to persist until they are successful (MH, AP, FMS, GS, CA)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Participate in a variety of health, safety and wellbeing actions (VCHPEP020)
    1. actively participate in activities associated with their personal health and life skills (FN)
    2. cooperating and learning to complete some health and safety steps independently (S)
    3. learning actions associated with healthy eating including assisting in the grouping of foods into categories (FN)
    4. learning to follow safety routine symbols and procedures at school, and in aquatic and road environments and use safety equipment (S)
  2. Engage in structured play activities (VCHPEP021)
    1. focusing attention to significant people and watching and responding to others during structured play (AP, RS)
    2. experiencing the interaction of others through playing and being able to react to classmates and significant adults (AP, RS)
    3. exploring basic play equipment and learning how to use play equipment (AP, GS, S)
    4. responding to and cooperating with the teacher to complete tasks and games (RS)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Practise basic gross motor movements (VCHPEM022)
    1. engaging in a variety of physical activities for short periods of time to increase balance, flexibility, coordination and endurance (AP, HBPA, RE, GS)
    2. intentionally perform some basic gross motor movement including moving across various surfaces (AP, FMS)
    3. demonstrating a range of purposeful movements in aquatic environments (S, FMS)
  2. Engage in a variety of physical activities and explore basic play equipment (VCHPEM023)
    1. using basic play equipment (AP, FMS, GS)
    2. developing balance whilst moving independently and beginning to negotiate steps and uneven surfaces (FMS)
    3. developing their fine motor grasp and manipulation skills as they reach for, grasp and hold objects (FMS)
    4. copying others to use equipment and play (AP, FMS, S)
    5. following personal safety actions and game boundaries while participating in structured games (AP, GS, S)
    6. participating in games which involve responding to stimuli (AP, RE)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Engage in regular physical activities and explore the development of their ability (VCHPEM024)
    1. developing gross motor skills including reaching with either hand and crossing the midline (AP, FMS, GS)
    2. demonstrating a range of purposeful movements in aquatic environments (FMS, S)
    3. preforming familiar tasks with support in a limited range of locations (AP, FMS, GS)
    4. learning about how their body moves during and develops during participation in different physical activities (HBPA, AP, FMS, GS)
  2. Explore the space around them and learn to move in relation to effort, space and objects (VCHPEM025)
    1. exploring movement over various surfaces and environments (AP, FMS, RE)
    2. moving in different ways and in different directions in a designated area (AP, FMS, RE, GS)
    3. following directions to keep personal space during physical activities (S, AP, RE, FMS, GS)
    4. exploring body positions and developing coordination and flexibility when performing a range of different movements (AP, FMS, RE)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Cooperate with an adult to use equipment during physical activity (VCHPEM026)
    1. demonstrating a readiness to explore and participate in new experiences (AP, FMS, CA, GS, LLPA, RE)
    2. initiating a task when prompted by an adult (AP, FMS, GS)
    3. attempting to follow adult’s movements and use of equipment (AP, RE, FMS)
    4. working with an adult to complete a movement task or challenge (AP, FMS, CA, GS, LLPA, RE)
  2. Use trial and error to develop balance, independent moving across surfaces and manipulation skills (VCHPEM027)
    1. actively exploring their environment and trialling a number of ideas when trying new movements (AP, FMS, CA, GS, LLPA, RE)
    2. beginning to negotiate steps and uneven surfaces (AP, FMS)
    3. developing balance whilst moving over large pieces of equipment and around an environment (AP, RE, CA)
    4. developing their fine motor grasp and manipulation skills as they reach for, grasp and hold object (FMS)
    5. attempting to solve a movement challenge by moving from one place to another (AP, GS, RE)
  3. Follow basic single word instructions when participating in structured physical activities (VCHPEM028)
    1. waiting for and attending to teacher directions (S)
    2. wearing safety equipment during some physical activities (S)
    3. responding to single-word safety instructions from a familiar adult, including ‘stop’, ‘wait’, ‘come’ (S)
    4. learning how to use equipment appropriately (S, GS, CA)

Level B Achievement Standard

By the end of Level B, students recognise themselves in mirror and photographs and explore the personal characteristics and capabilities they possess. Students express their feelings, needs, likes and dislikes through gesture and ‘yes’ and ‘no’ responses. Students recognise actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active. They can identify places where they play and participate in physical activity from an option of two images.

Students use personal and social skills to assist them to participate in a range of activities. They demonstrate, with guidance, practices and protective behaviours to keep them safe and healthy in a variety of different regular activities. They intentionally perform some basic gross motor movement skills and use trial and error to solve basic movement challenges.

Level C (Towards Foundation)

Level C Description

The Level C curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about their personal characteristics, abilities and simple actions they can take to keep themselves healthy and safe. Students are introduced to the basic principles of living a healthy life including personal-care routines and ways...

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Level C Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Identify their personal characteristics (VCHPEP029)
    1. learning to express their feelings, needs, likes and dislikes using simple communication tools (MH)
    2. describe in simple terms, basic physical characteristics of themselves and others (MH)
    3. identifying things they can do and explore how these develop over time (AP, MH)
    4. participating in a range of minor games and activities and exploring what they can do, which ones they like and would like to do more (AP, MH)
  2. Identify major body parts and stages of life (VCHPEP030)
    1. exploring major body parts through supported experiences and learning to label major body parts (RS)
    2. learning about and identifying some private parts of the body from a field of three (RS, S) (RS, S)
    3. exploring and identifying major stages of life through exploration of own family and significant people (RS)
    4. learning about their current stage of life and how they are growing and changing (RS)
  3. Identify and name members of immediate family and demonstrate safety awareness, respond to safety instructions and identify safe and unsafe places and items in the environment (VCHPEP031)
    1. sharing information about their own family using photos (RS)
    2. learning about different types of relationships and identifying the people within each relationship group (RS)
    3. exploring safety and learning to demonstrate safety awareness in familiar daily routines (S)
    4. learning protective behaviours that can help keep them safe, including how to seek or communicate a need for help from trusted people in their community who can help them stay safe and healthy, recognising and communicating when then feel unsafe and practising ways of asking for help in a range of different scenarios (S, RS)
    5. using pictures and concrete examples to identify their understanding of safe and unsafe places and items in the environment around them (S)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Practise personal hygiene, independence skills and social skills including taking turns (VCHPEP032)
    1. practising expressing needs, wants and feelings, and self-discipline to be an effective group member (MH, RS)
    2. participating in personal hygiene practices including hand washing, face washing, nose blowing and toilet routines and beginning to identify why they are important (S)
    3. exploring scenarios, actions and consequences and discussing how it feels and their choices (RS, MH, S)
    4. creating and retelling stories about social skills and exploring and practising the skills targeted (RS)
    5. learning how to be kind, fair and respectful to others through structured learning experiences and social stories and how they can make people feel (RS)
  2. Explore their feelings and practice expressing their needs, likes and dislikes using simple communication tools (VCHPEP033)
    1. learning through supported experiences about what feelings look like, when they have felt this way and how to act (MH)
    2. learning to recognise their emotional expression (MH)
    3. learning to use words, signs or symbols to name emotions for self and others (MH)
    4. developing a vocabulary of key concepts and using pictures and real objects to indicate their understanding of their likes and dislikes and feelings, and events associated with each feeling (MH)
    5. learning about the needs and viewpoints of others through group experiences and shared decision-making (RS, MH)
    6. selecting a solution and identifying cause and effect of actions for familiar social problems (RS)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Practise a variety of health, safety and wellbeing actions (VCHPEP034)
    1. learning about the basic elements of living a healthy life (AD, FN, HBPA, MH, RS, S)
    2. identifying some acceptable and safe ways of behaving (S)
    3. follow stepped instructions in basic food preparation and hygiene procedures (FN, S)
    4. identifying some basic characteristics of food and grouping objects as foods and non-foods, hot and cold, hard and soft foods, always and sometimes food, personal preference (FN)
    5. exploring safety and following safety rules and procedures in familiar daily routines (S)
    6. learning a new skill and feeling positive about their achievement and with support implementing strategies they can use to persist until they are successful (MH)
  2. Participate in structured play in various settings (VCHPEP035)
    1. learning how to use and play and be active with equipment in different settings (AP, CA, FMS, GS, LLPA, RE)
    2. learning through a range of structured learning activities to cooperate and play with peers, to be socially active and participate with others (RS)
    3. developing play and social skills by playing cooperatively with a chosen peer, engaging in play activities with several others, taking turns with a partner or in small groups when using equipment (AP, RS)
    4. learning to follow basic social rules regarding sharing and care of property and social expectations regarding behaviour (RS)
    5. following safety directions and indicating how to be safe in the outdoors through play in natural environments (S, CA)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Practise simple whole-body movements and gross motor movement patterns (VCHPEM036)
    1. develop basic motor skills (FMS)
    2. maintaining balance and coordination through simple whole body movements (FMS, RE)
    3. performing locomotor skills and change movement, direction or speed when directed (FMS, RE, GS)
    4. sending and receiving objects in different ways (FMS, GS)
    5. performing a range of movement skills in water (FMS)
  2. Participate in a variety of physical education experiences and games with simple rules with equipment in a range of environments (VCHPEM037)
    1. copying simple physical movement patterns (FMS)
    2. beginning to learn to ride a tricycle or bike with training wheels (LLPA)
    3. learning the skills needed to perform basic games (FMS)
    4. demonstrating safety rules when participating in structured physical activities (S, AP, FMS, GS, CA)
    5. participating in games that require students to be aware of personal safety and game boundaries (AP, GS, S)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Engage in regular physical activities and explore the development of their ability and health (VCHPEM038)
    1. moving around their environment and perform simple whole-body movements (AP, GS, FMS)
    2. learning through a range of structured learning activities to use equipment to slide, climb, float, ride and swing (AP, FMS, GS, LLPA)
    3. choose from a series of structured leisure activities at home and at school (LLPA)
    4. identifying how regular physical activity can help keep people healthy (HBPA)
    5. exploring how their ability and health improve over time due to regular physical activities (HBPA)
  2. Identify how their body moves and relate to space and objects (VCHPEM039)
    1. developing a movement vocabulary, including understanding some simple concepts and instructions (S)
    2. perform basic gross motor movement patterns including walking, running and jumping (FMS, AP)
    3. copying modelled actions to participate in an activity (FMS, AP)
    4. describing body positions when performing a range of different movements (FMS)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Take turns with a partner or in small groups when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM040)
    1. copying simple physical movement patterns (FMS, AP)
    2. demonstrating beginning understandings of safety rules when participating in structured physical activities (S)
    3. taking turns with a partner or in small groups when using equipment (RS)
    4. grasping and manipulating objects of various sizes and weights (AP, FMS, GS)
    5. participating in structured activities and games which involve turn taking and participating as part of a group or team (AP, GS, CA)
  2. Test possible solutions to movement challenges through trial and error to maintain balance and coordination as they move over and through a range of surfaces and grasp and manipulate objects (VCHPEM041)
    1. using basic play equipment purposefully (AP, GS)
    2. maintaining balance and coordination as they move over and through a range of surfaces (AP, GS, RE)
    3. trialling a number of ideas when trying new movement activities (FMS, GS, LLPA, CA)
    4. making positive choices when faced with a decision about how they participate in a movement activity (GS, CA)
  3. Follow simple movement instructions and safety rules when participating in structured physical activities (VCHPEM042)
    1. demonstrating an understanding of safety equipment and clothing associated with physical activity (S)
    2. follow simple movement instructions and demonstrate understanding of descriptors associated with basic movement commands (S, AP, GS, CA)
    3. following instructions for personal safety and fair play (S, GS)
    4. identifying boundaries including personal space and playing area (AP, GS)
    5. demonstrating appropriate use of equipment (S)

Level C Achievement Standard

By the end of Level C, students recognise key stages of life, how they have grown and changed. They identify some obvious emotions and their cause. They experience and become more independent with actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active.

They identify some different settings where they can be active by matching an activity to a location. They perform basic gross motor movement patterns and maintain balance and coordination as they move over and through a range of surfaces and use a range of equipment.

Students use personal and social skills to include others in a range of activities. Students actively participate in personal care routines and attempt some basic tasks independently. They demonstrate protective behaviours to keep them safe and healthy in different activities. Students alter their behaviour in the presence of familiar persons and demonstrate personal preference by changing, and accepting and rejecting things. They indicate the cause of a current feeling and demonstrate some acceptable ways of behaving. They identify when someone is upset or needs help. They perform fundamental movement skills and solve movement challenges in the playground and in gym sessions.

Level D (Towards Foundation)

Level D Description

The Level D curriculum provides the basis for developing knowledge, understanding and skills for students to lead healthy, safe and active lives. Students learn about their strengths and simple actions they can take to keep themselves and their classmates healthy and safe. They learn about major body parts, their family, healthy eating, feelings and safety.

Students explore the people that are...

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Level D Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Identify what they can do (VCHPEP043)
    1. identifying some characteristics of self and others including what they can do and achievements (MH, AP, GS)
    2. identifying things they are good at and how they have improved over time (MH, AP, GS, CA)
    3. describing self help skills and what strategies they can use to persist until they are successful (MH)
    4. identifying ways they can use their strengths and skills to help themselves and others (MH)
  2. Identify the major parts of the body by their names and sequence images of major stages of life (VCHPEP044)
    1. identifying the major parts of the body by their proper names and beginning to describe their function (S, RS)
    2. identifying those parts of the body that are ‘private’ and identify the contexts in which body parts should be kept private (RS, S)
    3. learning how bodies grow and change over time through major stages of life, baby, toddler, child, teenager, adult, older person (RS)
  3. Demonstrate an understanding of different kinds of relationships and identify some private places and safe and unsafe places or situations (VCHPEP045)
    1. demonstrating an understanding of different kinds of relationships (RS)
    2. learning how to make friends and developing and maintaining friendships (RS)
    3. exploring and learning about feelings and safety and relating to private, safe and unsafe (S, MH, RS)
    4. exploring and labelling trusted people in their community who can help them stay safe and healthy (S)
    5. beginning to identify situations where they feel safe and unsafe and learning some basic strategies that they may use in unsafe situations (S)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Practise personal skills of self-care, hygiene and independence and practise social skills to interact with others (VCHPEP046)
    1. practising personal skills including expressing needs, wants and feelings; active listening and showing self-discipline to be an effective group member (RS)
    2. undertaking basic self-care and personal hygiene activities with occasional prompts and minimal supervision (S)
    3. learning to judge right and wrong on the basis of the consequences of their actions. (S, RS, AD)
    4. listening to stories about characters who are making friends, working in a group and discussing how the character could deal with the various situation (RS)
  2. Identify emotional responses and describe their feelings using pictures and/or words (VCHPEP047)
    1. identifying situations when they might feel angry, afraid, happy, sad, lonely, anxious or excited (MH, RS, S)
    2. learning to differentiate emotional responses and become aware of the causes of their emotions (MH, RS, S)
    3. behaving appropriately in different familiar social settings and adhering to class practices (RS)
    4. learning and using appropriate language and actions to communicate their feelings in different situations (RS)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Explore what actions promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP048)
    1. exploring and learning about healthy eating and showing an understanding of basic food-handling hygiene (FN, S)
    2. identifying safety equipment used to minimise injury during physical activities (S, GS, CA)
    3. identifying personal hygiene routines that need to be carried out each day (S)
    4. learning the basic rules of respect for another person; sharing, offering assistance and cooperating and practising these skills (MH, RS)
    5. following safety symbols and procedures at school, home and in aquatic and road environments (S)
  2. Explore play in outdoor settings and the natural environment (VCHPEP049)
    1. showing increasing control in using equipment for climbing, scrambling, sliding and swinging (AP, FMS, RE, CA, LLPA)
    2. using familiar equipment with competency (AP, GS, LLPA, CA)
    3. exploring with adult support a range of ways to play and be active in outdoor or natural settings (AP, CA)
    4. learning how to be safe in the outdoors through play in natural environments (S, AP, CA)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Practise simple gross motor and fine motor skills in a range of environments showing increasing control (VCHPEM050)
    1. beginning to anticipate the next step in familiar physical routines (GS, RE, LLPA)
    2. performing a range of water confidence skills including learning in aquatic sessions to perform a safe entry into the pool and blowing bubbles with face in water (FMS, S)
    3. riding a bicycle in structured environments (S, LLPA)
    4. performing various locomotor skills once modelled (FMS, GS)
    5. sending and receiving objects at different levels and in different ways (FMS)
  2. Participate in simple games with support and begin to anticipate the next step in familiar physical routines (VCHPEM051)
    1. preparing for games and physical activities by collecting and dressing in appropriate clothing and safety gear (S, GS, CA)
    2. participating in games that require students to be aware of sequence, personal safety and game boundaries (AP, GS)
    3. participating in games from other cultures and for specific events (AP, GS)
    4. participating in games responding to stimuli (AP, RE)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Explore how regular physical activity keeps them healthy and well (VCHPEM052)
    1. recording their skills and abilities and celebrating improvements in endurance, achievements and fitness (MH, HBPA)
    2. labelling their feelings after participating in different physical activities (MH)
    3. exploring what body parts are used in different physical activities (FMS)
    4. sharing the things they like to do to stay physically active (HBPA, GS, LLPA, CA)
    5. exploring and linking how regular physical activity can help keep people healthy (HBPA, LLPA)
  2. Identify their pathway through a space and use vocabulary associated with movement to describe how their body moves in relation to space, objects and people (VCHPEM053)
    1. beginning to use vocabulary associated with movement (AP, GS)
    2. beginning to consider space around them as part of planning for the way they move (GS)
    3. following directions to move through and around a space (AP, GS, RE)
    4. moving around a designated area while avoiding others (AP, GS)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Cooperate with others and demonstrate characteristics of a good sport when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM054)
    1. participating in simple games with support and practising social skills (AP)
    2. demonstrating an understanding of and following familiar game rules (AP, GS)
    3. demonstrating characteristics of a good sport (GS)
    4. learning to negotiate with others when working or playing games in groups (AP, GS, CA, LLPA)
  2. Test possible solutions to movement challenges by negotiating the space around them and manipulate objects (VCHPEM055)
    1. attempting different ways to solve a movement challenge and discussing which ways were successful or not (FMS, RE, GS, CA)
    2. trialling a number of ideas when trying new movement activities (RE, AP, FMS, CA)
    3. making positive choices when faced with a decision about how to participate in a movement activity (RE, AP, FMS, GS)
    4. performing a new movement task for others in their group or class (RE, AP, FMS, GS)
  3. Follow basic safety directions, and familiar game rules when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM056)
    1. using basic equipment and facilities safely (AP, FMS, GS, S)
    2. following safety rules and expected behaviours for a game or physical activity (S)
    3. following instructions for personal safety and fair play (S, AP, GS)
    4. responding to commands when participating in physical activities (S, AP, GS)
    5. indicating boundaries including personal space and playing area (S, AP, GS)

Level D Achievement Standard

By the end of Level D, students recognise changes to their body over the year. They identify and describe basic emotions people experience and what makes them feel this way.

They recognise some routine actions they do to help them to be healthy, safe and physically active. They identify different settings where they can be active and ways they move and play safely. They reflect upon how their body responds to movement.

Students make use of personal and social skills in a range of activities to be healthy and work with others. In structured situations they demonstrate practices and protective behaviours to keep themselves safe and healthy in everyday events and different routine activities. They perform fundamental movement skills involving simple gross motor movements and solve basic movement challenges.

Foundation Level

Foundation Level Description

The Foundation Level curriculum provides the basis for developing the knowledge, understanding and skills students need to lead healthy, safe and active lives. The content provides opportunities for students to learn about their strengths and describes simple actions they can take to keep themselves and their classmates healthy and safe.

The content explores the people that are important to students...

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Foundation Level Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Identify personal strengths (VCHPEP057)
    1. identifying things they are good at and describing how these have changed over time (AP, MH)
    2. participating in a range of minor games and exploring which ones they enjoy and what makes them enjoyable (AP, HBPA)
    3. describing how they feel when they are learning a new skill and what strategies they can use to persist until they are successful (AP, FMS, HBPA)
    4. identifying ways they can use their strengths to help themselves and others (RS, AP)
  2. Name parts of the body and describe how their body is growing and changing (VCHPEP058)
    1. recognising how bodies grow and change over time (RS)
    2. recording and mapping growth on individual and group growth charts or constructing a class height line (RS)
    3. identifying and labelling private parts of the body and understanding the contexts in which body parts should be kept private (S, RS)
  3. Identify people and actions that help keep themselves safe and healthy (VCHPEP059)
    1. identifying characters in different texts who help the main character to stay safe and healthy (S, RS, MH)
    2. identifying protective behaviours that can help keep them safe (S)
    3. identifying different relationships they have with people and which of these relationships make them feel loved, safe and supported (S, RS, MH)
    4. naming trusted people in their community who can help them stay safe and healthy, and practising ways of asking for help in a range of different scenarios (S, RS)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Practise personal and social skills to interact with others (VCHPEP060)
    1. respond to stories about characters who have been excluded from a group and discuss how the character could deal with the situation (RS)
    2. discussing how it feels to be included in activities (RS, AP, HBPA)
    3. practising personal skills such as expressing needs, wants and feelings, active listening and showing self-discipline to be an effective group member at home and at school (RS)
    4. listening and responding to others when participating in physical activities to achieve agreed outcomes (RE, AP, FMS, HBPA)
  2. Identify and describe emotional responses people may experience in different situations (VCHPEP061)
    1. identifying and describing the emotions of people who are happy, sad, excited, tired, angry, scared or confused (RS, MH)
    2. learning and using appropriate language and actions to communicate their feelings in different situations at home and at school (RS, MH)
    3. recalling and sharing emotional responses to different situations and representing this in a variety of ways (RS, MH)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Identify actions that promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP062)
    1. identifying household substances that can be dangerous and suggesting examples of how they can be stored safely in the home (S, AD)
    2. grouping foods into categories such as food groups and ‘always’ and ‘sometimes’ foods (FN)
    3. recognising and following safety symbols and procedures at home and in water and road environments (S)
    4. understanding the importance of personal hygiene practices, including hand washing, face washing, nose blowing and toilet routines (S)
    5. recognising that being kind, fair and respectful to others can support class health and wellbeing (RS, MH)
  2. Participate in play that promotes engagement with outdoor settings including aquatic and the natural environment (VCHPEP063)
    1. exploring a range of ways to play and be active in outdoor, aquatic or natural settings (RE, AP, HBPA)
    2. understanding how to be safe in the outdoors through play in natural environments (S, AP, FMS, HBPA)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Practise fundamental movement skills and movement sequences using different body parts and in response to stimuli in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM064)
    1. performing locomotor skills in any direction from one point to another (RE, AP, FMS)
    2. sending, controlling and receiving objects at different levels and in different ways (AP, FMS)
    3. performing a range of water confidence skills (FMS)
    4. creating movement sequences without equipment (RE, AP, FMS)
    5. responding with movement to rhythm, beat, music and words (RE, FMS)
  2. Participate in games with and without equipment (VCHPEM065)
    1. participating in games that require students to be aware of personal safety and game boundaries (AP, FMS)
    2. participating in games from other cultures (AP, FMS)
    3. participating in games responding to stimuli, such as musical chairs, rhythm actions, alphabet shapes (RE, AP, FMS)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Explore how regular physical activity keeps individuals healthy and well (VCHPEM066)
    1. describing their feelings after participating in different physical activities (HBPA)
    2. describing how the body responds to participating in different physical activities (HBPA)
    3. sharing the things they enjoy about being physically active (HBPA)
    4. identifying how regular physical activity can help keep people healthy (HBPA)
  2. Identify and describe how their body moves in relation to effort, space, time, objects and people (VCHPEM067)
    1. moving at different speeds and in different directions with others in a designated area (RE, AP, FMS)
    2. demonstrating the difference between personal space and general space in physical activities (RE, AP, FMS)
    3. describing body positions when performing a range of different movements (RE, AP, FMS)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Cooperate with others when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM068)
    1. working with a partner or small group to complete a movement task or challenge (RE, RS, AP)
    2. mirroring a partner while moving to music (RE)
    3. using words and body language to communicate intentions clearly when playing minor games (AP)
  2. Use trial and error to test solutions to movement challenges (VCHPEM069)
    1. attempting different ways to solve a movement challenge and discussing which ways were successful or not (RE, AP, FMS)
    2. trialling a number of techniques when trying new movement activities (RE, AP, FMS)
    3. making positive choices when faced with a decision about how they participate in a movement activity (RE, AP, FMS)
    4. performing a new movement task for others in their group or class (RE, AP, FMS)
  3. Follow rules when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM070)
    1. following instructions for personal safety and fair play (S, AP)
    2. responding to a whistle and commands when participating in physical activities (S, AP)
    3. identifying boundaries such as personal space and playing area (S, RE, AP, FMS)
    4. demonstrating appropriate use of equipment (S, RE, AP, FMS)

Foundation Level Achievement Standard

By the end of Foundation Level, students recognise how they are growing and changing. They identify and describe the different emotions people experience. They identify actions that help them be healthy, safe and physically active. They identify different settings where they can be active and how to move and play safely. They describe how their body responds to movement.

Students use personal and social skills when working with others in a range of activities. They demonstrate, with guidance, practices to keep themselves safe and healthy in different situations and activities. They perform fundamental movement skills and solve movement challenges.

Levels 1 and 2

Levels 1 and 2 Description

The curriculum for Levels 1 and 2 builds on the learning from Foundation Level and supports students to make decisions to enhance their health, safety and participation in physical activity. The content enables students to explore their own sense of self and the factors that contribute to and influence their identities. Students learn about emotions, how to enhance their interactions with others...

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Levels 1 and 2 Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Describe their own strengths and achievements and those of others, and identify how these contribute to personal identities (VCHPEP071)
    1. describing personal achievements such as doing something on their own for the first time and sharing how they felt and how it influenced their personal identities (MH)
    2. respond to stories where characters demonstrate strengths, sharing how these strengths helped the character be successful and recognising which of these strengths they themselves possess (MH)
    3. participating in games and physical activities and describing how others’ strengths contribute to successful outcomes (AP, HBPA)
  2. Describe physical and social changes that occur as children grow older and discuss how family and community acknowledge these (VCHPEP072)
    1. describing changes in their physical appearance now compared to when they were younger (RS)
    2. identifying and describing significant relationships in their lives and how these have evolved or changed over time (RS)
    3. discussing ways families and cultural groups acknowledge and celebrate major stages of development (RS)
    4. discussing tasks they are allowed to do by themselves and explaining how these have changed since they were younger (RS)
  3. Practise strategies they can use when they need help with a task, problem or situation at home and/or at school (VCHPEP073)
    1. identifying and rehearsing strategies they can use when requiring assistance, such as asking an adult, reading basic signs and solving a problem with friends (S)
    2. locating and recording phone numbers of local organisations they can contact in case of emergency and rehearsing a phone call to triple zero (S)
    3. identifying situations at home and at school that may require the help of emergency services (S)
    4. recognising photos and locations of safe places and people who can help (S)
  4. Recognise situations and opportunities to promote their own health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP074)
    1. identifying poison labels and medicine packaging and understanding to ask an adult before taking medicines (S, AD)
    2. exploring how eating healthy foods can influence health and wellbeing (FN)
    3. exploring benefits of regular physical activity and identifying opportunities when they can be active at school, at home and in the community (HBPA)
    4. describing actions to stay safe in a range of environments, including home, water, road, nature and outdoors (S)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Describe ways to include others to make them feel that they belong (VCHPEP075)
    1. identifying and appreciating similarities and differences in people and groups (RS)
    2. exploring how people feel when they are included and excluded from groups and activities (RS, AP, MH)
    3. demonstrating appropriate language when encouraging others at home and at school (RS)
    4. demonstrating how to include others in physical activities when completing movement tasks or practising for performance (RE, RS, AP, FMS)
    5. expressing appreciation and offering encouragement using a variety of communication techniques (RS)
  2. Identify and practise emotional responses that account for own and others’ feelings (VCHPEP076)
    1. recognising own emotions and demonstrating positive ways to react in different situations at home and at school (S, MH)
    2. identifying the body’s reaction to a range of situations, including safe and unsafe situations, and comparing the different emotional responses (S, RS)
    3. predicting how a person or character might be feeling based on the words they use, their facial expressions and body language (S, RS)
    4. understanding how a person’s reaction to a situation can affect others’ feelings (S, RS, MH)
  3. Examine health messages and how they relate to health decisions and behaviours (VCHPEP077)
    1. identifying familiar advertisements that contain health messages (S, AD, FN)
    2. identifying popular health slogans and discussing the behaviours these slogans are encouraging (S, AD, FN)
    3. creating their own positive health message and sharing it with the class (S, AD, FN, HBPA)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Explore actions that help make the classroom a healthy, safe and active place (VCHPEP078)
    1. creating a bank of movement games and physical activity cards students can select from and play during lesson breaks and before or after school (AP, HBPA)
    2. exploring sustainable practices that students can implement in the classroom to improve the health and wellbeing of the class (FN, RS)
    3. exploring how fruit and water breaks help support class health and wellbeing (FN)
    4. recognising how their actions help keep classmates safe, including identifying things not to be shared due to potential of contamination, infection and anaphylaxis (S, FN)
    5. explaining and demonstrating how being fair and respectful contributes to class health and wellbeing (RS, MH)
  2. Identify and explore natural and built environments in the local community where physical activity can take place (VCHPEP079)
    1. recognising that physical activities can take place in a range of different environments, including natural, built and aquatic settings (AP, HBPA)
    2. participating in physical activities within the built structures in the school and local community where physical activity takes place (AP, HBPA)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Perform fundamental movement skills in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM080)
    1. performing locomotor movements using different body parts (RE, AP, FMS)
    2. performing fundamental movement skills involving controlling objects with equipment and different parts of the body (RE, AP, FMS)
    3. demonstrating balances and describing what helps to maintain stable positions (RE, FMS)
    4. demonstrating how to transfer weight from one part of the body to another (RE, FMS)
    5. demonstrating fundamental movement and safety skills in water (S, FMS)
  2. Construct and perform imaginative and original movement sequences in response to stimuli (VCHPEM081)
    1. demonstrating changes in speed, direction and level of movement in response to changes in music tempo (RE)
    2. creating, following, repeating and altering movement sequences in response to rhythm, music or words (RE, AP)
    3. selecting and implementing different movement skills to be successful in a game (AP, FMS)
  3. Create and participate in games (VCHPEM082)
    1. inventing games with rules using one or two pieces of equipment (AP, FMS)
    2. participating in games that use a number of different fundamental movement skills (AP, FMS)
    3. using stimuli such as equipment, rhythm, music and words to create games (RE, AP, FMS)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Discuss the body’s reactions to participating in physical activities (VCHPEM083)
    1. participating in activities of different intensity and comparing the body’s reactions (AP, FMS, HBPA)
    2. identifying positive feelings they experience when participating in physical activities (AP, HBPA)
    3. participating in new and unfamiliar activities and describing how they felt about the experience (HBPA)
  2. Incorporate elements of effort, space, time, objects and people in performing simple movement sequences (VCHPEM084)
    1. comparing different types of movements and identifying which ones are easier and harder and why this might be the case (RE, AP, FMS)
    2. performing movements under, over, through and between objects, people and equipment (RE, AP, FMS)
    3. demonstrating how they can balance on different parts of the body and make different shapes (RE, AP, FMS)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Use strategies to work in group situations when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM085)
    1. working cooperatively with a partner when practising new skills (RS, FMS)
    2. describing and demonstrating how to include others in physical activity (RE, RS, AP, FMS)
    3. suggesting and trialling how a game can be changed so that everyone can be involved (RS, AP)
  2. Propose a range of alternatives and test their effectiveness when solving movement challenges (VCHPEM086)
    1. predicting possible outcomes of alternative actions and deciding which one is likely to be the most effective (RE, AP, FMS)
    2. asking for and responding to feedback from peers or teachers on their performance (RE, AP, FMS)
    3. reflecting on their performance and identifying and demonstrating ways they can perform a skill more successfully (RE, AP, FMS)
  3. Identify rules and fair play when creating and participating in physical activities (VCHPEM087)
    1. explaining why rules are needed in games and physical activities (S, RE, AP)
    2. demonstrating turn-taking and sharing equipment when participating in minor games (S, AP)
    3. explaining how rules contribute to fair play and applying them in group activities (RE, AP, FMS)

Levels 1 and 2 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 2, students describe changes that occur as they grow older. They recognise how strengths and achievements contribute to identities. They understand how emotional responses impact on others’ feelings. They examine messages related to health decisions and describe how to help keep themselves and others healthy, safe and physically active. They identify areas where they can be active and how the body reacts to different physical activities.

Students demonstrate positive ways to interact with others. They select strategies at home and/or school to keep themselves healthy and safe and are able to ask for help with tasks or problems. They demonstrate fundamental movement skills in different movement situations and test alternatives to solve movement challenges. They perform movement sequences that incorporate the elements of movement.

Levels 3 and 4

Levels 3 and 4 Description

The Levels 3 and 4 curriculum further develops students’ knowledge, understanding and skills in relation to their health, wellbeing, safety and participation in physical activity. In these years, students begin to explore personal and social factors that support and contribute to their identities and emotional responses in varying situations. They also develop a further understanding of...

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Levels 3 and 4 Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Examine how success, challenge and failure strengthen personal identities (VCHPEP088)
    1. examining factors that support personal achievement and development of personal identities, such as the influence of family, friends and school (MH)
    2. suggesting ways to respond positively to challenges and failure, such as using self-talk, early help-seeking behaviours, and optimistic thinking (RS, MH)
    3. persisting with new activities and examining how success through persistence can have positive outcomes and strengthen identities (RS, MH)
    4. describing how meeting challenges makes them feel good about themselves and builds confidence to try new things (MH)
  2. Explore strategies to manage physical, social and emotional change (VCHPEP089)
    1. discussing physical, social and emotional changes that occur as individuals get older, and exploring how these changes impact on how they think and feel about themselves and different situations (RS, MH)
    2. exploring how friendships change as they grow older and identifying strategies to manage change (RS)
    3. identifying people or sources of information that they can access if they have questions about the changes that are occurring (S, RS)
  3. Describe and apply strategies that can be used in situations that make them feel uncomfortable or unsafe (VCHPEP090)
    1. recognising physical responses that indicate they are feeling uncomfortable or unsafe (S)
    2. rehearsing assertive behaviours and strong non-verbal communication skills (S, RS)
    3. identifying and practising appropriate responses to unsafe situations in relation to drugs and drug use (S, AD)
    4. indicating on a local map the location of safe places and people who can help (S)
    5. examining protective behaviours to stay safe in different situations, including near water or roads, in the park or when someone makes them feel uncomfortable or unsafe in their home, at schools or in the community (S)
  4. Identify and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP091)
    1. identifying how medications and other substances can be stored safely in the home and at school (S, AD)
    2. examining their own eating patterns by researching The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and identifying healthier food choices (FN)
    3. proposing changes they can make to their daily routines to reduce sedentary behaviour and increase physical activity levels (HBPA, MH)
    4. explore and practise strategies that could be used to make the home and school environment safer (S)
    5. identifying and practising ways of behaving in the playground that ensure the safety of themselves and others (S)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Describe factors that can positively influence relationships and personal wellbeing (VCHPEP092)
    1. describing behaviours that show empathy and respect for the rights of others at home, at school and in the community (RS)
    2. creating an online connection with another school and identifying similarities and differences between students (FN, RS)
    3. predicting and reflecting on how other students might feel in a range of challenging situations, and discussing what they can do to support them (RS)
    4. recognising that bullying behaviour can take many forms, in many environments, including physical, social and emotional actions and behaviours (S, RS)
  2. Investigate how emotional responses vary in family situations and in friendship groups (VCHPEP093)
    1. recognising own emotional responses and levels of their response in different situations, including home and at school (RS, MH)
    2. understanding that emotional responses vary across cultures and differ between people and different situations (RS, MH)
    3. analysing scenarios and identifying possible triggers and warning signs to predict emotional responses (RS, MH)
    4. describing strategies they can use to identify and manage their emotions before making a decision to act (S, RS, MH)
  3. Discuss and interpret health information and messages in the media (VCHPEP094)
    1. accessing different sources of health information and examining the accuracy of these sources (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. examining health messages from different sources and exploring choices, behaviours and outcomes conveyed in these messages (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    3. investigating how health messages influence health decisions (S, AD, FN, HBPA)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Describe strategies to make the classroom and playground healthy, safe and active spaces (VCHPEP095)
    1. identifying how regular physical activity promotes health, and recognising and accessing opportunities to be active while they are at school (HBPA)
    2. creating promotional posters to display around the school containing positive health and physical activity messages (S, AD, FN, RS, AP, HBPA)
    3. establishing a small fruit and vegetable garden for the class that can be used to create healthy lunches or snacks (FN)
    4. exploring and developing responsible and sustainable classroom practices such as recycling, composting and energy saving (S, FN)
  2. Participate in outdoor games and activities to examine how participation promotes a connection between the community, natural and built environments, and health and wellbeing (VCHPEP096)
    1. participating in physical activities in natural environments in the local area and reflecting on the enjoyable components of participation (AP, HBPA, LLPA)
    2. comparing the characteristics and benefits of physical activities that can take place in a natural environment and those that take place in a built environment (AP, HBPA, LLPA, CA)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Practise and refine fundamental movement skills in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM097)
    1. performing activities where locomotor and object control skills are combined to complete a movement (RE, AP, FMS)
    2. performing fundamental movement skills to demonstrate weight transference in different physical activities (RE, AP, FMS)
    3. coordinating kicking with arm movements to move the body through the water (FMS)
    4. exploring and practising different techniques to propel objects towards a target (AP, FMS)
  2. Perform movement sequences which link fundamental movement skills (VCHPEM098)
    1. performing routines incorporating different jumping techniques and connecting movements (RE, AP, FMS)
    2. demonstrating fundamental movement skills in correct sequence to complete a movement task or challenge (AP, FMS)
    3. performing tumbling routines using rolling actions, incline, weight transfer, flight and balances (RE, FMS)
    4. participating in dance routines from different cultures, such as Tinikling from The Phillipines, Polynesian dance, Japanese parasol dance, and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander dance (RE, FMS)
    5. using a surface dive and propelling the body underwater to recover an object (FMS)
  3. Practise and apply movement concepts and strategies (VCHPEM099)
    1. planning and performing strategies to be successful in tag and dodge games (AP)
    2. demonstrating movement concepts and strategies to create scoring opportunities (GS)
    3. exploring centre of gravity and stability as they perform balance activities (RE, AP, FMS)
    4. participating in physical activities which require problem-solving to achieve a goal (RS, AP, CA)
    5. using different equipment to create an original game or movement challenge (AP, CA)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Examine the benefits of physical activity and physical fitness to health and wellbeing (VCHPEM100)
    1. examining the benefits of regular physical activity, including the influence on sleep, concentration and fitness (HBPA, LLPA, MH)
    2. collecting, recording and organising information to investigate which physical activities people engage in to maintain health, wellbeing and fitness (HBPA)
    3. exploring physical activity and screen-usage time recommendations for children and proposing how they can meet these recommendations (HBPA)
  2. Combine the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people when performing movement sequences (VCHPEM101)
    1. demonstrating acceleration and deceleration of movement in physical activities (RE, AP, FMS)
    2. discussing and demonstrating different levels, movement pathways, and use of space and flow in movement sequences (RE)
    3. using the body to demonstrate an understanding of symmetry, shapes and angles when performing movement skills, balances or movement sequences (RE, FMS)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Adopt inclusive practices when participating in physical activities (VCHPEM102)
    1. using cooperative skills to complete a movement task, such as a partner balance, partner passing strategy or team strategy (RE, RS, AP, FMS, CA)
    2. working cooperatively with team members to maintain possession in a game by passing to other players and listening to team-mates (RS, AP)
    3. modifying physical activities to ensure that everyone is included, such as changing equipment, rules or playing space (RE, RS, AP, FMS)
  2. Apply innovative and creative thinking in solving movement challenges (VCHPEM103)
    1. transferring and applying skills to solve movement challenges (RE, AP, FMS, CA)
    2. testing alternative responses to movement challenges and predicting the success or effectiveness of each (RE, AP, FMS, CA)
    3. posing questions to others as a strategy for solving movement challenges (RE, AP, FMS, CA)
    4. drawing on prior knowledge to solve movement challenges (RE, AP, FMS, CA)
  3. Apply basic rules and scoring systems, and demonstrate fair play when participating (VCHPEM104)
    1. collaborating to decide rules for a new game (RS, AP)
    2. contributing to fair decision-making in physical activities by applying the rules appropriately (AP)
    3. recognising unfairness and exclusion in a game situation, and proposing strategies to overcome these issues (RS, AP)
    4. recognising consequences of personal and team actions in group activities (RS, AP)

Levels 3 and 4 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 4, students recognise strategies for managing change. They examine influences that strengthen identities. They investigate how emotional responses vary and understand how to interact positively with others in different situations including in physical activities. Students interpret health messages and discuss the influences on healthy and safe choices. They understand the benefits of being fit and physically active. They describe the connections they have to their community and how these can promote health and wellbeing.

Students apply strategies for working cooperatively and apply rules fairly. They select and demonstrate strategies that help them stay safe, healthy and active at home, at school and in the community. They refine fundamental movement skills and apply movement concepts and strategies in different physical activities and to solve movement challenges. They create and perform movement sequences using fundamental movement skills and the elements of movement.

Levels 5 and 6

Levels 5 and 6 Description

The Levels 5 and 6 curriculum supports students to develop knowledge, understanding and skills to create opportunities and take action to enhance their own and others' health, wellbeing, safety and physical activity participation. Students develop skills to manage their emotions, understand the physical and social changes that are occurring for them and examine how the nature of their relationships...

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Levels 5 and 6 Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Explore how identities are influenced by people and places (VCHPEP105)
    1. identifying how personal qualities contribute to identities (MH)
    2. recognising how individual personalities and teamwork contribute to achieving success in physical activities (RS, CA)
    3. exploring how personal and cultural identities change over time (RS, MH)
    4. investigating how personal and cultural identities are influenced by the groups and communities to which we belong and the places to which we feel connected (RS)
    5. exploring how family, peers and the media influence how individuals interact in given situations (RS)
  2. Investigate resources to manage changes and transitions associated with puberty (VCHPEP106)
    1. understanding that individuals experience changes associated with puberty at different times, with differing levels of intensity and with different responses (RS, MH)
    2. researching and identifying age-appropriate text and web-based resources to enhance understanding of changes associated with puberty (RS)
    3. examining the range of products available to manage the physical changes associated with puberty (RS)
  3. Investigate community resources and strategies to seek help about health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP107)
    1. researching health information sources and places where they can seek help (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. applying criteria to online information to assess the credibility of the information (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    3. creating ways to share information about local services young people can access for help, such as a blog, app or advertisement (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    4. discuss the resources in the local community that could assist young people when they are feeling unsafe at home or at school or during community activities (S)
  4. Plan and practise strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP108)
    1. scripting and rehearsing how to refuse drugs they may be offered, such as medication, tobacco product or alcohol (S, AD)
    2. comparing product labels on food items or nutritional information in recipes and suggesting ways to improve the nutritional value of meals (FN)
    3. proposing and implementing opportunities to increase their physical activity levels at school and at home (HBPA)
    4. selecting and practising appropriate responses to promote safety in different situations, including the home, water- and traffic-related situations (S)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Practise skills to establish and manage relationships (VCHPEP109)
    1. exploring reasons why relationships may change, such as starting a new school, changing priorities or interests, family break-up, or joining a new sports team (RS)
    2. assessing the impact of different relationships on personal health and wellbeing (RS, MH)
    3. proposing strategies for managing the changing nature of relationships, including dealing with bullying, violence and harassment and building new friendships (S, RS)
  2. Examine the influence of emotional responses on behaviour, relationships and health and wellbeing (VCHPEP110)
    1. analysing situations in which emotions can influence decision making, including in peer-group, family and movement situations (GS, RS, MH, CA)
    2. discussing how inappropriate emotional responses impact relationships at home and at school (RS, MH)
    3. exploring why emotional responses can be unpredictable (RS, MH)
  3. Recognise how media and important people in the community influence personal attitudes, beliefs, decisions and behaviours (VCHPEP111)
    1. examining how media and public identities influence the way people act and the choices they make (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. sharing how important people in their life influence them to act or behave in a healthy or safe way (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    3. analysing health messages in the media and comparing their interpretations with those of other members of the class (S, AD, FN, HBPA)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Investigate the role of preventive health in promoting and maintaining health, safety and wellbeing for individuals and their communities (VCHPEP112)
    1. investigating practices that help promote and maintain health and wellbeing, such as eating a diet reflecting The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating, meeting recommendations for daily physical activity and creating connections with others to enhance social health (FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. proposing and implementing actions and protective behaviours that promote safe participation in physical activities (GS, S, HBPA, CA)
    3. understanding the importance of social support and a sense of belonging in promoting mental health and wellbeing (RS, MH)
  2. Explore how participation in outdoor activities supports personal and community health and wellbeing and creates connections to the natural and built environment (VCHPEP113)
    1. exploring ways in which people can connect with other members of their community through participating in physical activities in natural settings and built environments (HBPA, LLPA, CA)
    2. discussing how a connection to the local community, environment or special places can influence personal and community health and wellbeing (HBPA, LLPA, CA)
    3. discussing how access to natural and built environments can help or hinder participation in physical activities (HBPA, LLPA, CA)
    4. exploring Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander understandings of special places and the connection of these places to physical activities (HBPA)
  3. Investigate how celebrating similarities and differences can strengthen communities (VCHPEP114)
    1. exploring initiatives sporting and community groups use to counter discrimination and support the wellbeing of their communities (RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. discussing how the actions of bystanders, friends and family can prevent and/or stop bullying, violence and other forms of discrimination and harassment (RS, MH)
    3. proposing strategies to help others understand points of view that differ from their own and to encourage further discussion about individual and cultural similarities and differences in order to tackle racism (RS)
    4. exploring and celebrating how cultures differ in behaviours, beliefs and values (FN, RS, MH)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Practise specialised movement skills and apply them in different movement situations in indoor, outdoor and aquatic settings (VCHPEM115)
    1. applying stability and locomotor skills to dodge and feint in different movement situations (GS, RE)
    2. applying kicking, striking and throwing skills to propel an object and keep it in motion (GS)
    3. combining surface propulsion and underwater skills in an aquatic environment (FMS, CA)
    4. performing a range of complex static and dynamic balances on different body parts or rotating and/or pivoting (RE)
    5. jumping with control for height and distance using a variety of body positions (GS, RE, FMS, CA)
  2. Design and perform a variety of movement sequences (VCHPEM116)
    1. composing movement sequences including balances to travel from point to point (RE, FMS)
    2. performing activities that involve a transition from one skill to another, such as from dribbling to shooting or from leaping to balancing (GS, RE)
    3. experimenting with different music genres such as Indian Bhangra music when performing creative dances (RE)
    4. designing a sequence of passes between team-mates to maintain possession or move a piece of equipment from one point to another (GS, CA)
    5. designing and participating in a simple fitness circuit involving activities that require different types of movement (LLPA)
  3. Propose and apply movement concepts and strategies (VCHPEM117)
    1. demonstrating defensive and offensive play in modified games (GS)
    2. proposing and applying movement concepts and strategies to perform movement sequences at different levels using different types of equipment (GS, RE, FMS)
    3. proposing and applying movement concepts and strategies to safely traverse a natural environment (S, CA)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Participate in physical activities designed to enhance fitness, and discuss the impact of regular participation on health and wellbeing (VCHPEM118)
    1. creating and participating in a fitness circuit designed to improve health-related fitness components (HBPA, LLPA)
    2. demonstrating and describing safe stretching activities which maintain and develop flexibility (HBPA, LLPA)
    3. examining the benefits of physical activity to social health and mental wellbeing (HBPA, LLPA, MH)
    4. participating in a range of physical activities and exploring their health, skill and fitness benefits (GS, FMS, HBPA, LLPA, CA)
    5. examining and describing health-related and skill-related components of fitness (HBPA, LLPA)
  2. Manipulate and modify the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people to perform movement sequences (VCHPEM119)
    1. demonstrating an understanding of how to adjust the force and speed of an object to improve accuracy and control (GS, FMS)
    2. creating a movement sequence that demonstrates variations in flow and levels and involves individuals moving together in time (GS, RE)
    3. working with a partner to explore pushing and pulling movements and how these can be manipulated to perform counter-balances (RE, CA)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Participate positively in groups and teams by encouraging others and negotiating roles and responsibilities (VCHPEM120)
    1. understanding the contribution of different roles and responsibilities in physical activities that promote enjoyment, safety and positive outcomes for participants (GS, RS, LLPA, CA)
    2. demonstrating negotiation skills when dealing with conflicts or disagreements in movement situations (GS, RS, CA)
    3. using reflective listening when working in small groups on movement tasks or challenges (GS, RS, LLPA, CA)
    4. exploring and performing the duties and responsibilities of different roles for a range of physical activities (GS, RS, LLPA, CA)
  2. Apply critical and creative thinking processes in order to generate and assess solutions to movement challenges (VCHPEM121)
    1. recognising that there may be a number of solutions to movement challenges and justifying which solution is most appropriate or effective (GS, RE, FMS, CA)
    2. applying movement skills and strategies from other contexts to generate a solution to an unfamiliar movement challenge (GS, RE, FMS, CA)
    3. assessing and refining strategies to persist and successfully perform new and challenging movement skills and sequences (GS, RE, FMS, CA)
    4. devising strategies and formulating plans to assist in successfully performing new movement skills (GS, RE, FMS, CA)
  3. Demonstrate ethical behaviour and fair play that aligns with the rules when participating in a range of physical activities (VCHPEM122)
    1. explaining why infringements result in consequences such as a penalty or free pass (GS)
    2. proposing changes to the rules and/or conditions to create a more inclusive game or to allow for a fairer contest (GS, RS, LLPA, CA)
    3. correctly interpreting and applying rules in physical activities (GS, LLPA)

Levels 5 and 6 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students investigate developmental changes and transitions. They understand the influences people and places have on personal identities. They recognise the influence of emotions on behaviours and discuss factors that influence how people interact. They describe their own and others’ contributions to health, physical activity, safety and wellbeing. They describe the key features of health-related fitness and the significance of physical activity participation to health and wellbeing. They examine how community wellbeing is supported by celebrating diversity and connecting to the natural and built environment.

Students demonstrate skills to work collaboratively and play fairly. They access and interpret health information. They explain and apply strategies to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing at home, at school and in the community. They perform specialised movement skills and propose and combine movement concepts and strategies to achieve movement outcomes and solve movement challenges. They apply the elements of movement when composing and creating movement sequences.

Levels 7 and 8

Levels 7 and 8 Description

The Level 7 and 8 curriculum expands students’ knowledge, understanding and skills to help them achieve successful outcomes in classroom, leisure, social, movement and online situations. Students learn how to take positive action to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. They do this as they examine the nature of their relationships and other factors that influence people...

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Levels 7 and 8 Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Investigate the impact of transition and change on identities (VCHPEP123)
    1. examining the impact of physical changes on gender, cultural and sexual identities (RS, MH)
    2. investigating how changing feelings and attractions are part of developing sexual identities (RS, MH)
    3. identifying feelings and emotions associated with transitions, and practising self-talk and help-seeking strategies to manage these transitions (S, MH)
    4. examining how traditions and cultural practices influence personal and cultural identities (RS, MH)
    5. examining online profiles and identities and developing strategies to promote safety in online environments (S, RS)
  2. Evaluate strategies to manage personal, physical and social changes that occur as they grow older (VCHPEP124)
    1. accessing and assessing health information and services that support young people to manage changes and transitions as they grow older (RS)
    2. investigating the changing nature of peer and family relationships and proposing strategies to manage these changes (RS, MH)
    3. analysing how roles and responsibilities change and evaluating strategies for managing these increasing responsibilities (RS)
    4. evaluating and practising coping, communication and problem-solving skills to manage changes and emotions associated with puberty and getting older (RS, MH)
  3. Examine barriers to seeking support and evaluate strategies to overcome these (VCHPEP125)
    1. examining scenarios to highlight how emotions, dispositions and decision making can affect help-seeking outcomes (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. collaborating with peers to suggest strategies they could use in emergencies, at home, at school or in the community (S, AD, RS, MH)
    3. practising different communication techniques to persuade someone to seek help (S, AD, RS, MH)
    4. exploring help-seeking scenarios young people encounter and sharing strategies for dealing with each situation (S, AD, FN, RS, MH)
    5. demonstrating basic first-aid principles and strategies (S, AD, MH)
    6. proposing ways to support others who are going through a challenging time
  4. Investigate and select strategies to promote health, safety and wellbeing (VCHPEP126)
    1. investigating reasons why young people choose to use or not use drugs, and proposing strategies to make informed choices (AD)
    2. researching a variety of snack and lunch options, and evaluating nutritional value, value for money and sustainability impacts to create a weekly menu plan (FN)
    3. researching opportunities in the local community to participate in regular physical activity and examining how accessible these opportunities are for students (HBPA)
    4. proposing and practising strategies for celebrating safely, including assertiveness, refusal skills, planning travel arrangements and contingency plans (S, AD, FN, RS)
    5. examining strategies for safe practices in different environments, including home, transport and aquatic environments (S)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Investigate the benefits of relationships and examine their impact on their own and others’ health and wellbeing (VCHPEP127)
    1. examining how individuals, family and peer groups influence people’s behaviours, decisions and actions (S, AD, FN, RS, MH)
    2. understanding and applying online and social protocols to enhance relationships with others and protect their own wellbeing, including recognising and responding to inappropriate online content
    3. analysing how their relationships at home and at school influence behaviours and actions (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    4. analysing how behaviours, actions, and responses to situations can change depending on whether they are by themselves, with friends or with family (S, AD, FN, RS, MH)
    5. recognising the impact bullying, violence and harassment can have on peer and family relationships, including online relationships (S, RS)
  2. Analyse factors that influence emotions, and develop strategies to demonstrate empathy and sensitivity (VCHPEP128)
    1. investigating personal, social and cultural factors that influence the way individuals respond emotionally to different situations at home, school and in the community (RS, MH)
    2. exploring different viewpoints, practising being empathetic and considering alternative ways to respond (S, RS, MH)
    3. recognising and interpreting emotional responses to stressful situations at home and at school, and proposing strategies for managing these responses (S, AD, RS, MH)
  3. Develop skills to evaluate health information and express health concerns (VCHPEP129)
    1. analysing the credibility of health messages conveyed by different sources (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. practising ways to communicate concerns about their health to a variety of support people (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Plan and use strategies and resources to enhance the health, safety and wellbeing of their communities (VCHPEP130)
    1. investigating preventive health practices relevant to young people, and designing and implementing health promotion activities targeting these practices (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. investigating food-serving recommendations from The Australian Guide to Healthy Eating and producing a guide to help students make healthy choices when buying food from the school canteen (FN)
    3. examining how different cultures value the contribution of the mind-body-spirit connection to health and wellbeing (MH)
  2. Plan and implement strategies for connecting to natural and built environments to promote the health and wellbeing of their communities (VCHPEP131)
    1. identifying local natural resources and built environments where individuals and groups can connect as a community and participate in physical and social activities (HBPA, LLPA, CA)
    2. reflecting on the physical, social, emotional and spiritual benefits to health and wellbeing of being outdoors and of being active in a natural setting (HBPA, LLPA, CA)
    3. promoting an understanding of minimal-impact outdoor recreation in the local area (LLPA, CA)
    4. exploring how a sense of connection to Country/Place sustains the health and wellbeing of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities (HBPA, MH)
  3. Examine the benefits to individuals and communities of valuing diversity and promoting inclusivity (VCHPEP132)
    1. exploring how kinship and extended-family structures in different cultures support and enhance health and wellbeing (FN, RS)
    2. investigating how respecting diversity and challenging racism, sexism, disability discrimination and homophobia influence individual and community health and wellbeing (S, RS, MH)
    3. examining values and beliefs about cultural and social issues such as gender, race, violence, sexuality and disability (S, RS, MH)
    4. researching how stereotypes and prejudice are challenged in local, national and global contexts (RS, MH)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Use feedback to improve body control and coordination when performing specialised movement skills (VCHPEM133)
    1. analysing their own and others’ performance using ICT and implementing feedback to enhance performance (GS, RE, CA)
    2. participating in activities where vision is compromised to demonstrate the importance of auditory feedback (GS, CA)
    3. using visual and kinaesthetic feedback when coordinating eye–hand and eye–foot movements to control different pieces of equipment (GS, RE, CA)
  2. Compose and perform movement sequences for specific purposes in a variety of contexts (VCHPEM134)
    1. designing and performing movement sequences to create, use and defend space (GS)
    2. composing and performing a group dance sequence in response to a piece of music or other stimuli (RE)
    3. demonstrating control when transitioning between twists, rotations and leaps (RE)
    4. travelling, marking and intercepting to achieve and retain possession (GS)
    5. designing and performing movement sequences to travel around, over, under and through natural or man-made obstacles (CA)
  3. Practise, apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies (VCHPEM135)
    1. examining and demonstrating the similarities of strategies used in different physical activities and how they can be transferred to new movement situations (GS, LLPA, CA)
    2. exploring similarities in the bases of support and flow of movements when performing movement sequences (RE, LLPA, CA)
    3. selecting previously successful strategies and applying the most appropriate when solving new movement challenges (GS, CA)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Participate in physical activities that develop health-related and skill-related fitness components, and create and monitor personal fitness plans (VCHPEM136)
    1. performing physical activities that improve health- and skill-related components of fitness and analysing how the components are developed through these activities (HBPA, LLPA)
    2. measuring heart rate, breathing rate and ability to talk in order to monitor the body’s reaction to a range of physical activities, and predicting the benefits of each activity on health- and skill-related fitness components (HBPA)
    3. designing and monitoring a personal fitness plan that proposes realistic strategies for maintaining fitness, health and wellbeing (HBPA, LLPA)
  2. Demonstrate and explain how the elements of effort, space, time, objects and people can enhance performance (VCHPEM137)
    1. performing a range of movements and analysing technique related to take-off, body position and landing (GS, RE)
    2. demonstrating an understanding of how to adjust the angle of release of an object and how this will affect the height and distance of flight (GS)
    3. creating, performing and appraising movement sequences that demonstrate variations in flow and levels (GS, RE)
    4. designing and refining movement concepts and strategies to manipulate space and their relationship to other players in this space (GS)
  3. Participate in and investigate the cultural and historical significance of a range of physical activities (VCHPEM138)
    1. examining how sport, physical activity and outdoor recreation pursuits have changed over the last century as a result of different cultural groups migrating to Australia (GS, HBPA, LLPA)
    2. researching and participating in a range of physical activities that were performed in the early twentieth century, such as games from the Asia region (GS)
    3. participating in culturally significant physical activities from around the globe and exploring the links to the culture and heritage of the country of origin of these activities (GS, LLPA)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Practise and apply personal and social skills when undertaking a range of roles in physical activities (VCHPEM139)
    1. adopting roles and responsibilities that support and enhance team cohesion and lead to successful movement outcomes (GS, RS, LLPA, CA)
    2. applying an understanding of verbal, physical and situational cues to identify and respond appropriately to the feelings and motives of others when working in a team or group (GS, RS, CA)
    3. reflecting on their role and articulating how the actions they initiated in that role led to the achievement of successful outcomes (GS, RS, LLPA, CA)
    4. undertaking various roles associated with the planning of physical activities (GS, RS, LLPA, CA)
  2. Evaluate and justify reasons for decisions and choices of action when solving movement challenges (VCHPEM140)
    1. explaining and justifying the movement concepts and strategies selected in response to movement challenges (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
    2. demonstrating to others the approach taken to solve movement challenges (GS, RE, CA)
    3. identifying factors that enabled them to achieve success in movement activities and explaining how these factors can be transferred to other learning contexts (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
  3. Modify rules and scoring systems to allow for fair play, safety and inclusive participation (VCHPEM141)
    1. recognising potential hazards and selecting appropriate responses when undertaking physical activities in the natural environment (S, LLPA, CA)
    2. applying scoring systems in activities to assess movement performances consistently and fairly (GS, RE)
    3. modifying rules, equipment or scoring systems to allow all participants to enjoy and succeed (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
    4. applying the principles of ethical behaviour consistently when participating in physical activities (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)

Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students investigate strategies and resources to manage changes and transitions and their impact on identities. Students evaluate the benefits of relationships on wellbeing and respecting diversity. They analyse factors that influence emotional responses. They gather and analyse health information. They investigate strategies that enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. They investigate and apply movement concepts and strategies to achieve movement and fitness outcomes. They examine the cultural and historical significance of physical activities and examine how connecting to the environment can enhance health and wellbeing.

Students explain personal and social skills required to establish and maintain respectful relationships and promote fair play and inclusivity. They justify actions that promote their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing at home, at school and in the community. Students demonstrate control and accuracy when performing specialised movement skills. They apply and refine movement concepts and strategies to suit different movement situations. They apply the elements of movement to compose and perform movement sequences.

Levels 9 and 10

Levels 9 and 10 Description

The Level 9 and 10 curriculum supports students to refine and apply strategies for maintaining a positive outlook and evaluating behavioural expectations in different leisure, social, movement and online situations. Students learn to apply health and physical activity information to devise and implement personalised plans for maintaining healthy and active habits. They also experience different...

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Levels 9 and 10 Content Descriptions

Personal, Social and Community Health

Being healthy, safe and active Elaborations
  1. Evaluate factors that shape identities, and analyse how individuals impact the identities of others (VCHPEP142)
    1. analysing how societal norms, stereotypes and expectations influence the way young people think about their bodies, food, physical activity, sexual health, drugs and/or risk-taking behaviours (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. examining how diversity and gender are represented in the media and communities, and investigating the influence these representations have on identities (RS, MH)
    3. analysing the role of family, friends and community in supporting an individual’s identities, and proposing strategies to enhance their own and others’ wellbeing (RS, MH)
    4. investigating how cultural beliefs and practices surrounding transitions to adulthood differ between cultures (RS, MH)
  2. Examine the impact of changes and transitions on relationships (VCHPEP143)
    1. practising skills to deal with challenging or unsafe situations, such as refusal skills, communicating choices, expressing opinions and initiating contingency plans (S, AD, FN, RS, MH)
    2. asserting their stance on a situation, dilemma or decision by expressing thoughts, opinions and beliefs that acknowledge the feelings of others' (S, AD, RS, MH)
    3. assessing behavioural expectations in different relationships and social situations, and examining how these expectations can influence decisions and actions (S, AD, FN, RS, MH)
  3. Plan, rehearse and evaluate options (including CPR and first aid) for managing situations where their own or others’ health, safety and wellbeing may be at risk (VCHPEP144)
    1. proposing and practising a range of realistic responses to scenarios where peers are encouraging them to take unnecessary risks (S, AD, RS)
    2. planning and practising responses to emergencies where they may be required to administer first aid to a friend, including CPR (S)
    3. critiquing the appropriateness and effectiveness of help and support services available for young people in the local community (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    4. examining policies and processes for ensuring safe blood practices when participating in physical activities (S)
    5. identify a plan and evaluate options to deal with a difficult situation in the home where a family member may be at risk of physical or emotional harm (S, MH)
  4. Identify and critique the accessibility and effectiveness of support services based in the community that impact on the ability to make healthy and safe choices (VCHPEP145)
    1. critiquing images and messages in the media that portray what it means to have a good time and be fun to be around, and evaluating how these images can be interpreted (S, AD, RS)
    2. examining local fast-food options, making healthy selections and advocating healthy choices to peers (FN)
    3. exploring external influences on sexuality and sexual health behaviours, and recognising the impact that decisions and actions can have on own and others’ health and wellbeing (S, RS)
    4. evaluating the influence of personal, family, social, environmental and cultural factors on decisions and actions young people take in relation to their health, safety and wellbeing (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
Communicating and interacting for health and wellbeing Elaborations
  1. Investigate how empathy and ethical decision-making contribute to respectful relationships (VCHPEP146)
    1. investigating the characteristics of positive, respectful relationships and the rights and responsibilities of individuals in relationships (S, RS, MH)
    2. investigating how gender and the balance of power influences the nature of relationships such as intimate and family relationships and proposing actions that can be taken when a relationship is not respectful (S, RS, MH)
    3. comparing own decisions with those of others and acknowledging others’ right to act differently and to change their mind (S, AD, RS, MH)
    4. demonstrating and advocating appropriate bystander behaviour when participating in online interactions. (S, RS)
  2. Evaluate situations and propose appropriate emotional responses and then reflect on possible outcomes of different responses to health and wellbeing (VCHPEP147)
    1. proposing strategies for managing emotional responses and resolving conflict in a family or social situation or online environment (S, RS, MH)
    2. evaluating situations at home and at schools where an individual may react with extreme emotion and reflecting on the impact that this response may have on the situation and/or their relationships (RS, MH)
    3. analysing interactions where emotional responses may not be immediately apparent and reflecting on the possible consequences of not recognising the emotions involved (RS, MH)
  3. Evaluate health information from a range of sources and apply to health decisions and situations (VCHPEP148)
    1. critiquing and selecting the most suitable and reliable sources of health information according to the decision that needs to be made (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. examining actions to take greater responsibility in relation to their own health (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    3. critiquing services that provide advice and support on health-related issues, and investigating ways to store and share contact information of these services with other young people (S, AD, FN, RS, MH)
Contributing to healthy and active communities Elaborations
  1. Plan, implement and critique strategies to enhance the health, safety and wellbeing of their communities (VCHPEP149)
    1. creating and evaluating visual and multimodal health campaigns in print-based and digital environments to promote health and wellbeing in their community (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. developing and implementing proposals to enhance the wellbeing of staff and students in the school (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    3. investigating community-action initiatives young people have instigated that have had a positive influence on the health and wellbeing of their communities (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    4. preparing, delivering and critiquing a class presentation to the community, for example, a presentation to parents on tips for serving and eating food that has been prepared sustainably (FN)
  2. Plan and evaluate new and creative interventions that promote their own and others’ connection to community and natural and built environments (VCHPEP150)
    1. creating and evaluating proposals to promote the use of natural settings within the local community for physical activity (HBPA, LLPA, CA)
    2. designing and critiquing a strategy to involve family, friends and members of the community in cultural celebrations to promote a sense of connection with and belonging to the community (RS, MH)
    3. designing and adopting actions which promote healthy, active and sustainable lifestyles (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    4. investigating different approaches to managing environmental resources, including how Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities demonstrate custodial responsibility for Country/Place (HBPA)
  3. Critique behaviours and contextual factors that influence the health and wellbeing of their communities (VCHPEP151)
    1. examining social, cultural and economic factors that influence the health behaviours of people in their community (S, AD, FN, RS, HBPA, MH)
    2. investigating community health resources to evaluate how accessible they are for marginalised individuals and groups, and proposing changes to promote greater inclusiveness and accessibility (RS, MH)
    3. analysing the implications of attitudes and behaviours such as prejudice, marginalisation, homophobia, sexism, discrimination, violence and harassment on individuals and communities, and proposing counter-measures to prevent these behaviours (S, RS, MH)
    4. investigating the role that extended family and broader community play in the lives of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples (RS, MH)

Movement and Physical Activity

Moving the body Elaborations
  1. Perform and refine specialised movement skills in challenging movement situations (VCHPEM152)
    1. adapting and responding to changes in equipment that increase the complexity of a movement task or performance (GS, RE, CA)
    2. transferring skills learnt in one movement situation to a different situation (GS, RE, CA)
    3. performing specialised movement skills in situations where the rules or conditions have been modified to vary complexity (GS, RE, CA)
    4. using feedback from a variety of sources to refine specialised movement skills and performances
  2. Evaluate own and others’ movement compositions, and provide and apply feedback in order to enhance performance situations (VCHPEM153)
    1. using knowledge of results feedback to support another student in performing a skill with greater accuracy or control (GS, RE, CA)
    2. responding to teacher and peer feedback to enhance performance (GS, RE, CA)
    3. using ICT to record others’ performance, and providing feedback on synchronicity and timing of movements in relation to other people, objects or external stimuli (GS, RE)
    4. providing constructive feedback on their own and others’ performance by using movement-analysis software to break down a skill or sequence (GS, RE, CA)
  3. Develop, implement and evaluate movement concepts and strategies for successful outcomes (VCHPEM154)
    1. using established criteria to apply and evaluate the effectiveness of movement concepts and strategies (GS, RE, CA)
    2. developing and implementing appropriate movement concepts and strategies for selected movement scenarios (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
    3. reviewing, proposing and implementing alternative responses to movement situations based on the outcome of previous performances (GS, RE, CA)
Understanding movement Elaborations
  1. Design, implement and evaluate personalised plans for improving or maintaining their own and others’ physical activity and fitness levels (VCHPEM155)
    1. using ICT to design, implement and monitor a personal fitness plan which includes a timeframe, goals and a variety of specific activities that meet the needs of different people (HBPA, LLPA)
    2. investigating target training heart-rate zones for a range of different people and how these zones relate to health, wellbeing and fitness (HBPA, LLPA)
    3. justifying the selection of physical activities included in a personalised plan linked to the components of health- and skill-related fitness they wish to improve or maintain (HBPA, LLPA)
    4. using non-specialised equipment to develop health- or skill-related fitness circuits that can be used by family or community members (HBPA, LLPA)
  2. Analyse the impact of effort, space, time, objects and people when composing and performing movement sequences (VCHPEM156)
    1. experimenting with the manipulation of force and speed applied to an object to examine the difference created in movement paths (GS)
    2. demonstrating and describing how the body can absorb force
    3. creating a group performance that demonstrates synchronous and individual movements (RE)
    4. using ICT to analyse movements and enhance movement sequences and performances (GS, RE)
  3. Examine the role physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport play in the lives of Australians and investigate how this has changed over time (VCHPEM157)
    1. exploring their importance as a social and cultural practice through participation in a range of physical activities from the Asia region, such as yoga, tai chi, martial arts and Asia-inspired dance and performance art (GS, RE, LLPA)
    2. researching the trends in participation in organised junior sports and predicting future trends and directions (GS, RE, HBPA, LLPA)
    3. investigating the varied perspectives held by Australians on sport and examining how this diversity is represented in the sports we play today (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
    4. exploring the impact of media messages associated with physical activity, outdoor recreation and sport in Australia (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
    5. analysing the significant contributions Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people make to sport in Australia (GS)
Learning through movement Elaborations
  1. Devise, implement and refine strategies demonstrating leadership and collaboration skills when working in groups or teams (VCHPEM158)
    1. evaluating the contribution they make as an individual to teamwork, leadership and enjoyable participation for all (GS, RE, RS, LLPA, CA)
    2. using self-talk and encouragement to motivate themselves and team members to continue to participate and improve performance (GS, RE, RS, LLPA, CA)
    3. creating and implementing self-assessment and peer-assessment tools to evaluate performance in a variety of roles (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
    4. identifying and critiquing leadership styles and group/team dynamics through collaboratively solving initiative games (GS, RE, RS, LLPA, CA)
  2. Transfer understanding from previous movement experiences to create solutions to movement challenges (VCHPEM159)
    1. drawing parallels between successful movement strategies in one sporting situation and how similar strategies could be used effectively in a different sport (GS)
    2. speculating on possible outcomes of innovative solutions to movement challenges based on past experiences (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
    3. reflecting on successful movement solutions and proposing how they can be transferred to new movement challenges (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
    4. demonstrating motivation, persistence, confidence and commitment when faced with difficult or unfamiliar movement tasks (GS, RE, LLPA, CA)
  3. Reflect on how fair play and ethical behaviour can influence the outcomes of movement activities (VCHPEM160)
    1. participating in competitions where players rather than an independent official are responsible for applying the rules (GS)
    2. discussing the role in promoting fairness and ethical behaviour in sport of organisations such as the Australian Sports Anti-Doping Authority, sporting tribunals, Australian Human Rights Commission and the Court of Arbitration for Sport
    3. reflect on how equitable participation in group activities can influence outcomes in physical activity (GS, LLPA, CA)
    4. investigating the impact of performance-enhancing drugs on individuals and sporting codes (GS, LLPA, CA)

Levels 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students critically analyse contextual factors that influence their identities, relationships, decisions and behaviours. They analyse the impact of attitudes and beliefs about diversity on community connection and wellbeing. They evaluate the outcomes of emotional responses to different situations. Students access, synthesise and apply health information from credible sources to propose and justify responses to situations in the home, in the school and the community. Students propose and evaluate interventions to improve fitness and physical activity levels in their communities. They examine the role physical activity has played historically in defining cultures and cultural identities.

Students identify and analyse factors that contribute to respectful relationships. They explain the importance of cooperation, leadership and fair play across a range of health and movement contexts. They compare and contrast a range of actions that could be undertaken to enhance their own and others’ health, safety and wellbeing. They apply and transfer movement concepts and strategies to new and challenging movement situations. They apply criteria to make judgments about and refine their own and others’ specialised movement skills and movement performances. They work collaboratively to design and apply solutions to movement challenges.

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