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  1. F–10 Sequence
  2. F-2
  3. 3-4
  4. 5-6
  5. 7-8
  6. 9-10
  7. 7–10 Sequence
  8. 7-8
  9. 9-10

F–10 Sequence Foundation to Level 2

Foundation to Level 2 Description

Students become familiar with the sounds and rhythms of German, approximating the pronunciation and phrasing of single words and short phrases, including distinctive sounds such as ch, r, th, u and z, and diphthongs such as au, ei, eu and ie. They use simple basic sentence structures and familiar vocabulary for everyday functions such as greetings, asking and answering questions, responding...

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Foundation to Level 2 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact and socialise with peers and teacher to exchange greetings and information about self and family, and express likes and dislikes (VCDEC103)
  2. Participate in guided group activities using simple repetitive language in songs, rhymes, games and transactions (VCDEC104)
  3. Recognise and respond to instructions and questions about activities, games and classroom routines, and make polite requests (VCDEC105)
  1. Identify key words and information in simple shared texts related to personal worlds (VCDEC106)
  2. Convey factual information about self, family and possessions through pictures, labels, captions and short descriptions, using familiar words and modelled language (VCDEC107)
  1. Engage with a range of imaginative texts through action, dance, singing, drawing, shared reading and collaborative retelling (VCDEC108)
  2. Express ideas and experiences in a variety of ways using familiar words and modelled language, such as through imaginative role-play, mime, drawing, oral discussion or scaffolded writing activities (VCDEC109)
  1. Share with peers and family what they know in German, identifying different words and expressions, moving between languages depending on the audience (VCDEC110)
  2. Create print or digital texts such as labels, posters, word banks and wall charts for the immediate learning environment in both German and English (VCDEC111)
  1. Notice similarities and differences when using German compared to own language, such as how it feels, sounds and looks, and involves behaviours as well as words (VCDEC112)
  2. Express aspects of self, such as family, school/class, age and language(s), noticing how these are part of one’s sense of identity (VCDEC113)


Systems of language
  1. Recognise and reproduce the sounds and rhythms of spoken German, including distinctive sounds (VCDEU114)
  2. Understand some first elements of German grammar, such as simple verb forms, definite articles and pronouns, to identify and describe people and objects in the family and school domains (VCDEU115)
  3. Understand that language is organised as ‘texts’, which take different forms and use different structures and features to achieve their purposes (VCDEU116)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise that in German, as in English and other languages, there are different ways of greeting and interacting with people (VCDEU117)
  2. Recognise that Australia has speakers of many different languages, including German, and that German and English borrow words and expressions from each other (VCDEU118)
Role of language and culture
  1. Notice that the languages people use relate to who they are and where and how they live (VCDEU119)

Foundation to Level 2 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 2, students interact with teachers and peers through action-related talk and play. They introduce themselves, exchange greetings and farewells, for example, Ich heiße … Auf Wiedersehen! and express likes and dislikes. When interacting, they use short formulaic expressions, for example, Morgen! Danke! Alles Gute zum Geburtstag! Frohe Weihnachten! Guten Appetit! and make simple statements, such as Das ist … Ich wohne in … Ich mag … They use repetitive language and respond to simple instructions when participating in games, shared activities and classroom routines. They use visual, non-verbal and contextual cues such as intonation, gestures and facial expressions to help make meaning, and reproduce some distinctive sounds and rhythms of spoken German, including ch, u, r and z. Students identify specific words and information, such as names of people, places or objects, in simple shared texts related to personal worlds. They convey factual information about self, family and possessions at word and simple sentence level. They respond to and create simple spoken and written texts, using modelled examples and formulaic language. They use short phrases and simple...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 3 and 4

Levels 3 and 4 Description

Students notice features of German communication such as the use of gestures, facial expressions and intonation patterns. They become familiar with the idea of grammatical gender and become familiar with how to use singular and plural forms. As they encounter German language and culture they make comparisons with their own language(s) and culture(s) and consider their own ways of communicating.


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Levels 3 and 4 Content Descriptions


  1. Share information with peers and teacher about aspects of their personal worlds such as friends, home, favourite objects and activities (VCDEC120)
  2. Participate collaboratively in shared class experiences and transactions (VCDEC121)
  3. Participate in everyday classroom activities, responding to questions, instructions and requests, asking for clarification or assistance and making simple statements about own and others’ learning (VCDEC122)
  1. Obtain and process information from peers and texts related to personal, social and natural worlds (VCDEC123)
  2. Present information in modelled spoken and written texts relating to personal, social and natural worlds (VCDEC124)
  1. Respond to imaginative print and digital texts in a variety of ways such as by acting out events, identifying favourite elements and making simple statements about characters (VCDEC125)
  2. Create imaginative texts such as simple plays, poems and stories, using formulaic expressions and modelled language as well as simple visual supports (VCDEC126)
  1. Compare aspects of German and English language, such as vocabulary, sounds and rhymes, and cultural information, and share with peers and family (VCDEC127)
  2. Produce texts such as signs, class word lists and picture dictionaries in both German and English for the classroom and school community (VCDEC128)
  1. Notice and describe what looks or feels similar or different to own language and culture when interacting in German (VCDEC129)
  2. Describe their own experiences of learning and using German and explore their sense of identity, including elements such as family, cultural heritage and friends (VCDEC130)


Systems of language
  1. Experiment with the pronunciation of vowel sounds, letter combinations and intonation patterns, and recognise and write high-frequency words and expressions in familiar contexts (VCDEU131)
  2. Notice and apply elements of German grammar such as gender and singular/plural forms, adjectives, adverbs, pronouns and word order in simple spoken and written texts (VCDEU132)
  3. Identify the purposes of familiar personal, informative and imaginative texts such as maps, calendars and fairy tales, and explain how particular features of such texts help to achieve these purposes (VCDEU133)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise some of the common variations in German as it is used in different contexts by different people (VCDEU134)
  2. Recognise that German and English are related languages and that German is an important European and global language (VCDEU135)
Role of language and culture
  1. Make connections between culture and language use, for example, by identifying vocabulary and expressions that reflect cultural values, traditions or practices (VCDEU136)

Levels 3 and 4 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 4, students interact with teachers and peers in classroom routines, action-related talk and play. They respond to instructions and use formulaic expressions to interact, ask questions, seek assistance, and make statements related to their personal worlds, for example, bitte schön; Ich bin dran; Welche Farbe? Wie viele Geschwister hast du? Mein Lieblingsspiel ist Lotto. They reproduce German short and long single vowel and diphthong sounds, including Umlaute, and Eszett, and initial consonants and blends, for example, Post/los, mein, die, Bruder/Brüder, heißen, ja, rot, singen, Sport, Winter, zwei. They answer questions related to their personal worlds with factual information, and respond to imaginative texts by identifying favourite elements, sequencing main events and producing short scaffolded summaries. They create short, simple sentences from modelled language and use coordinating conjunctions, for example, und, aber, oder, to compose short original texts. They use some forms of common regular verbs in the present tense, (for example, heißen, kosten, spielen, wohnen), some irregular verb forms, (for example, bin, bist, ist, sind, hast, hat), and limited...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 5 and 6

Levels 5 and 6 Description

Students increase their range of German vocabulary, pronunciation, and grammar and textual knowledge. They use present tense forms of regular and irregular verbs, including some modal verbs and common separable verbs, and use plural forms of nouns and possessive adjectives. They add detail and expand simple sentences by using adverbs, phrases and some conjunctions. They move between statement...

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Levels 5 and 6 Content Descriptions


  1. Interact using descriptive and expressive language to share information about daily life, relate experiences and express feelings (VCDEC137)
  2. Participate in guided tasks such as planning and organising events and completing transactions (VCDEC138)
  3. Use simple questions, statements and responses to participate in and support classroom interactions and learning activities, and to indicate understanding and monitor own learning (VCDEC139)
  1. Gather, compare and respond to information from different sources relating to social and natural worlds (VCDEC140)
  2. Convey information and opinions in different formats to suit specific audiences and purposes, selecting appropriate print and multimodal elements (VCDEC141)
  1. Share and compare responses to characters, events and ideas in imaginative texts, making connections with own experience and feelings (VCDEC142)
  2. Present, reinterpret or create alternative versions of imaginative texts, adapting events, characters or settings (VCDEC143)
  1. Explain aspects of German language and culture for family or peers, noticing that there are not always equivalent expressions in English (VCDEC144)
  2. Create a range of bilingual texts such as notices, announcements, photo stories, dialogues and instructions for language learning and the school community (VCDEC145)
  1. Engage in intercultural interactions, describing aspects of language and culture that are unfamiliar or uncomfortable, and discussing own reactions and adjustments (VCDEC146)
  2. Reflect on aspects of own identity and language use, commenting on and suggesting reasons for what is similar/different and easy/difficult (VCDEC147)


Systems of language
  1. Explain and apply basic rules for German pronunciation, intonation, spelling and punctuation (VCDEU148)
  2. Develop and apply knowledge of German grammatical elements such as verb tenses, modal verbs and case, combining them with an increasing range of nouns, adjectives and adverbs to construct sentences (VCDEU149)
  3. Recognise that different types of texts, such as narratives, recounts and informative and procedural texts, have certain conventions and can take different forms depending on the context in which they are produced (VCDEU150)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise that there are variations in German as it is used in different contexts by different people, such as formal/informal register and regional variations (VCDEU151)
  2. Understand why language is important and recognise that languages and cultures change over time and influence one another (VCDEU152)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that own and others’ language use is shaped by and reflects the values, ideas and norms of a community (VCDEU153)

Levels 5 and 6 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 6, students use written and spoken German for classroom interactions, to carry out transactions, and to share ideas and opinions, relate experiences and express feelings. They use complete sentences in familiar contexts to ask questions such as, Bist du fertig? Was machst du jetzt? Verstehst du das? respond to requests and share experiences of learning, for example, Ich kann gut sprechen, aber ich finde das Lesen und Schreiben schwierig. They use descriptive and expressive vocabulary, including adjectives such as aufgeregt, glücklich, nervös, sauer and traurig, to express feelings and make statements such as Ich nehme ein Käsebrötchen. They use appropriate intonation for simple statements, questions and exclamations, and correct pronunciation, for example, for the two different pronunciations of ch. They gather and compare information from different sources about social and natural worlds, and convey information and opinions in different formats to suit specific audiences and purposes. They describe characters, events and ideas encountered in texts, and re-create imaginative texts to reflect their imaginative experience. When creating texts, they manipulate...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 7 and 8

Levels 7 and 8 Description

Students gain more control of grammatical and textual elements such as the case system, prepositions and tenses, using the present perfect (Perfekt) tense of verbs conjugated with haben and sein and the simple past (Imperfekt) tenses. They use German with increasing accuracy and fluency, drafting and editing texts to improve structure and effect and to clarify meaning. Students analyse the relationship...

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Levels 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


  1. Initiate and participate in interactions with peers and adults to discuss and exchange views and experiences (VCDEC154)
  2. Engage in tasks and transactions that involve negotiation and problem-solving (VCDEC155)
  3. Interact in classroom activities and discussions through asking and responding to open-ended questions, giving opinions and making suggestions (VCDEC156)
  1. Access, summarise and analyse information and opinions from a range of sources relating to topical issues of shared interest (VCDEC157)
  2. Convey information and ideas on different topics, issues and events, describing and comparing views, perspectives and experiences, and using modes of presentation to suit different audiences (VCDEC158)
  1. Respond to a range of imaginative texts by expressing opinions and feelings about key ideas and making connections with personal experiences and other texts (VCDEC159)
  2. Create individual and shared texts about imagined people, places and experiences, to entertain others (VCDEC160)
  1. Interpret and/or translate for friends or visitors terms associated with German or own culture (VCDEC161)
  2. Create bilingual resources such as games, vocabulary cards, glossaries, word lists and labelled posters for language learning and the wider community (VCDEC162)
  1. Participate in intercultural experiences, demonstrating awareness of the importance of shared understanding, and reflecting on adjustments made as a result of reactions and responses (VCDEC163)
  2. Consider how personal experiences, family origins, traditions and beliefs impact on identity and shape intercultural experiences (VCDEC164)


Systems of language
  1. Recognise the pronunciation of loan words, and understand and apply knowledge of similarities and differences between German and English punctuation (VCDEU165)
  2. Extend knowledge of elements of the German grammatical system, including prepositions, reflexive verbs, adverbial phrases and subordinating conjunctions, to specify and describe people, objects and places, sequence events and qualify opinions (VCDEU166)
  3. Understand the structures and conventions associated with different types of personal, informative and persuasive texts such as emails, news items and advertisements (VCDEU167)
Language variation and change
  1. Identify features of German that vary according to audience, context and purpose in familiar spoken and written texts (VCDEU168)
  2. Understand that German, like other languages, continues to change over time due to influences such as globalisation and new technologies and knowledge (VCDEU169)
Role of language and culture
  1. Reflect on different aspects of the cultural dimension of learning and using German (VCDEU170)

Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students use written and spoken German to interact with teachers, peers and others; to make decisions, solve problems and negotiate transactions; and to exchange and justify ideas, opinions and views. When interacting, they use both rehearsed and spontaneous language to ask and respond to open-ended questions and express, compare and justify opinions, for example, Sie glaubt, dass … Ich bin dafür, weil … They apply rules of pronunciation, rhythm, stress and intonation to a range of sentence types and words, including loan words from English. They obtain, summarise and evaluate information from a range of sources. They express opinions and feelings in response to imaginative texts, and make connections with their own experiences and other texts. They plan, draft and present original imaginative and informative texts, following models to link and sequence events and ideas using both adverbs such as danach, dann, früher, vorher and common subordinating conjunctions, for example, als, wenn, weil, dass. They use some modal verbs and imperative forms, for example, Was soll ich machen? Du kannst … Kauf die neue App! They refer to a person, object or place using...

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F–10 Sequence Levels 9 and 10

Levels 9 and 10 Description

Students expand their knowledge and control of grammatical elements such as register, future tense, reflexive verbs and subordinate clauses. They examine the processes involved in learning and using a different language, recognising cognitive, cultural, personal and linguistic processes. They explore the reciprocal nature of intercultural communication: how moving between different languages...

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Levels 9 and 10 Content Descriptions


  1. Initiate and participate in sustained interactions, using formal and informal registers, to seek and give advice, to describe past events, future aspirations and social issues, and to express and justify opinions (VCDEC171)
  2. Engage in a range of shared activities such as managing events and arguing for a course of action by persuading others to change their opinion and/or behaviour (VCDEC172)
  3. Extend language to describe and reflect on the experience of learning and using German (VCDEC173)
  1. Investigate, synthesise and evaluate information from different perspectives on local and global issues, identifying how context and culture affect how information is presented (VCDEC174)
  2. Convey ideas, information and views from multiple sources, using different modes of presentation to suit different audiences and to achieve different purposes (VCDEC175)
  1. Engage with a variety of imaginative texts, analysing the main ideas, values and techniques, and discussing issues and themes, using evidence from the texts to support their views (VCDEC176)
  2. Create a variety of imaginative texts using different devices such as imagery and sound effects to engage a range of audiences (VCDEC177)
  1. Interpret and/or translate German and English texts, identifying and explaining culture-specific aspects and expressions that do not translate easily (VCDEC178)
  2. Create bilingual texts which reflect and explain aspects of culture and language for different German-speaking and Australian audiences (VCDEC179)
  1. Make choices while using German, recognising own assumptions and responsibility for modifying language and behaviours in relation to different cultural perspectives (VCDEC180)
  2. Explore and express own identity and ability to act as a cultural mediator between German speakers and Australians (VCDEC181)


Systems of language
  1. Explore the features of spoken and written language, and apply variations in relation to features such as stress, pronunciation and contractions (VCDEU182)
  2. Understand and apply in complex sentences a range of vocabulary and grammatical structures, including future tense, imperative mood and some relative pronouns, for the purposes of interaction, narration, description, persuasion, argument and exposition (VCDEU183)
  3. Describe the interrelationship between text types, language choices, audience, context and purpose, and identify the role culture plays in the creation and interpretation of texts (VCDEU184)
Language variation and change
  1. Analyse and explain how and why language is used differently in a range of texts, considering features such as dialects and register (VCDEU185)
  2. Understand the influence of language on people’s actions, values and beliefs, and appreciate the scale and importance of linguistic diversity (VCDEU186)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that language and culture are interrelated and that they shape and are shaped by each other (VCDEU187)

Levels 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students use written and spoken German to initiate and sustain interactions with teachers, peers and others in a range of settings and for a range of purposes. They use language spontaneously in the classroom environment to seek clarification and advice, assist others, initiate conversations and discussions, debate a course of action, share learning strategies and comment on the contribution of others, for example, Meinen Sie, dass …? Was würdest du an meiner Stelle tun? Simon hat Unrecht. Meiner Meinung nach ist Kims Geschichte am lustigsten. Ich sehe deutsche Filme, um meine Aussprache zu verbessern. They describe plans and aspirations using future tense, for example, Wir werden bald in Deutschland sein. Ich werde sicher die 12. Klasse zu Ende machen, und dann werde ich hoffentlich studieren. They state facts and relate experiences, such as, Wir haben fast alle unsere Lernziele für das Halbjahr erreicht. Mit 5 Jahren spielte ich mit Puppen und konnte lesen., using past tense forms, Perfekt and Imperfekt, of regular and irregular verbs. When speaking, they use appropriate pronunciation, intonation and stress in a range of sentence types, including variations...

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7–10 Sequence Levels 7 and 8

Levels 7 and 8 Description

Students become familiar with the sounds of German, including pronunciation, rhythm, intonation and stress. They recognise similarities with many English words, noting differences in pronunciation (Computer, Buch, Auto). They approximate the pronunciation and phrasing of single words and short phrases, including distinctive sounds such as ch, r, th, u and z, diphthongs such as au, ei, eu and ie, a...

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Levels 7 and 8 Content Descriptions


  1. Socialise and interact with teacher and peers to exchange greetings, good wishes, and factual information about self, family, home, school and interests, and express likes, dislikes and preferences (VCDEC001)
  2. Make plans and arrangements to carry out activities together and obtain goods or services, through transacting with others in simple and guided real or simulated situations (VCDEC002)
  3. Participate in classroom routines and exchanges by following instructions, asking and answering questions, apologising and making requests (VCDEC003)
  1. Identify topic, gist and specific points of information in a range of simple spoken and written texts relating to own world and that of other teenagers (VCDEC004)
  2. Present in modelled spoken and written texts information relating to own world and that of other teenagers (VCDEC005)
  1. Engage with imaginative and creative texts by identifying, describing and discussing key elements, including characters, events and ideas (VCDEC006)
  2. Reinterpret or adapt a familiar text and/or use a modelled structure and language to create simple and original imaginative texts (VCDEC007)
  1. Translate and interpret texts such as greetings, signs, emails and conversations, from German to English and vice versa, noticing similarities and differences (VCDEC008)
  2. Create and maintain individual and shared bilingual texts and resources such as signs, word lists, posters, games and photo stories (VCDEC009)
  1. Engage with German speakers and texts, noticing how interactions involve culture as well as language (VCDEC010)
  2. Reflect on experiences of learning and using another language, and share aspects of own identity, such as age, interests and family background, reflecting on how these impact on intercultural exchange (VCDEC011)


Systems of language
  1. Recognise and use key features of the German sound system, including pronunciation, rhythm, stress and intonation, and identify main similarities and differences between the phonological and orthographic systems of English and German (VCDEU012)
  2. Develop knowledge of elements of the German grammatical system, including gender and number, nominative and accusative cases, present tense of regular and some irregular verbs, personal pronouns, possessive adjectives and word order, to describe people, objects, actions, events and relationships (VCDEU013)
  3. Recognise and use structures and other textual features of common spoken, written and multimodal texts such as invitations, emails, surveys, advertisements and music video clips (VCDEU014)
Language variation and change
  1. Recognise some of the common variations in German as it is used in different contexts and locations by different people (VCDEU015)
  2. Recognise that German and English are related languages and that German is an important European and global language (VCDEU016)
Role of language and culture
  1. Understand that language use is shaped by and reflects the values, ideas and norms of a community (VCDEU017)

Levels 7 and 8 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 8, students share information about their personal worlds, including personal details, family, friends, interests, likes, dislikes and preferences. They interact with others to carry out transactions, participate in class routines and socialise. They use modelled language and simple expressions to ask and respond to familiar questions and give and respond to instructions, such as, Hört gut zu!; Hol’ einen Laptop!; Wer ist das?; Woher kommt dein Vater?; Hast du Geschwister?, request help or permission, for example, Ich möchte … , bitte.; Hilfe, bitte!; Darf ich bitte auf die Toilette gehen?, ask for information, clarification or assistance, such as, Wie bitte? Hast du mein Buch? Wie sagt man das auf Deutsch?, and clarify answers, for example, Das ist meine Freundin und sie kommt aus China. ... Ja, ich habe zwei Brüder, sie heißen Nick und Max.. When socialising, they make simple statements such as Ich mag Fuβball, aber Toms Lieblingssport ist Basketball. They use key features of pronunciation, stress and intonation, including short and long vowel sounds, single consonants, blends and diphthongs, in different words, phrases and sentences, such as,ja, rot, singen...

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7–10 Sequence Levels 9 and 10

Levels 9 and 10 Description

Students expand their knowledge and control of grammatical elements such as register, future tense, reflexive verbs and subordinate clauses. They examine the processes involved in learning and using a different language, recognising the cognitive, cultural, personal and linguistic processes. They explore how moving between different languages and cultural systems impacts on ways of thinking...

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Levels 9 and 10 Content Descriptions


  1. Initiate and maintain interactions with peers and adults by seeking and offering ideas, opinions and feelings as well as information related to relationships, school experience, community and future plans (VCDEC018)
  2. Interact with others to make decisions and solve problems to complete tasks such as obtaining goods or services, and negotiate with peers to take individual and/or collective action (VCDEC019)
  3. Develop classroom language to contribute to structured discussions and monitor learning by giving and following instructions and advice, making suggestions, asking questions for clarification, and expressing agreement or disagreement (VCDEC020)
  1. Access and analyse information, feelings and opinions in a range of digital, print and multimodal texts (VCDEC021)
  2. Present information and opinions in different modes and familiar text types appropriate to audience, context and purpose, applying conventions of text types (VCDEC022)
  1. Respond to a range of contemporary and traditional imaginative texts (including excerpts) by summarising, reorganising, expressing reactions and opinions, or modifying aspects (VCDEC023)
  2. Create a variety of imaginative texts to entertain, convey ideas and express emotions (VCDEC024)
  1. Translate and interpret aspects of informative and imaginative texts, identifying and explaining some of the challenges involved and adjustments required when transferring meaning between languages and cultures (VCDEC025)
  2. Create bilingual texts such as captions, glossaries or footnotes to interpret cultural and linguistic aspects of texts (VCDEC026)
  1. Interact with a range of German speakers and texts, being aware of audience and context, and recognising that intercultural communication involves shared responsibility for meaning-making (VCDEC027)
  2. Reflect on self as a language user and discuss own and others’ cultural identity, considering how it is both shaped by and influences ways of communicating and thinking (VCDEC028)


Systems of language
  1. Notice examples in spoken German of variation in features such as pronunciation, rhythm and stress, and the use of contractions; and articulate and apply in writing common German spelling and punctuation rules, such as for commas and quotation marks (VCDEU029)
  2. Extend grammatical knowledge, including of cases, demonstrative and interrogative adjectives, prepositions, common subordinating conjunctions, and past and future tenses, to describe, situate and link people, objects and events in time and place (VCDEU030)
  3. Identify, comprehend and create a range of different text types, including simple narrative, informative and persuasive texts such as diary entries, letters, advertisements and articles, incorporating appropriate linguistic, textual and cultural elements (VCDEU031)
Language variation and change
  1. Identify and analyse linguistic features of German that vary according to audience, context and purpose in familiar modelled spoken and written texts (VCDEU032)
  2. Understand that language has power and changes over time as a result of contact with other languages and with influences such as globalisation and new technologies and knowledge (VCDEU033)
Role of language and culture
  1. Explore the dynamic nature of the relationship between language, culture and communication and how it impacts on attitudes and beliefs (VCDEU034)

Levels 9 and 10 Achievement Standard

By the end of Level 10, students initiate and maintain interactions in written and spoken German to communicate ideas, thoughts, feelings and information related to relationships, school experiences, the community and future plans. They interact with others to make decisions, solve problems, and negotiate and plan action in response to issues. When interacting, they use both rehearsed and spontaneous language. They ask and respond to familiar questions, for example, Wir sind in den Ferien oft ins Schwimmbad gegangen. Was hast du gemacht? Ich finde meine Schule gut, und du? Wie findest du deine Schule? and make comparisons, such as, Meine Freundin ist fleiβiger als ich. They give opinions explain problems and ask for advice or clarification, for example, Ich wohne gern auf dem Land, weil ... , Ich habe mein Passwort vergessen. Was soll ich machen? Wie lernt man die deutschen Verben?. They apply rules of pronunciation, intonation and stress, including variations such as contractions. They locate, analyse and record information, feelings and opinions from a range of texts. They respond to and re-create imaginative texts, and use descriptive and expressive vocabulary to communicate...

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